Friday, May 24, 2013

Όχι ρε gamoto, έφυγε η ...Χιουρέμ ! (VIDEO: Muhteşem Yüzyıl 100.Bölüm)

Γράφει ο Νίκος Χειλαδάκης

Θρήνος και οδυρμός στην Τουρκία μόλις έγινε γνωστό ότι η περίφημη Γερμανοτουρκάλα ηθοποιός, Meryem Uzerli, η γνωστή σαν Χιουρέμ, παράτησε σύξυλους τους Τούρκους στο εκατοστό επεισόδιο της περίφημης σειράς, «Σουλεϊμάν ο Μεγαλόπρεπης» που κάνει θραύση και στην Ελλάδα και έφυγε στην Γερμανία χωρίς να τους πει τίποτα για το πότε θα γυρίσει για να συνεχιστούν τα γυρίσματα. Αλήθεια τώρα τι θρήνος θα πέσει τους Έλληνες τουρκολάγνους που περίμεναν κάθε μέρα με αγωνία την συνέχεια του τουρκικού σήριαλ της τουρκικής ιστορικής διαστρέβλωσης και της ελληνικής αποχαύνωσης.

Όπως έγινε γνωστό εδώ και λίγες μέρες η Meryem Uzerli μετά από ολιγοήμερες διακοπές στο τουρκικό θέρετρο του Μπόντρουμ και ενώ διασκέδαζε αισθάνθηκε αδιαθεσία και αποφάσισε να γυρίσει στην Κωνσταντινούπολη. Από εκεί και χωρίς σχεδόν να ειδοποιήσει κανένα πήρε το αεροπλάνο και έφυγε για την Γερμανία για να επισκεφτεί όπως διομολογήθηκε τους δικούς της που ζουν μόνιμα εκεί. Στην Γερμανία όμως όπως έγινε γνωστό εισήχθηκε σε κάποια κλινική γιατί τα σημάδια της υπερκόπωσης από τα γυρίσματα του σήριαλ είχαν γίνει εμφανή ενώ η ίδια δήλωσε πως είναι Γερμανίδα υπήκοος και θέλει να κάνει θεραπεία στην Γερμανία.

Το νέο έπεσε σαν βόμβα στην Τουρκία και οι Τούρκοι ιθύνοντες αναγκάστηκαν να διακόψουν την σειρά που είχε φτάσει αισίως στο 100ο επεισόδιο ενώ έχει σπάσει όλα τα ρεκόρ τηλεθέασης καθώς όπως αναφέρεται περίπου 250 εκατομμύρια τηλεθεατών στην Τουρκία και σε πολλές άλλες χώρες παρακολουθούν τον Σουλεϊμάν. Έτσι την περασμένη Τέταρτη και ενώ την συνηθισμένη ώρα, 8.μμ, είχαν στηθεί οι Τούρκοι τηλεθεατές να παρακολουθήσουν το καινούργιο επεισόδιο αυτό δεν μεταδόθηκε δίνοντας αφορμή για πολλά σχόλια αναστατώνοντας τον τηλεοπτικό κόσμο της Τουρκίας. Στα τουρκικά ΜΜΕ γράφτηκε πως η Γερμανοτουρκάλα ηθοποιός παραπονιόνταν τελευταία ότι δεν είναι δυνατό να γυρίζονται επεισόδια διάρκειας 1,30 ώρα κάτι που την κούραζε ενώ υποστήριζε πως τα επεισόδια της σειράς θα πρέπει να κοπούν λιγάκι και να γίνουν της μιας ώρας. «Έτσι όλοι θα είμαστε ευχαριστημένοι», δήλωσε στην τουρκική εφημερίδα Millıyet.

Φυσικά στην εταιρεία που έχει αναλάβει το γύρισμα των επεισοδίων έχει πέσει πανικός και όπως φαίνεται η Meryem Uzerli δεν σκοπεύει να γυρίσει σύντομα με αποτέλεσμα αντί για επεισόδια να παίζονται συνεχώς διαφημιστικά τρέιλερ για το επόμενο επεισόδιο που κανείς δεν ξέρει πότε θα γυριστεί. Πολλοί μάλιστα άρχισαν να μιλούν για εξεύρεση κάποιας αντικαταστάτριας αλλά κάτι τέτοιο όπως αναφέρεται θα είναι καταστροφή για την σειρά καθώς η Γερμανοτουρκάλα ηθοποιός έχει ταυτιστεί με την μεγάλη επιτυχία του σήριαλ.

Εδώ στην Ελλάδα ευτυχώς για όλους τους τουρκολάγνους υπάρχουν ακόμα πολλά επεισόδια για να τα παρακολουθήσουν και μέχρι να φτάσουν εκεί που τα παράτησε η Meryem Uzerli σίγουρα θα έχει βρεθεί κάποια λύση. Έτσι να μην ανησυχούν μήπως… πάθουν και τίποτα από την αγωνία !




  1. Hürrem Sultan grev başlattı .....

    Ödül aldığı törenlerde dizi sürelerine isyan eden Muhteşem Yüzyıl’ın Hürrem Sultan’ı Meryem Uzerli, pazar günü Berlin’e gidip dönmedi. “Psikolojim bozuk, tedavi olacağım” diyen Uzerli, dönmesi için ikna edilmeye çalışılıyor....

    Tüm dünyada 220 milyon seyirciye ulaşan ilk Türk dizisi olan “Muhteşem Yüzyıl”ın geçen çarşamba duyuruları yapılan 100. bölümü ekrana gelmedi. Fragramı yayınlanan bölümün Hürrem Sultan’ı canlandıran Meryem Uzerli yüzünden yetişmediği ortaya çıktı. Haftasonu sevgilisi Can Ateş ile Bodrum tatilinde çıplak ayakla sahilde yürürken ve oldukça keyifli haliyle objektiflere takılan Uzerli, pazar günü setten habersiz Berlin’e ailesinin yanına gitti. Yaptığı anlaşmada 3 haftada bir ailesini görme hakkı bulunan Uzerli, çekim için aradıklarında set ekibini şoke eden bir yanıt verdi......

  2. Hürrem Sultan grev başlattı....

    Tüm dünyada 220 milyon seyirciye ulaşan ilk Türk dizisi olan Muhteşem Yüzyılın geçen çarşamba duyuruları yapılan 100. bölümü ekrana gelmedi. Fragramı yayınlanan bölümün Hürrem Sultanı canlandıran Meryem Uzerli yüzünden yetişmediği ortaya çıktı. Haftasonu sevgilisi Can Ateş ile Bodrum tatilinde çıplak ayakla sahilde yürürken ve oldukça keyifli haliyle objektiflere takılan Uzerli, pazar günü setten habersiz Berline ailesinin yanına gitti. Yaptığı anlaşmada 3 haftada bir ailesini görme hakkı bulunan Uzerli, çekim için aradıklarında set ekibini şoke eden bir yanıt verdi.

    Alman vatandaşıyım
    Psikolojisinin çok çalışmaktan ve düzensiz set saatlerinden dolayı bozulduğunu ve bir kliniğe yatıp tedavi olacağını belirten Uzerli, Istanbula dönmeyeceğini söyledi. Yapım şirketi Tims Production ne yapacağını şaşırdı. Uzerli bir türlü Türkiyeye dönmesi için ikna edilemeyince 100. bölümün eksik sahneleri de tamamlanamadı.
    Kolaj bölüm yayınlamak zorunda kalan Star TV en büyük gelir kaynağı olan dizinin yeni bölümü yayınlamadığı için en az 1 milyon dolar reklam geliri kaybetti.
    Uzerli gelmeyince çekimler durduruldu ve sete 1 hafta repo verildi. Iki ay önce sette Ben mayıs ayında çeker giderim, buralarda durmam dediği ifade edilen Uzerlinin Dönmezsen çok büyük dava açılır sözüne de Ben Alman vatandaşıyım, o anlaşma Türkiyede geçerli dediği öne sürüldü. Uzerlinin bölüm ücretinin geçen günlerde rekor bir zamla 35 bin TLye çıkarıldığı gündeme gelmişti. Uzerlinin dönmesini bekleyen yapım şirketi şimdilik sessiz kalmayı tercih ediyor.

    Cözüm arıyorlar
    Elinde eksik 1 bölüm olan Tims, bir yandan da çözüm üretmeye, eğer dönmezse dizinin en sevilen ana karakterlerinden biri olan Uzerlisiz ne kadar idare edebileceğinin formülünü arıyor. Dizinin oyuncuları önceki gece bir mekanda buluşup durum değerlendirmesi yaptı. Ote yandan Uzerlinin sigortacı sevgilisi iş adamı Can Ateş ile arasının da iyi olduğu ve bir ayrılığın yaşanmadığı ifade edildi.

    Uzerli: Psikolojik olarak yoruldum, hayat zor

    Son aylarda katıldığı ödül törenlerinde Uzerli, dizi sürelerine isyan etmiş ve Uzun zamandır aynaya baktığımda Hürremi görüp, Meryemi özlüyorum. Bazen psikolojik olarak çok yoruluyorum, bazen bu hayat hiç kolay değil.
    Türkiyede diziler çok uzun, bu da manyaklık 100 dakika, 110 dakika, 120 dakika bir dizi... Hayatta öyle bir iş yok Lütfen bütün kanallara söylüyorum, dizi sürelerini 60, 50, 45 dakikaya indirin. Hepimiz mutlu olalım, çünkü ben hiç mutlu değilim demişti. Uzerli, geçen hafta da instagram sayfasına Bu güzel ülkedeki oyuncuların hakları için mücadele veriyorum. Bu yüzden yanlış anlaşılmayı da, kendimi sevimsiz kılmayı da göze alıyorum.
    Bu güzel ülkedeki oyuncuların hakları için mücadele veriyorum. Bu yüzden yanlış anlaşılmayı da, kendimi sevimsiz kılmayı da göze alıyorum diyerek aslında bu son durumun sinyalini de vermişti.

  3. Hürrem Sultan Sendromu ....

    Hatırlar mısınız bir ara Britney Spears sürekli ağlıyordu.
    “Çok mutsuzum, hiçbir şey yapmak istemiyorum.
    Hayattan keyif almıyorum.
    Çok yoruluyorum” diyordu.

    Oturduğum yerden çok merak ediyordum neye bu kadar ağladığını…
    Tüm dünya onun şarkılarıyla dans ediyordu.
    En seksi kadın seçilip duruyordu.
    Çok parası vardı.
    Daha ne istiyordu?

    Şimdi Meryem Uzerli bir anda pılını pırtını toplayıp Berlin’de kliniğe kapattı kendini…
    Türkiye’nin en sevilen dizisinin en önemli karakteriyken…
    Çoğu oyuncunun ancak rüyasında göreceği kadar iyi bir rol kapmışken…
    Hürrem gibi bir kişiliği hakkını vererek canlandırırken…
    Tüm ülke onu ve kahkahalarını bağrına basmışken…
    Ve ayda 80 bin TL kazanırken…
    Çekti gitti!........

  4. Hürrem saklanıyor mu?...."Pasaport çıkışı yok, kolpa yapıyor".....

    Erol Köse psikolojik sorunları olduğu gerekçesiyle Berlin’e giderek dizi çekimlerini aksatmasıyla gündemde olan Uzerli’nin Berlin’e hiç gitmediğini iddia etti.

    Meryem Uzerli İstanbul'da mı?

    Twitter hesabından bu konu hakkında ortaya şoke eden bir iddia atan Köse "Flash! Çok gizli bilgi. Hürrem hiç Berlin’e gitmedi. Pasaport çıkışı yok! Fiyat arttırmak için kolpa yapıyor. İstanbul’da otelde saklanıyor. Cebi babasına yönlendirdi ki Berlin’de zannedilsin. Süleymen’ın yarı fiyatı oynaması adil değil. Abla haklı. Hadi verin parayı Hürremsiz olmaz!" diye yazdı.

  5. Hürrem dönecek mi?.....

    Meryem Uzerli'nin çalışma koşullarından şikayet edip Berlin'de Tükenmişlik Sendromu rahatsızlığıyla ilgili hastane yatması dolayısıyla oluşan kriz hakkında yapımcı Timur Savcı "Çekimlere bir süre ara verilerek Uzerli'yi beklediklerini belirten Savcı, "Yapabileceğimiz başka birşey kalmadığı için, çekimlere 6 gün daha ara verdik. Sonunda bizim için empati ve çözüm süreci artık bitmişti. Üçüncü kişilerle olan kontratlarımız ve ekibimize karşı olan maddi – manevi sorumluluklarımız ve en önemlisi seyircimize olan saygımızdan dolayı, bu 6 günün sonunda, zorunlu değişiklikleri yapıp çekime devam etme kararı aldık. Muhteşem Yüzyıl ekibi olarak, gönül isterdi ki, her işi biten oyuncumuza yaptığımız gibi, Meryem Uzerli'yi de son sahnesinde, ekip olarak alkışlarla uğurlayalım. Fakat kendisi bu yolu tercih etmedi.

    1. Η Χιουρέμ (Hürrem) στο ψυχιατρείο και η αντικαταστάτριά της...

      Σαν βόμβα έσκασε η είδηση πως η δημοφιλής Τουρκάλα ηθοποιός Μεριέμ Ουζερλί αντιμετωπίζει προβλήματα που χρήζουν ψυχιατρικής υποστήριξης. Ωστόσο, δεν επρόκειτο για φήμες, αφού έπειτα από λίγες μέρες η ίδια επιβεβαίωσε την κατάσταση της υγείας της με την παρακάτω δήλωση:

      «Αγαπητοί μου φίλοι, λυπάμαι πολύ που έμεινα μακριά σας όλες αυτές τις ημέρες. Πιστεύω ότι ύστερα από αυτήν την περιπέτεια θα βγω ακόμη πιο δυνατή. Έχω δίπλα μου έναν από τους πιο γνωστούς καθηγητές ψυχιατρικής και αυτό μου δίνει την ελπίδα…

      Διαβάστε περισσότερα στο

  6. Egyptian artists sound the call to boycott Turkish soaps...

    A number of Egyptian artists and filmmakers have initiated a boycott of Turkish soap operas to protest “the position of the Turkish government towards the [Egypt’s] 30 June Revolution,” reported

    Turkish television soaps are staggeringly popular and in light of recent developments in relations with Egypt, some Egyptians are now challenging this.

    On 30 June, the one-year anniversary of the inauguration of Mohamed Morsi into the presidency, Egyptians took to the streets en masse calling for his ouster. Some call it a “military coup” against a democratically-elected president while others saw it as the military’s concession to the masses that condemned the Muslim Brotherhood rule as inept.


    In light of the support the Turkish government has shown for Morsi, calls for a boycott have been raised by a number of production companies and the Egyptian Cinema Syndicate.

    According to television director and the head of the Egyptian Cinema Syndicate Mossad Fouda, “Such an initiative was important. It received mass attention from different production companies; both private and governmental. Also, many satellite channels prevented the broadcasting of Turkish series as a protest at the Turkish intervention in Egyptian affairs and because of its negative stance towards the 30 June Revolution.”

    “Many locally-made Egyptian series came under threat by Turkish soap operas, which do not offer any new artistic material,” Fouda said, another website reported.

    Moreover, the head of the Egyptian Radio and Television Union, Shokry Abu Emera, who signed a number of Egyptian- Turkish protocols that give rights to Egyptian television to broadcast Turkish series, postponed their broadcast after Turkey’s response to the current political situation in Egypt.

    1. TV boycott in Egypt all Turkish dramas...

      Several Egyptian TV channels have launched a boycott of Turkish drama series, in a protest against Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s stance on the violent unrest in the populous Arab state, according to Al

      Erdoğan, Turkey’s Prime Minister, urged the U.N. Security Council to intervene after the popularly backed military ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. On August 17, Erdoğan lashed out at the lack of international response on Egypt, saying organizations including the U.N. and EU should be ashamed of their inaction.

      That drew the scorn of Egypt’s Cinema Syndicate and The Egyptian Creativity Front – a group of writers, film makers, journalists as well as scientists – which urged others to stop airing Turkish TV soaps, which have become widely popular in the Arab world. A number of TV channels, including Al-Hayat, Al-Nahar, and Al-Kahera Wal Nas, responded to the call by boycotting the soaps.

      Al-Hayat TV channel informed its viewers that there would not be any Turkish drama TV series shown due to Erdoğan’s stance.

      The owner of Al-Kahera Wal Nas, Tarek Nour, told Al Arabiya that in spite of the financial losses that they may face, they were keen to convey a message of protest to Turkey. Turkish dramas are said to attract healthy advertising rates on his channel due to the high viewership they receive. Nour expressed his discomfort over Turkey’s intervention in Egypt’s internal affairs, describing Ankara’s position on the situation as “narrow minded.” While Turkish soaps are usually produced in privately owned studios unrelated to the government, the boycott could put some pressure on Ankara, said Nour.

      He highlighted how the soaps have helped Turkey lure more tourists from Egypt and the region, adding that the boycott would result in “huge losses” for Turkey.

  7. 2013'te En Çok Konuşulan Dizi Muhteşem Yüzyıl Oldu ....

    2013'ün basınında en fazla konuşulan yerli dizileri ve dizi oyuncuları belli oldu. Medya Takip Merkezi (MTM)'nin hazırladığı araştırmaya göre Muhteşem Yüzyıl, yılın en çok gündemde kalan yerli dizisi oldu. Dizi oyuncularında ise ilk sırada Beren Saat yer alırken onu, Necati Şaşmaz ve Kenan İmirzalıoğlu izlediler. İşte, MTM'nin en popüler yerli diziler ve dizi oyuncuları araştırması... Yılın medyada en çok yer alan yerli dizileri ve dizi oyuncularının belirlendiği araştırmaya göre, Muhteşem Yüzyıl 2013'de basının en fazla ilgisini çeken yerli dizi oldu. Meryem Uzerli'nin diziden ayrılması ile adından söz ettiren dizi, toplamda 5 bin 660 haber ve yazıya konu edildi............

  8. Bisikletli Pargalı...

    Muhteşem Yüzyıl'da canlandırdığı Pargalı İbrahim karakteri fenomen olan Okan Yalabık, dizideki rolü bittikten sonra adeta inzivaya çekildi. Uzun süredir ortalarda görünmeyen Yalabık önceki gün Sarıyer'de bisiklete binerken görüntülendi......

  9. The turkish series ‘Magnificent Century’ stimulates debates in Turkey....

    By Manolis Kostidis – Ankara
    The turkish series “Magnificent Century” (Muhtesem Yuzyil) continues to record high viewing numbers in Turkey and to start debates regarding the history of the Ottoman empire. The debates increased after the airing of the episode, in which Suleiman has his son and would-be heir to the throne, Mustafa, murdered. It is a historic event in which, according to the television series scenario, the Ottoman sultan is affected by the machinations of his wife Hurrem and his Vizier, Rustem Rasa, who convinced him that his son is plotting to overthrow him.

    Immediately after the airing of the episode many unbelievable developments took place. Initially, thousands of Turks rushed to prince Ahmet’s grave, in Brusa, to pray.

    At the same time, the 47-year-old television viewer, Hasan Kez, from Brusa, filed a lawsuit against Suleiman for Mustafa’s assassination. “I came to court for the assassination through strangulation of Suleiman’s son, in order to file a lawsuit. I want the reinstatement of prince Mustafa and the removal from Suleiman the Magnificent the status of the Sultan”, he stated.

    Almost all the turkish newspapers and the television networks devoted space and time respectively to comment on the specific episode. Television panels where organised, in which historians justified Suleiman’s action and explained some that the empire’s political ideologies, such as the institutionalized practice of fratricide and the murdering of their children.

    Other historians disagreed with the way with which the strangulation of prince Mustafa was represented and commented that some of the depicted assassination methods are historically inaccurate.

    Erdogan’s intervention for Suleiman

    In regard to the serie’s scenario, even Recep Tayyip Erdogan intervened stating that “we are not the grandchildren of Suleiman the Magnificent who is presented in the television series, but of the real Suleiman. The one who was prepared to sacrifice the whole empire for a healthy breath”.............................

  10. "Interest in Turkish soap operas started with 'Thousand and One Nights'"...

    Turkish TV series' success abroad from Middle East to Balkans, from eastern Europe to lately Latin America first started with a Turkish drama called 'Binbir Gece (Thousand and One Nights)' five years ago, whose plot centers on a story about a single mother who tries to find a way out to be able cure her 5-year-old son and asks her boss for loan who has a crush on her," said Turkish film distributor company Global Agency's CEO Izzet Pinto in an exclusive interview with AA.

    Pinto, who was one of the speakers at media fair DISCOP Istanbul 2014 event, said his company sold the Turkish series 'Thousand and One Nights' to Bulgaria and they had barely persuaded Bulgaria to buy the drama.

    "It was a hard process to persuade Bulgaria. Talks continued for a year. I told them 'Please believe me, you will thank me later'. The channel's ratings increased fourfold and its officials thanked me. It gained such great success there that other countries, including Serbia, Croatia and Greece, began to buy it. It created a domino effect. Nearly five years have passed, and we have new countries. Now we are in China and Latin America, which are very important markets. We are exporting the series to 52-53 countries right now," he said.

    Noting that they aim to enter west European market which is quite hard one to enter because of the low demand there, Pinto said it seems a little bit difficult for now although we are now in Italy and trying to enter Spain and France.

    Upon a question which Turkish series has been popular abroad so far, Pinto said it is definitely "Muhtesem Yuzyil (Magnificent Century)" and it attracted lot of audience wherever it is aired and become top-rated TV series.

    Magnificent Century is about the life and times of the 10th Ottoman sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent, also known as Kanuni.

    "Although Turkish series are aired late in the evening they become primetime hit in the countries where they are aired. Magnificent Century is aired in 52 countries now and it means some 200 million people over the world watch Turkish series every night. This is very important for Turkey. Thousand and One Nights was aired in 49 countries, "Ask ve Ceza (Love and Punishment)" which is about a love story of a woman from city and a man from southern part of Turkey was aired 45 countries and recently "Calikusu (Love Bird)" which is Turkish series which is based on a novel of Turkish writer Resat Nuri Gultekin and again it is a love story quite attracted many countries' attention and it is now being aired in over 30 countries. I hope it would reach 50 countries very soon."......................

  11. Turkish soaps invade Latin America, land of 'telenovela' ...

    The tortured romance between Şehrazat and Onur, the central drama of Turkish soap opera "Thousand and One Nights," is taking Chilean television by storm and reshaping prime time in Latin America, the land of the "telenovela."

    In exchange for the money she desperately needs to treat her son's leukemia, Şehrazat, a widowed architect, reluctantly agrees to spend the night with Onur, her powerful boss, who falls hopelessly in love with her, setting off a torrid chain reaction that has captivated Chileans for months.

    Dubbed in Spanish by Chilean actors, "Thousand and One Nights" has achieved an audience share not seen in years in the South American country, reversing the sinking fortunes of the channel airing it.

    The phenomenon has caused TV executives across Latin America to start importing Turkish series to a region more used to exporting its own telenovelas - prime-time soap operas such as "Ugly Betty" - around the world.

    Chilean channel Mega was a struggling network when it bought "Thousand and One Nights" after the program was turned down by Canal 13, one of the country's leading broadcasters.

    The series began airing in March and soon became the most-viewed show of the year, pulling the rest of Mega's programming by its coattails.

    The channel now has the top news show and morning program, as well, and is the only Chilean network on track to turn a profit in 2014.

    That success has sent other Chilean broadcasters scrambling to buy their own Turkish series, including Canal 13..................


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