Monday, October 14, 2013

VIDEO. Emeutes xénophobes à Moscou: la police lance des opérations contre les migrants./1,200 migrants detained, warehouse raid following violent Moscow riot.(3 video)

Photo: RIA Novosti/Grigoriy Sisoev
Environ 1200 personnes ont été interpellées lundi matin sur un marché de gros de la banlieue de Birioulovo au sud de Moscou, où travaillent essentiellement des migrants du sud de la Russie ou de pays du Caucase et d'Asie centrale.

Le maire de Moscou, Vladimir Sobianine, a annoncé de vastes opérations policières lundi, après une réunion avec le président Vladimir Poutine.

Ces personnes ont été interpellées pour vérifier "leur éventuelle implication dans des crimes", a expliqué la police.

Ce même marché de gros avait été assailli dimanche aux cris de "La Russie aux Russes!" par des milliers d'émeutiers qui protestaient contre le meurtre d'un jeune Russe la semaine dernière en pleine rue dans ce quartier par un homme identifié comme un Caucasien.
Des files d'hommes escortés, les mains sur la tête.

Sur place, des cars de police étaient présents dans le quartier lundi, les accès au marché étaient bloqués, et des groupes d'habitants continuaient à exprimer leur mécontentement et leur hostilité aux migrants. La chaîne Rossia 24 a montré des files d'hommes escortés, les mains sur la tête, par des policiers russes.

Le maire de Moscou a annoncé que les autres marchés de la capitale seraient visés par des opérations de police. 

Ces marchés alimentent la ville en fruits et légumes venant souvent du sud du pays et des pays voisins du Caucase et d'Asie centrale.

  • Le maire a également annoncé des opérations de contrôle dans les immeubles de Moscou susceptibles d'abriter des immigrés clandestins. "C'est indispensable pour comprendre l'ampleur du problème, et aider la police à retrouver le criminel", a-t-il déclaré.

Les habitants du quartier de Birioulovo s'étaient rassemblés dimanche pour réclamer l'arrestation du meurtrier et la fermeture du marché, perçu comme un vivier de criminels, mais la manifestation a dégénéré en émeute. 
Navalny réclame des visas pour les ressortisants de pays d'Asie centrale

Face à l'ampleur des troubles, les autorités ont mis en état d'alerte l'ensemble des forces policières de la capitale, et dépêché des forces anti-émeutes à Birioulovo ainsi que dans le centre-ville, où les autorités redoutaient la répétition d'émeutes massives d'ultra-nationalistes survenues en 2010.

Des émeutes xénophobes sont survenues régulièrement en Russie ces dernières années, marquant la montée du nationalisme et des sentiments anti-immigrés qui ont été l'un des enjeux majeurs de la dernière municipale à Moscou.

Alexeï Navalny, un libéral aux accents nationalistes devenu l'opposant numéro un au président Poutine, a réclamé la démission du chef de la police de Moscou et l'instauration d'un régime de visas avec les pays d'Asie centrale d'où sont originaires la plupart des travailleurs immigrés en Russie, dans un message sur son compte twitter.

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  • Moscow authorities have closed a vegetable warehouse and detained 1,200 people after a violent Sunday protest in Moscow’s residential area of Biryulyovo, where a young Russian was allegedly stabbed to death by a migrant last week.
A car with money and weapons has been found as Moscow police raided a warehouse which locals call the main attraction for migrants. On Sunday it turned into the scene of a mass anti-migrant protest, which ended with nearly 400 arrests.  

A crowd of locals took to the streets in response for the fatal stabbing of a young Muscovite, which is now being blamed on a migrant. They now say the killing of a 25-year-old Russian was merely the last straw.  

Moscow nationalists and football fans were quick to use the situation to also take part in the protests. Initial gathering of locals was then supported by clearly anti-migrant attuned groups of people.

It appeared that locals have been calling on Moscow authorities to check the warehouse and relocate it to the outside of the city. As it is just 1km from the living area, people mainly complained about late hour work activity, noise from trucks, high levels of criminality and numerous migrants who rent apartments in the area. Dozens live in each apartment at the same time. Residents say to meet a Slavic-looking man after midnight is nearly impossible.

But authorities’ reply was diplomatic and short: “[Pokrovskaya] warehouse is a strategic object of food supplies for Moscow and, hence, the transfer is impossible.” 

Those supplies are mainly coming from Russia’s Republic of Dagestan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and other neighboring CIS states.

According to Magomed Tolboev, an honorary president of a company which manages the warehouse, with closing Pokrovskaya, Moscow may lose more than 5 percent of all food supplies.

“You cannot close it. You just keep it in order. Now let the police be responsible for [the suspect],” Tolboev told RSN radio station.

In his opinion, responsibility for what is happening lies on corrupt local authorities and law enforcement.

“This whole situation is to blame on corrupt practices of municipality leaders, administration and so on, who cover all this. They need to ask themselves why they give migrants nationality and a work permit without due process. We cannot look after thousands of people,” he said.

Now there are informally three main demands. First of all people want the young man’s killer to be found and prosecuted. Next, for the warehouse to be closed and heads of regional administration and police department to be sacked. They suspect the latter of running a protection racket involving the migrants. 

Another hot spot in Sunday’s rally was a shopping mall. Protesters destroyed it first, after unsuccessful attempts to try reaching authorities.

Some now say the reason why a crowd of 300 people decided to attack it is that the mall is an “enclave” of migrants, where they not only trade, but also hide from authorities.......



  1. Ρωσία: 30χρονο Αζέρο συνέλαβαν οι αρχές για το φόνο Ρώσου....Η δολοφονία είχε προκαλέσει κύμα εθνικιστικών ταραχών ....

    Άνδρα ηλικίας 30 ετών με καταγωγή από το Αζερμπαϊτζάν συνέλαβαν οι ρωσικές αρχές ως βασικό ύποπτο για δολοφονία Ρώσου, η οποία έγινε αφορμή για μαζικές εθνικιστικού χαρακτήρα ταραχές στη Μόσχα, τις χειρότερες των τελευταίων τριών ετών.

    Ο Ορχάν Ζεϊνάλοφ συνελήφθη στην Κολόμνα, 100 περίπου χιλιόμετρα από το σημείο όπου μαχαιρώθηκε ο 25χρονος Εγκόρ Σερμπάκοφ την Πέμπτη.

    Ο φόνος αποδόθηκε αρχικά σε μετανάστη από την περιοχή του Καυκάσου ο οποίος εργαζόταν σε τοπική αποθήκη οπωροκηπευτικών, γεγονός το οποίο πυροδότησε εθνικιστικές και ρατσιστικές εκδηλώσεις το σαββατοκύριακο.

    Οι λεπτομέρειες της σύλληψης του Ο. Ζεϊνάλοφ δεν έχουν γίνει ακόμη γνωστές, ενώ θα μεταφερθεί στη Μόσχα με ελικόπτερο.

    Πρόκειται για μετανάστη εργάτη, ο οποίος έχει ζήσει και εργαστεί στη Ρωσία για 10 χρόνια.

    Ο ιδιοκτήτης του αγροκτήματος όπου εργάζεται ο 30χρονος, Αλεξέι Πρόνκιν, τόνισε ότι τον είχε δει για τελευταία φορά τη Δευτέρα το βράδυ και μάλιστα είχε αστειευτεί μαζί του για την «ομοιότητά του» με τον ύποπτο για το φόνο.

    Τρεις από τους 380 διαδηλωτές οι οποίοι συνελήφθησαν κατά τη διάρκεια των εθνικιστικών ταραχών της Κυριακής θα αντιμετωπίσουν κακουργηματικές κατηγορίες.

    Τη Δευτέρα, η αστυνομία προσήγαγε περισσότερους από 1.000 εργάτες οι οποίοι εργάζονται στην προαναφερθείσα αποθήκη λαχανικών.

    1. Russian police detain killing suspect after race riot...

      (Reuters) - Russian police detained a migrant worker suspected of killing an ethnic Russia and stepped up security in Moscow on Tuesday to try prevent a repeat of the race riots that were unleashed by the man's death.

      Advocacy groups warned migrants from ex-Soviet states of Central Asia and the Caucasus of a high risk of violence as crowds of Muslims celebrated the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha, and a heavy police presence was seen in the capital.

      Police said they had detained a native of the mostly Muslim state of Azerbaijan, Orhan Zeynalov, who is suspected of fatally stabbing 25-year-old Yegor Shcherbakov in front of his girlfriend while they were walking home on Thursday night.

      The murder triggered Russia's worst race riots in three years near Moscow's southern Biryulyovo district, where Shcherbakov was attacked.

      Tensions simmer in Moscow between disenchanted ethnic Russian youths and labor migrants mostly from predominantly Muslim ex-Soviet states.

      Police said Zeynalov resisted special forces when they tried to detain him in Kolomna, a small town outside of Moscow, Russian news agencies reported.

      Outside Moscow's main mosque, police set up barriers and metal detectors to control the flow of people. Ethnic tension is often higher during the Islamic holiday because crowds spill out into the streets around the city's few mosques.

      Crowds of residents in Biryulyovo have called for tougher policing of migrants and roamed the streets hunting for men who matched a police description of Shcherbakov's alleged killer.

      One of Russia's main Muslim organizations said its website was also hacked on Tuesday.

      On Sunday, rioters smashed shop windows, clashed with police and stormed a market in Biryulyovo where many migrants work.

      The violence was the worst in Moscow since 2010 when some 7,000 nationalists rallied near the Kremlin, chanting racist slogans and attacking non-Slavic-looking passers-by in what then-President Dmitry Medvedev called "pogroms".

      On Monday, police also raided the market in Biryulyovo and detained more than 1,200 people to check for any wrongdoing, and about 450 migrants were detained at another site.

      In an apparent move to appease residents, Moscow's police chief fired the senior officer in the district on Tuesday......


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