Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Funding Ukraine's illegitimate regime outside US legal system. - Moscow, FM

The United States should think about the consequences of "financially pumping" radical elements in Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. "Apparently, the US administration will continue turning a blind eye to the dominance of ultra-national forces in Kiev, which are hunting those thinking differently throughout the country, enhance pressure on the Russian-speaking population and our fellow citizens, and threaten violence to Crimean residents for their aspiration of self-determination.

But those, who make decisions in the US, should think about the consequences of such reckless indulgence of radical elements of nationalistic shade in Ukraine and financial aid to them," the Russian Foreign Ministry said amid statements of Viktor Yanukovych on the intention of the US to provide Kiev with financial assistance.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said it did note the words of Yanukovych that the plans of the US administration to allocate $1 billion to the current authorities in Kiev contradict existing US laws.

"Indeed, in accordance with the amendments made several years ago to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961," it is banned to provide financial aide to the government of any country, whose president elected legitimately has been overthrown as a result of a military coup or unlawful decision, the statement said.

This standard is stipulated in the section 22 paragraph 8422 of the US law code, "thus under all criteria allocating funds to the illegitimate regime, which seized the power with force, is illegal and is outside the framework of the US legal system," the Russian Foreign Ministry said...........http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_03_11/US-illegally-funding-regime-that-forcibly-seized-power-in-Ukraine-Moscow-4169/

  • Комментарий Департамента информации и печати МИД России в связи с высказываниями В.Ф.Януковича о намерении США оказать финансовое содействие Киеву

Обратили внимание на слова Президента Украины В.Ф.Януковича в ходе выступления 11 марта в Ростове-на-Дону о том, что планы Администрации США выделить 1 млрд. долл. нынешним властям в Киеве идут вразрез с действующим американским законодательством.
Действительно, в соответствии с поправками, внесенными несколько лет назад в Закон 1961 г. об оказании иностранного содействия, запрещается «предоставлять финансовую помощь правительству любого государства, законно избранный президент которого был свергнут в результате военного переворота или незаконного решения». Данная норма содержится в разделе 22, параграф 8422 Свода законов США. Таким образом, по всем критериям выделение средств нелегитимному режиму, захватившему власть насильственным путем, незаконно и выходит за рамки американской правовой системы.
Понимаем, конечно, что с учетом занятой Вашингтоном позиции вряд ли там признают очевидное. Администрация США, видимо, и дальше будет закрывать глаза на засилье в Киеве ультранационалистических сил, которые развернули по всей стране охоту на инакомыслящих, усиливают давление на русскоязычное население и наших соотечественников, угрожают жителям Крыма расправой за их стремление к самоопределению. Но тем, кто в США принимает решения, стоит задуматься о последствиях безоглядного потакания радикальным элементам нацистской окраски на Украине и их финансовой накачки.

1 comment:

  1. 'It would be best for Ukraine if US just stayed out of argument' - former US Congressman...

    In a strict constitutional sense the US plans to lend $1 billion to Ukraine are illegal and the US shouldn’t be doing it, Ron Paul, a former US Congressman and a long-time Federal Reserve critic, has said in an exclusive interview to the Voice of Russia, speaking about the Ukrainian political crisis and the situation surrounding the recent events in the region.

    According to the politician, these actions will be justified by the US administration with the help of certain legislative sanctions and certain laws.

    Ron Paul believes that nobody "has the right to come and take the money from the American taxpayer. So, I don’t think that we should redistribute wealth within our own country and I don’t believe we should redistribute wealth around the world with the use of force", adding that, in his opinion, the US shouldn’t "be in the business of picking who should be running which country around the world" either.

    Talking to the Voice of Russia correspondent, Mr. Paul stressed there is evidence that the EU and US government "had contrived to orchestrate a change in /the Ukrainian/ government", but he strongly believes that "it would be best for that region, it would be best for America if we just stayed out of the argument" as everybody should be able to have self-determination.

    Speaking about the way the English language media covers the situation in Ukraine, the former US congressman suggested "they are totally biased", as it distorts actual facts and twists them around so that the information provided could serve the interests of a particular group, country, etc..........http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_03_11/It-would-be-best-for-Ukraine-if-US-just-stayed-out-of-argument-former-US-Congressman-0445/


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