Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mémorandum de Budapest: Moscou rejette les accusations de Kiev

La Russie qualifie d'illégitimes les accusations de l'Ukraine selon lesquelles Moscou aurait violé le mémorandum de Budapest de 1994 en portant atteinte à l'intégrité territoriale de l'Ukraine, a déclaré mardi le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères.
"Le gouvernement de Kiev, qui est arrivé au pouvoir à l'issue d'un coup d'Etat anticonstitutionnel, a fait exploser l'unité de l'Ukraine par sa politique, notamment à l'égard des minorités ethniques. Le coup d'Etat a porté un coup à la souveraineté ukrainienne. Dans ces conditions, la république autonome de Crimée n'a pas pu rester au sein de l'Ukraine, elle a proclamé son indépendance en stricte conformité à la Charte des Nations unies.
La Russie ne s'est pas engagée à Budapest à contraindre les régions ukrainiennes à rester au sein de ce pays contrairement à la volonté de leurs habitants", a indiqué le ministère.

"La référence au mémorandum de Budapest est ainsi illégitime du point de vue politique", a ajouté le ministère commentant l'intervention lundi d'un délégué ukrainien au sommet pour la sécurité nucléaire à La Haye.

Signé le 5 décembre 1994 par la Russie, l'Ukraine, les Etats-Unis, et la Grande-Bretagne, le Mémorandum de Budapest porte sur les garanties pour la sécurité et l'intégrité territoriale ukrainiennes en échange de la signature par Kiev du Traité sur la non-prolifération des armes nucléaires (TNP). En signant le même jour le Traité TNP, l'Ukraine a accepté de se défaire de ses stocks d'armes nucléaires dont elle avait hérité de l'URSS. 
  • Vendredi dernier, des députés des partis ukrainiens Batkivtchina et Oudar faisant partie de la coalition au pouvoir ont soumis un projet de loi sur le retrait de l'Ukraine du Traité TNP à la Rada suprême.
Sur le même sujet:


  1. Russia: Ukraine subverting nuclear security regime...

    Ukraine's policies are undermining international efforts to strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security regimes, Russian foreign ministry said Tuesday.

    “We note with regret that in recent days members of the Ukrainian coalition government representing the Batkivshchyna and Udar parties introduced a bill that, if passed, would provide for a withdrawal of Ukraine from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,” the Russian foreign ministry said.

    Despite the Russian statement, Ukraine has not withdrawn from the treaty, and it is not clear that it will. In the most recent election, those two parties combined won less than 30 percent of the vote.

    Ukrainian officials have said that Russia is jeopardizing the security of nuclear facilities in Ukraine. Russia retorted that this allegation was an attempt to pass the buck........http://www.aa.com.tr/en/headline/305626--russia-ukraine-subverting-nuclear-security-regime

  2. Statement by the Russian Delegation in relation to the statement made by the Ukrainian representative at the Nuclear Security Summit, Hague, 25 March 2014....

    In connection with yesterday's statement made by the Ukrainian delegate, the Russian delegation deems it necessary to state the following.

    First of all, we have to draw everyone's attention to the fact of a gross violation by the Ukrainian representative of the agenda of the respected international forum dedicated to one of the most urgent contemporary problems - strengthening nuclear security.

    Now, let us take a look at the substance of the assertions made by the Ukrainian representative.

    Kiev authorities' representative claimed that Russia allegedly violates its commitments under the Budapest Memorandum in what relates to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. We can not accept it whatsoever. The government in Kiev, which came to power following the unconstitutional coup, essentially undermined Ukraine's unity itself by its policies, most notably towards national minorities. The coup inflicted a huge blow on Ukraine's sovereignty. In those conditions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea could not continue to be a part of Ukraine anymore and declared its independence in full compliance with the UN Charter. In Budapest, we did not make a commitment to force a part of Ukraine to stay in it against the will of its people. Following the declaration of its independence, the Republic of Crimea conducted a democratic referendum, when almost 97% of the Crimean people voted in favor of their country joining the Russian Federation. This is another story though, which has nothing to do with the Budapest Memorandum or Ukraine.

    Therefore, the references to the Budapest Memorandum are, legally, groundless, and, politically, illegitimate.

    The Ukrainian representative reiterated the claim that Russia allegedly jeopardizes safety and security of nuclear facilities in Ukraine and, in fact, appealed to the foreign countries for help in protecting them. This is nothing but an attempt to pass the buck. Given the current situation in Ukraine, it is only the incapable "Kiev's new authorities" that can pose a threat to the Ukrainian nuclear facilities, but not Russia. We have already heard the calls by Maidan leaders to blow up the gas pipelines running through the Ukrainian territory and establish collaboration with professional international terrorists. For the sake of completeness, it should be noted that despite the utterly hostile policy of the current Ukrainian authorities the Russian Federation continues to fully meet its obligations towards Ukraine, be it supplies of nuclear fuel to Ukraine or imports into Russia of irradiated nuclear fuel for reprocessing, thus contributing to nuclear security in Ukraine.

    Finally, we note with regret that in recent days members of the Ukrainian coalition government representing the Batkivshchyna and Udar parties introduced a draft law providing for a withdrawal of Ukraine from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Attempts of the Ukrainian representative to distance himself from this position are not credible from our standpoint. It is lamentable that other Depositories of the Treaty pretend not to see this danger.

    We hope that the international community will objectively evaluate and adequately repel this Ukraine's extremist policy as, inter alia, undermining the international efforts to strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security regime.


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