Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Charlie Hebdo: Blasphemisch wie gewohnt

Wo nehmen diese Männer bloß die Kraft her? Eine Woche, nachdem Terroristen in Paris einen Anschlag auf die Redaktion von „Charlie Hebdo“ verübt und zwölf Menschen umgebracht haben, melden sich die überlebenden Zeichner und Journalisten an diesem Mittwoch mit einer neuen Ausgabe des Satireblattes zurück. Als ob nichts gewesen wäre – oder jedenfalls fast so.

Das am Dienstag in der linksliberalen Tageszeitung „Libération“ vorab veröffentlichte Titelblatt „Charlie Hebdos“ zeigt den Propheten Mohammed. Aus dem Auge des Religionsstifters kullert eine Träne, in den Händen hält nun auch er ein Transparent mit dem um die Welt gehenden Bekenntnis zu Opfern und Meinungsfreiheit: Ich bin Charlie. „Alles ist vergeben“, steht darüber. Typisch „Charlie Hebdo“ ist das wieder.

 Die übliche Blasphemie eben, wie sie seit Jahrzehnten in keiner Ausgabe des religionskritischen Blattes fehlen darf. Von Einschüchterung durch den islamistischen Terror keine Spur. Von Traumatisierung durch das Massaker, kollektiver Depression durch den Verlust von Freunden und Kollegen genauso wenig.........................,29500876,29559702.html



  1. Russian watchdog briefs media on how to avoid inciting religious discord...

    Russia's media watchdog said on Tuesday it had conducted what it described as preventative briefing of the country’s central and regional media on how to avoid publishing materials that might incite religious discord.

    In response to a query regarding the instructions the watchdog's Kamchatka branch issued to local media against publishing religion-related cartoons Roskomnadzor literally said this: “In connection with the tragedy in France, Roskomnadzor has conducted preventative work with a number of Russian federal and regional media. It has addressed the editorial offices with a reminder of the Russian law prohibiting the use of mass media for extremist activities.”

    “Under the law, any act insulting other religions' sanctuaries can be regarded as incitement of religious discord. This is a direct violation of provisions of the federal laws on mass media and on resistance to extremist activities,” Roskomnadzor said.

    “There can be no excuse for terrorists’ actions,” it said, warning Russian media against “fanning sectarian tensions in Russian society.” The watchdog asked them to use “other ways of expressing solidarity” with the victims of last week's extremist Islamist attack on the office of France's satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris.

    A Russian journalist in Kamchatka earlier published a letter from Roskomnadzor on Facebook saying distribution or even publication of hyperlinks to caricatures of religious figures would be seen as a violation of the law.
    Read more:

  2. President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi has issued a decree giving Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab the power to ban any foreign publication offensive to religion...

    Issued in the official State Journal on Tuesday, presidential decree no.16 (2015) delegated the prime minister the president’s powers stipulated in articles 9 and 10 of law no.20 (1936).

    Law no.20 (1936) regulates the publishing of printed media in Egypt.

    Article 9 of the law stipulates that “To maintain order in the society, publications issued abroad can be banned in Egypt by an order from the cabinet to ban its re-publish and decimination in the country.”

    While Article 10 of the same law stipulates that “The cabinet has the right to ban publications offensive to religion or publications promoting erotica in a way that can disturb the public peace.”......................

  3. Assad macht Europa für Terror im Nahen Osten und in Paris verantwortlich ...

    Laut dem syrischen Präsidenten Baschar Assad ist Europa in hohem Maße an den Vorgängen in Syrien und am jüngsten Geschehen in Paris schuld, wo Terroristen die Redaktion der Wochenschrift „Charlie Hebdo“ überfallen haben.

    „Die westlichen Politiker sind kurzsichtig und denken in Schubladen… Die aktuellen Ereignisse (in Paris) müssen die europäische Politik, die an den Vorgängen in unserer Region und an dem jüngsten Geschehen in Frankreich schuld ist und möglicherweise auch daran, was sich früher in manchen europäischen Ländern abgespielt hatte, zu einer Antwort aufrufen“, sagte Assad in einem Interview für die Prager Wochenschrift „Literarni noviny“.

    Der syrische Staatschef drückte den Angehörigen der Terroropfer in Paris sein Beileid aus.

    „Wir wollen auch vielen Menschen im Westen ins Gedächtnis bringen, dass wir seit Anfang der Syrien-Krise von solchen Folgen sprechen. Wir sagten zum Westen, dass der Terrorismus nicht unterstützt und nicht politisch geschützt werden darf, da dies alles Auswirkungen für die Länder und Menschen im Westen haben werde. Man schenkte uns aber kein Gehör“, so Assad..............

  4. EXPLAINED: Police raid over Charlie Hebdo’s Turkish version ...

    1) What did Turkish daily Cumhuriyet publish?

    As a supplement, Cumhuriyet published a selection from Charlie Hebdo’s much-anticipated Jan. 14 issue in support of free speech. On its front page, the newspaper stressed that it “compiled the selection by respecting religious sensitivities and the freedom of belief,” as well as its own publishing principles that reject ethnic and religious discrimination. As a result, the cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad on the original issue of Charlie Hebdo on Jan. 14 did not appear in the supplement or the front page of Cumhuriyet, due to the aforementioned “sensitivities.”

    2) Then why was all the fuss?
    Ceyda Karan and Hikmet Çetinkaya, two columnists of Cumhuriyet, published the original Charlie Hebdo cover depicting the Prophet Muhammad on their columns inside the main newspaper. Police were mobilized at midnight when it was still not clear which Charlie Hebdo content the newspaper would publish and at which spot. While the initial social media storm after midnight targeted Cumhuriyet as a whole, it gradually changed in the morning before the online threats and stories in pro-government newspapers targeting them and became more focused on the two columnists.

    3) How did the police raid unfold?

    Cumhuriyet’s Editor-in-Chief Utku Çakırözer told CNN Türk television that a press prosecutor, who ordered the police raid, checked the content of the newspaper just before the trucks were leaving the printing center to distribute the issue. “It took some 40 minutes. Then he saw there was nothing illegal in the content and let the trucks go to distribute our newspaper,” Çakırözer said, stressing that their columnists voice their opinions freely. The continued presence of police in front of the Cumhuriyet headquarters in Istanbul, on the other hand, aimed at protecting the newspaper against possible attacks.....................

  5. French President Francois Hollande has insisted Charlie Hebdo and its values will survive, after the new edition of the satirical weekly sold out in hours...

    "Charlie Hebdo is alive and will live on," Mr Hollande said.............

  6. Pope Francis: Free expression doesn't mean right to insult others' faith...

    Weighing in on last week's terror in France and the debate over freedom of expression it stirred, Pope Francis said en route to the Philippines on Thursday that, while no one should "kill in the name of God," neither should they "insult other people's faith."

  7. Pakistani police have clashed with crowds protesting over an image of the Prophet Muhammad published in French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

    The authorities used tear gas and water cannon to disperse the demonstration, near the French consulate in Karachi.

    The protest was part of a nationwide rally called by Jamaat-e-Islami, the country's largest Islamist party..................

    1. AFP photographer wounded in Charlie Hebdo clashes in Karachi: police ...

      A photographer with French news agency AFP was wounded in Pakistan on Friday after being shot during clashes against the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo outside the French consulate in the port city of Karachi, police said.

      "AFP photographer Asif Hasan suffered wounds resulting from gunshots fired by ... protesters, police have not opened fire," Abdul Khalique Shaikh, a senior police officer in southern Karachi, told Reuters.

      A Reuters photographer at the scene said that many protesters appeared to be armed.

  8. Japan’s Muslims dismayed by latest Charlie cover but united against violence ...

    Satirical French weekly Charlie Hebdo’s decision to place a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad on the cover of its latest issue in response to the massacre of its staff in Paris last week by Islamic extremists has upset Japan’s Muslim community, which also condemned the terrorist attack.

    The Tokyo Camii & Turkish Culture Center in Shibuya Ward, the largest mosque in Tokyo and famed for its Ottoman architecture and intricate Arabic reliefs, was packed with about 600 followers Friday for its weekly noon prayer session.................

  9. Watchdog asks Russian media to refrain from publishing cartoons on religious themes ...

    The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) has asked Russian media outlets on Friday to refrain from publishing cartoons related to religious themes and warned the distribution of such caricatures might be classified as a serious violation of Russian law that leads to incitement of ethnic and religious strife.................

  10. Le créateur de «Je suis Charlie» horrifié par les dérives commerciales ...

    «Le slogan est né spontanément.» À l'antenne de RTL, Joachim Roncin, le créateur de «Je suis Charlie» est revenu sur les raisons qui l'ont poussées à mettre en ligne ce logo. «J'étais sur Twitter quand les événements se sont passés. J'étais choqué comme tout le monde. J'avais envie de m'exprimer en tant que journaliste et en tant qu'être humain. J'ai juste accolé les mots “Je suis” à celui de “Charlie” pour exprimer un sentiment d'appartenance. J'ai ajouté un fond noir en signe de deuil. Le logo devait être percutant. On m'a toujours dit qu'il ne fallait pas mettre plus de huit mots. Donc, j'en ai utilisé trois.»

    Avant la diffusion de son slogan, le journaliste n'était suivi que par 400 followers sur Twitter. Il n'a pas imaginé l'ampleur de son acte: «Je n'ai pas conscience du développement mondial du slogan. C'est humainement impossible à réaliser. Je suis estomaqué de voir Les Simpson le reprendre. C'est un très bel hommage à Charlie Hebdo, mais aussi à la République.»..................

  11. Le Centre culturel français de Zinder, deuxième ville du Niger, a été incendié vendredi par des manifestants après la publication d'une caricature de Mahomet en Une du dernier numéro de Charlie Hebdo, a annoncé son directeur...

    Trois églises, une catholique et deux protestantes, ont également été saccagées par les manifestants, selon les autorités de Zinder, ville située dans le sud, non loin de la frontière avec le Nigeria, rapportre l'AFP.

    Une cinquantaine de personnes ont "cassé la porte" d'entrée, puis "mis le feu" à la cafétéria, à la médiathèque et à des locaux administratifs du CCF, malgré des "tirs de sommation" de "deux policiers" présents pour protéger le complexe, a déclaré à l'AFP Kaoumi Bawa, le directeur du centre de Zinder..............Lire la suite:

    1. Lors d'une manifestation contre "Charlie Hebdo", vendredi, à Zinder, au Niger, au moins trois civils et un policier ont été tués. Le centre culturel français a également été incendié, ainsi que des églises et des commerces tenus par des chrétiens...

      Vendredi 16 janvier, une manifestation contre l'hebdomadaire satirique "Charlie Hebdo" a dégénéré à Zinder, la deuxième ville du Niger, située dans le sud, où au moins trois civils et un gendarme ont été tués, selon le ministre nigérien de l'Intérieur. Quarante-cinq personnes ont été blessées, 22 agents des forces de l'ordre et 23 manifestants, a détaillé Massaoudou Hassoumi sur les ondes de la radio nationale.

      "Tout a commencé ce matin juste après la prière. Plusieurs centaines de personnes ont déferlé sur la ville en sortant des mosquées, en hurlant des slogans hostiles à 'Charlie Hebdo'", raconte Jean-Karim Fall, journaliste à France 24, spécialiste de l'Afrique. "Ils se sont attaqués à un certain nombre d’édifices religieux. La mission catholique a été entièrement saccagée. Ils ont également totalement détruit et incendié une école catholique. Plusieurs débits de boisson, des bars, ont été détruits dans la ville.".................

  12. Le monde musulman en colère après la une de "Charlie Hebdo" ...

    Des manifestations ont eu lieu un peu partout dans le monde pour protester contre la une de l'hebdomadaire satirique. 4 personnes ont notamment été tuées au Niger.....

  13. Nach Freitagsgebeten: In der islamischen Welt entlädt sich die Wut über "Charlie Hebdo"...

    Weltweit demonstrierten Muslime gegen die neue "Charlie-Hebdo"-Ausgabe, dabei gab es Tote und Verletzte. In Europa ging die Polizei gegen mutmaßliche Dschihadisten vor. Mehr als zwei Dutzend Menschen wurden festgenommen.

    Die Wut über die Mohammed-Karikatur in der jüngsten "Charlie Hebdo"-Ausgabe hat sich nach den Freitagsgebeten vielfach in Gewalt entladen. In Zinder in Niger wurden nach Angaben des Innenministeriums mindestens vier Menschen getötet und 45 weitere verletzt, als Muslime ein französisches Kulturzentrum und drei Kirchen in Brand steckten.......................

  14. Police on Saturday fired tear gas at a fresh demonstration in Niger against French weekly Charlie Hebdo's publication of a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed, according to an AFP reporter on the scene....

    At least 1,000 youths assembled at the grand mosque in the capital Niamey, some of them throwing rocks at police while others burned tyres and chanted "Allahu Akbar" ("God is Greatest").

    Saturday's protest came a day after a policeman and three civilians were killed and 45 injured in protests against Charlie Hebdo in Niger's second city of Zinder, which saw three churches ransacked and the French cultural centre burned down.

    Thousands of Muslims demonstrated across the world on Friday, venting fury over the new Prophet Mohammed cartoon that Charlie Hebdo published in the wake of Islamist attacks on its offices and elsewhere in Paris last week.............................AFP...............

  15. At least two churches have been set on fire in the capital of Niger amid fresh protests against French magazine Charlie Hebdo's cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad...

    Saturday's protests began outside Niamey's grand mosque with police using tear gas a day after at least four were killed in the second city of Zinder.

    The French embassy has warned its citizens to stay indoors.................

  16. Poll: Nearly half of French oppose Mohammed cartoons ...

    Almost half of those in France believe cartoons of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed – like those printed by satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo – should not be published, a poll said Sunday, with a similar number in favour of “limitations” on free speech.

    The recent attack by Islamic extremists at the offices of Charlie Hebdo that killed 12 people in apparent revenge for publishing cartoons of Mohammed has led to a fierce defence of France’s freedom of speech laws by politicians, media and millions of French citizens – including at a huge unity march in Paris on January 11.

    But an Ifop poll published in France’s Journal du Dimanche (Sunday Journal) paints a much more divided picture of French attitudes towards what is considered a key facet of the country’s republican values.................

  17. Lavrov Calls Muhammad Cartoons Unacceptable, Tasteless ...

    Russia’s Foreign Minister said that terrorism as well as incitement to national, racial or religious hatred are unacceptable and called the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad tasteless.

    "Terrorism is unacceptable in any form, regardless of its motives, forms and so on. This is the position of the international law; it is enshrined in numerous resolutions of the UN Security Council," Russian Foreign Minister said.

    He also added that he personally does not like the cartoons and considers them tasteless.......................

  18. Nouvelle caricature de Mahomet/Charlie Hebdo: l'Arabie saoudite perplexe ...

    L'Arabie saoudite a exprimé son étonnement face à la décision de l'hebdomadaire français Charlie Hebdo, victime d'une attaque djihadiste le 7 janvier dernier, de publier de nouvelles caricatures du prophète Mahomet.

    "Il n'y a aucune raison de dénigrer ainsi l'islam et d'heurter délibérément les sentiments religieux d'un milliard et demi de musulmans du monde entier", a indiqué mercredi à RIA Novosti un représentant du ministère saoudien des Affaires étrangères.

    Dans le même temps, il a noté que l'Arabie saoudite condamnait résolument les attentats terroristes "quels qu'en soient les auteurs ou les mobiles" et appelait "à éviter d'inciter à la haine contre l'islam et les autres religions mondiales et de tourner en dérision leurs prophètes et apôtres", a noté le responsable.................


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