Friday, January 30, 2015

Israel published tenders for 450 new homes in West Bank settlement

The Lands Authority on Friday morning published tenders for 450 new homes in West Bank settlements.

The non-governmental group Peace Now, which opposes any Jewish building over the pre-1967 lines, immediately attacked the move and charged that it was yet one more attempt by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to embarrass US President Barack Obama.

"It is a pre-election grab to establish facts on the ground made by the Netanyahu Government. After embarrassing the Obama administration with the invitation to the congress, Netanyahu adds another slam in the face of the Americans, and showing no respect to Israel's closest ally,” the group said.

The US discourages all settlement building. The UN considers it to be a war crime. Settlement activity is one of the cases Palestinians may bring to the International Criminal Court, should that judicial body grant allow it a hearing.

The new tenders are for projects in the following West Bank settlements: 156 in Elkana, 114 homes in Geva Binyamin (Adam), 102 in Kiryat Araba and 78 in Alfei Menashe.

In addition, a tender was published for a hotel in Ma’aleh Adumim as well as for business buildings in that city and in the community of Emmanuel.

Tenders have been unsuccessfully issued for many of these projects in the past, because contractors did not buy them. 

In addition, according to Peace Now, a plan to construct 93 new homes in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo was deposited for public review with a municipal planning committee.

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