Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Feda Eden EL Etos Times and Synchronize agencies (February 2015 - C)

Michael Fuchs, deputy parliamentary floor leader of Merkel's Christian Democrats, has frequently expressed frustrations felt by many politicians and the German public about the pace of reform and political delays in twice-rescued Greece.

"The new leadership in Athens is taking the liberty of directly provoking Germany," he told Rheinische Post newspaper........................Direct provocation by the new government in Athens is making politicians in Germany less willing to agree to further help for Greece


  1. La zone euro impose à la Grèce le prix fort pour prolonger son aide...

    Est-ce enfin la bonne? Un peu avant 21 heures, les ministres des Finances de la zone euro sont parvenus à un compromis sur le sauvetage de la Grèce . Enfermés depuis le début d’après-midi dans le Justus Lipsius, le siège du Conseil européen, les grands argentiers se sont entendus sur un texte d’accord sur la prolongation du plan d’aides à Athènes qui expire le 28 février prochain.

    Un texte rigoureux qui encadre le processus de négociations avec les Grecs dans un corsage très serré. Un texte négocié avant même le début officiel de la réunion par Jeroen Dijsselbloem, le président de l’Eurogroupe (l’instance réunissant les ministres des Finances de la zone euro) avec les principaux acteurs du dossier (BCE, FMI, Allemagne, et Grèce). L’extension accordée ne vaut finalement que pour 4 mois jusqu’à fin juin. Pour le gouvernement grec, la couleuvre à avaler est rude. Dès lundi, ils doivent soumettre leur programme de réformes et les trois institutions, Commission européenne, FMI et BCE doivent juger s’il est suffisamment solide pour que ce programme soit jugé comme un « point de départ valide » pour aller vers une conclusion positive du programme. Si c’est oui, l’Eurogroupe donnera par téléphone son feu vert à l’extension du programme.

    Si c’est non, il faudra convoquer un nouvel Eurogroupe mardi. Mais chacun est déterminé à tout faire pour l’éviter.................http://www.lesechos.fr/monde/europe/0204175145408-les-europeens-et-la-grece-sont-parvenus-a-trouver-un-accord-1095394.php?hPosv15GIUyzWmqL.99#xtor=RSS37

  2. So sieht die Einigung aus...

    In letzter Minute hat Griechenland mit den Euroländern eine Einigung im Schuldenstreit erzielt. Sie ist noch an Bedingungen geknüpft und dürfte vielen Wählern der neuen linksgeführten Regierung in Athen nur schwer zu verkaufen sein. Wesentliche Elemente der Abschlusserklärung der Eurogruppe:


    Die Euroländer stellen die Verlängerung der bisherigen Kreditvereinbarung um "bis zu vier Monate", also bis Ende Juni, in Aussicht. Dabei musste die Regierung in Athen, die eine deutliche Lockerung der Spar- und Reformauflagen will und das bisherige Hilfsprogramm ablehnt, zusichern, dass dies "auf der Basis der Bedingungen der bisherigen Vereinbarung" erfolgt. Allerdings soll auch "der bestmögliche Gebrauch von der bestehenden Flexibilität gemacht wird."...............http://kurier.at/politik/eu/so-sieht-die-einigung-aus/115.481.148

  3. Russian Finance Minister says Moody's downgrade had 'political character'...

    (Reuters) - Moody's downgrade of Russia's sovereign rating was based on "factors of a political character," Russia's Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said early on Saturday following news that Moody's had cut the rating to below investment grade.

    Siluanov also said that the downgrade was based on "unrealistic" forecasts with "no analogies", as the agency had made pessimistic assumptions that went well beyond forecasts by the IMF, World Bank and international banks.............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/20/us-russia-crisis-moody-s-siluanov-idUSKBN0LO2E620150220?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  4. Reaktionen auf Euro-Kompromiss In der Union herrscht Skepsis..

    Schäuble erklärt, die griechische Regierung werde es schwer haben, die Vereinbarungen ihren Wählern zu vermitteln. Doch auch die Unionsfraktion ist noch nicht überzeugt. Experten sehen noch viele Unklarheiten. Grüne und Linke begrüßen den Kompromiss.........http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/eurokrise/griechenland/reaktionen-auf-euro-kompromiss-in-der-union-herrscht-skepsis-13441355.html

  5. Griechenland ist gerettet – aber nur vorläufig ...

    Die Euro-Zone hat die Notbremse gezogen – und so im letzten Moment den ganz großen Crash verhindert. Griechenland und der Rest der Währungsunion schienen in den vergangenen Wochen wie zwei Züge scheinbar unaufhaltsam aufeinanderzuzurasen. Ein Frontalzusammenstoß hätte Griechenland regelrecht zermalmt: Der Ausstieg aus der Währungsunion und die Rückkehr zur Drachme wäre eine eine ökonomische und humanitäre Katastrophe, deren Ausmaß sich wohl kaum ein Grieche auch nur annähernd vorstellen kann....................http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/verhandlung-mit-eurogruppe-griechenland-ist-gerettet-aber-nur-vorlaeufig-/11403874.html

  6. Moody's'ten yapılan açıklamada, not indirimine en temel gerekçe olarak, petrol fiyatlarındaki ciddi düşüş ve döviz kuru şokunun ülkenin hali hazırda düşük olan orta vadeli büyüme beklentilerini daha da zayıflatması gösterildi...

    "Rusya'nın kredi notunun "Ba1"e düşürülmesinin birinci nedenini, Ukrayna'da devam eden krizin yanı sıra petrol fiyatlarındaki düşüş ve rubledeki değer kaybının ülkenin ekonomik ve finansal istikrarına yönelik olumsuz etkileri oluşturdu.

    "Moody's'e göre, mevcut ve potansiyel yaptırımlar, ülkenin döviz kurundaki erozyon, ısrarla düşük seyreden petrol fiyatları ve yüksek enflasyon, gelirleri, tüketici güvenini ve iş dünyasına olumsuz etkileyecek" ifadelerine yer verilen açıklamada, Rusya'nın bu yıl derin bir durgunluğa saplanacağı ve 2016'da da daralmaya devam edeceği öngörüsünde bulunuldu.....................http://www.aa.com.tr/tr/rss/468541--moodys-rusyanin-kredi-notunu-dusurdu

  7. Ukraine: le CS de l'Onu se penchera sur l'envoi d'un contingent de paix...

    Des consultations sur l'envoi d'un contingent de paix en Ukraine débuteront le 23 février au sein du Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu, a rapporté samedi l'agence d'information ukrainienne 112.ua.

    "Les discussions porteront sur l'envoi d'une mission policière et d'un contingent de paix. Cette mission de la paix peut être onusienne ou européenne. Elle sera probablement mixte", a indiqué le chef de la diplomatie ukrainienne Pavel Klimkine cité par l'agence.....................http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150221/1014832654.html#ixzz3SNRsX9Wf

  8. Einigung in Brüssel: Griechenland muss seine politischen Träume begraben...

    Die Länder der Euro-Gruppe, der IWF und Griechenland haben sich geeinigt. Das Hilfsprogramm wird vier Monate verlängert. Doch die Griechen müssen einen überzeugenden Reformplan liefern.

    Wolfgang Schäuble ist ein Mann, der schon lange Politik macht. Ein alter Hase im Geschäft. Und so kann man es ihm verzeihen, wenn er – auf die griechische Regierung angesprochen – zu einer fast schon väterlichen Weisheit greift. "Regieren ist ein Rendezvous mit der Realität", sagte der 72-Jährige am späten Freitagabend in Brüssel. "Und die Realität ist manchmal nicht so schön wie die Träume.".................http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article137682116/Griechenland-muss-seine-politischen-Traeume-begraben.html

  9. Jihadists in Libya pose a "direct threat" to Europe, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said in Madrid on Saturday...

    "I would like to cite the question of Libya and the direct threat to our security of the creation -- under our eyes and not far from our borders -- of a new haven for the jihadi terrorist," Valls told a gathering of social democrats in Madrid, according to a transcript of his speech.

  10. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has warned of "real difficulties" ahead, as his government faces a Monday deadline to submit a list of reforms to lenders.

    Under a deal agreed on Friday, the list must be approved by the international creditors in order for Greece to secure a four-month extension of its bailout.

    "We won a battle, not the war," Mr Tspiras said on Saturday.

    The deal is widely regarded as a major climb down for the PM, who won power vowing to reverse budget cuts.

    He hailed the agreement as a "decisive step" that "achieved much" towards ending austerity, but added: "We have a long and difficult road ahead."

    The BBC's Mark Lowen in Athens says the government is engaged in a hard-sell to the Greek people over the deal with eurozone ministers and the IMF in Brussels.

    The Greek cabinet is due to meet to discuss it later on Saturday.

    No details have emerged about the potential list of reforms, which must be approved before eurozone members ratify the bailout extension on Tuesday.

    Analysts say a collapse of the deal would revive fears of an exit from the euro, a so-called "grexit" - something both the EU and Greece say they want to avoid...............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31564846

  11. Russie: des dizaines de milliers de personnes manifestent à Moscou...

    Des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont défilé samedi dans le centre de Moscou pour exprimer leur soutien au président Vladimir Poutine et manifester leur opposition à toute velléité de soulèvement populaire sur le modèle ukrainien.

    Le défilé organisé par le mouvement "Anti-Maïdan" visait à marquer le premier anniversaire du soulèvement populaire du Maïdan -place au centre de Kiev et haut lieu de la contestation anti-régime- qui a mené début 2014 à la destitution de l'ex-président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch, ainsi qu'à affirmer que la Russie ne tolèrerait pas de tels actes.................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_russie-des-dizaines-de-milliers-de-personnes-manifestent-a-moscou?id=8912701

  12. Entmachteter Janukowitsch überlegt Rückkehr in Ukraine...

    Ein Jahr nach seiner Flucht aus der Ukraine hat der entmachtete Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch eine Rückkehr nicht ausgeschlossen. "Sobald sich eine Möglichkeit bietet zurückzukehren, werde ich zurückkehren und alles tun, um das Leben in der Ukraine zu verbessern", sagte er in einem am Samstag ausgestrahlten Interview des staatlichen russischen Fernsehens.

    "Derzeit ist die wichtigste Aufgabe, den Krieg zu beenden". Janukowitsch setzte sich vor genau einem Jahr nach Russland ab, nachdem bei den Protesten in Kiew innerhalb von drei Tagen mehr als 100 Demonstranten erschossen worden waren. Die Demonstrationen richteten sich gegen Janukowitsch und dessen prorussischen Kurs. Janukowitsch begründete seine Flucht damit, er habe um sein Leben fürchten müssen.............http://diepresse.com/home/politik/aussenpolitik/4668596/Entmachteter-Janukowitsch-uberlegt-Ruckkehr-in-Ukraine?from=rss

  13. U.S. and allies discuss new sanctions on Russia over Ukraine: Kerry...

    (Reuters) - The United States and its allies are discussing imposing more sanctions against Russia for undermining a European-brokered truce in eastern Ukraine, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Saturday.

    Kerry made the comments as he began talks with his British counterpart Philip Hammond in London, accusing Moscow of "extraordinarily craven behavior at the expense of the sovereignty and integrity of a nation".

    The Kiev military accused Russia on Friday of sending tanks and troops into eastern Ukraine despite a ceasefire that went into force last Sunday, brokered by France and Germany in a bid to end a conflict that has killed more than 5,000 people..............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/21/us-ukraine-crisis-kerry-idUSKBN0LP0JW20150221?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  14. Greece says euro zone deal won time as cash bled from banks...

    Greece’s left-wing government insisted today (Feb 21) it had avoided being “strangled” by the euro zone, which agreed in principle to extend a financial rescue deal as nervous savers pulled huge sums from Greek banks.

    Athens said the deal struck late yesterday in Brussels should calm Greeks who had feared capital controls might be imposed as a prelude to leaving the euro. But some weary voters questioned what their new leaders had achieved in weeks of testy exchanges with euro zone hardliners led by EU paymaster Germany.................http://www.todayonline.com/business/greece-says-euro-zone-deal-won-time-cash-bled-banks

  15. Schuldenkrise: Das Elend der Griechen...

    Seit knapp fünf Jahren finanzieren die Euroländer das total überschuldete Griechenland. Doch statt des ewigen Durchwurstelns von einer Krisennacht zur nächsten wäre ein klarer Schnitt besser. Derzeit bietet die Weltgeschichte die zweite Chance.

    [Ein Kommentar.]
    Es kommt selten vor, dass die Weltgeschichte eine zweite Chance bietet: In der Eurokrise ist das in diesen Tagen ausnahmsweise der Fall. Als vor knapp fünf Jahren, exakt in der Nacht vom 8. auf den 9. Mai 2010, Europa seine Prinzipien verriet und den Vertrag von Maastricht brach, wurde als Rettung camoufliert, was sich im Verlauf als reine Konkursverschleppung entpuppte. Seither finanzieren die Euroländer, flankiert von der Europäischen Zentralbank, das total überschuldete Griechenland in der Hoffnung, am Ende werde dessen Staatshaushalt saniert und das griechische Volk selbst die Haftung für sein Gemeinweisen übernehmen.

    Fünf Jahre später ist davon nichts zu sehen. Die Schulden der Griechen betragen 170 Prozent der Wirtschaftsleistung des Landes. Eine neue Regierung will die Ausgaben wieder erhöhen – und macht unwillig vage Versprechungen struktureller Reformen, auf die – nach allen Erfahrungen auch der Gutmeinenden – kein Verlass ist..................http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/schuldenkrise-das-elend-der-griechen-13441953.html

  16. El líder de la autoproclamada República Popular de Donetsk (RPD), Alexandr Zajárchenko firmó un plan sobre la retirada de armas pesadas de la línea de separación, comunicó este sábado el subjefe del Estado Mayor de la República Popular de Donetsk, Eduard Basurin...

    "El dirigente de la RPD puso su firma en una sala médica donde está bajo tratamiento por una herida de bala en la pierna que recibió en la zona de Debáltsevo", dijo.

    Anteriormente el documento fue firmado por el líder de la autoproclamada República Popular de Lugansk, Ígor Plotnitski..........http://mundo.sputniknews.com/europa/20150221/1034689555.html#ixzz3SS6fJ2FA

  17. The script of a coup d’etat that occurred a year ago in Ukraine had not been written by oppositionists in Kiev but was in the US embassy, former Ukrainian Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov said on the NTV television channel...

    "The script was not written in Kiev. It was in the US embassy," Azarov said. "And the key puppet masters were not on Maidan [Independence Square in Kiev - the symbol of Ukrainian protests]. These dummies did not really manage anything and did not influence anything."

    He said the West was discontented with the policy of then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich because Ukraine announced during his presidency that it "will not join NATO."

    "That policy did not suit the United States and some partners in the EU," the ex-premier said. "They were constantly lecturing us. Active preparation started, which I did not pay proper attention to."

    Besides, Azarov said, the West did not like the doubts of the then-Ukrainian government regarding the expediency of signing an association agreement with the European Union................http://tass.ru/en/world/779095

  18. The Turkish military has successfully completed an operation into Syria to evacuate Turkish soldiers guarding a tomb, but one soldier was killed in an accident during the mission, a Turkish official said on Sunday...

    Turkey's armed forces launched the operation late on Saturday to evacuate soldiers guarding the mausoleum of Suleyman Shah, grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire, two senior Turkish officials earlier told Reuters.................http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/turkish-mission-to-evacua/1672852.html

  19. Sind am Ende die Griechen die Gewinner?...

    Tsipras hat hoch gepokert und verloren – allerdings nur die erste Runde. Will Europa nicht riskieren, dass gleich die nächste griechische Regierung zusammenbricht, wird man ihr entgegenkommen müssen.

    Europa ist immer für eine Überraschung gut – auch mal für eine positive. Da schienen sich Griechenland und die Euroländer hoffnungslos verhakt zu haben, doch dann lag am Freitagabend plötzlich ein Kompromisspapier auf dem Tisch. Die Einigung an sich ist nur logisch. Sowohl für Griechenland als auch für den Rest Europas ist es allemal besser, wenn das Land in der Währungsunion bleibt...............http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article137696808/Sind-am-Ende-die-Griechen-die-Gewinner.html

  20. Die Liste Athens mit den von den Geldgebern geforderten Reformen wird allen Anzeichen nach bereits heute fertiggestellt...

    An die EU, die Europäische Zentralbank und den Internationalen Währungsfonds soll sie aber erst am Montag geschickt werden. "Die Liste wird Montagfrüh abgeschickt", sagte Griechenlands Regierungschef Alexis Tsipras Reportern in Athen.

    Finanzminister Gianis Varoufakis ergänzte: "Die Liste wird am 23. Februar fertig sein." Er sei sich "fast sicher", dass seine Kollegen der anderen Eurostaaten die Liste in einer Telefonkonferenz annehmen würden und ein Treffen der Eurogruppe nicht nötig werde............http://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/griechenland-343.html

  21. European jihadis unable to join Islamic State, locked at home...

    The flow of European fighters from Europe to territory held by the ultra-hardline Islamic State is drying up due to tighter restrictions imposed by European states that have prevented would-be jihadis from travelling, fighters from the group said.

    Fighters in Syria and Iraq contacted by Reuters said the impact was limited on the battlefield since European fighters make up only a fraction of the forces of Islamic State.

    "Now most of the (foreign) fighters are coming from Asian countries, like Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. They are tough fighters," an Islamic State militant who fought with the group in both Syria and Iraq, told Reuters via the internet..................................http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/8/123625/World/Region/European-jihadis-unable-to-join-Islamic-State,-loc.aspx

  22. Fukushima: une nouvelle fuite d'eau radioactive a été détectée...

    Une nouvelle fuite d'eau hautement radioactive vers la mer a été détectée dimanche sur le site de la centrale japonaise de Fukushima, a annoncé l'opérateur Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco).

    Des capteurs fixés sur une conduite d'évacuation d'eaux de pluie et souterraines ont mesuré des taux de radioactivité jusqu'à 70 fois supérieurs aux valeurs déjà hautes enregistrées sur le site, a précisé un porte-parole de la compagnie.

    Ces taux relevés vers 10H00 locales (02H00 HB) sont progressivement redescendus au cours de la journée mais ils restaient à des niveaux alarmants. La conduite d'évacuation menant à une porte adjacente sur la côte Pacifique a été coupée.

    Selon Tepco, une inspection n'a pas révélé d'anomalie dans les gigantesques réservoirs de stockage d'eau contaminée et Tepco affirme "n'avoir nulle raison de penser que les réservoirs de stockage des eaux contaminées ont fui".

    L'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique (AIEA) s'est inquiétée cette semaine à l'issue d'une mission sur place du volume croissant d'eau plus ou moins contaminée stockée dans ces citernes dont la fiabilité n'est pas assurée.....................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_fukushima-une-nouvelle-fuite-d-eau-radioactive-a-ete-detectee?id=8913181

    1. A operadora da central nuclear de Fukushima 1, no Japão, confirmou uma nova fuga de água radioativa no mar....

      De acordo com os dados da Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), a fuga foi detectada às 10h00 de domingo, hora local. Foi registrada uma alteração do fundo radioativo em 70 vezes neste grupo gerador.

      Neste momento, especialistas verificam os danos nos que armazenam água altamente radioativa.

      Este é o segundo vazamento de água radioativa na usina Fukushima 1 nesta semana. O primeiro foi registrado em 18 de fevereiro em um dos tubos do sistema de arrefecimento no reator número seis.

      Vazamentos de água radioativa dos reservatórios da usina nuclear danificada ocorrem desde agosto de 2013. Fugas de água radioativa continuam sendo um dos maiores problemas não resolvidos após o acidente na usina Fukushima 1 em 2011. Outro problema grave é a purificação e armazenamento de água radioativa.................. http://br.sputniknews.com//mundo/20150222/234994.html#ixzz3STVwRHQj

  23. Wieder Angriffe auf Donezk – Stadtbehörden berichten von neuen Zerstörungen...

    Die Stadt sei weiter unter Beschuss, teilte Iwan Prichodko, Verwaltungschef der Stadtbezirke Kujbyschewski (Westen) und Kiewski (Nordwesten), am Sonntag der Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti mit. In seinem Revier seien mehrere Wohnhäuser sowie eine Heizanlage beschädigt worden. In einer Straße sei das Heckteil einer Rakete aus dem Mehrfachraketenwerfer Uragan gefunden worden.

    Am Sonntagmorgen hatte auch die Donezker Bürgermeisterei von neuen Artilleriesalven in der Stadtberichtet. Stadtbewohner bestätigten RIA Novosti, dass schwere Schüsse und Explosionen in mehreren Teilen der Stadt zu hören seien. „Die Salven sind zwar nicht so laut und intensiv wie im Januar und Anfang Februar, aber von einer Stille kann man noch nicht reden“, sagte ein Einheimischer........................http://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20150222/301225672.html#ixzz3STVQxHuU

  24. A bomb has killed at least two people, including a police officer, and injured at least 10 more at a rally in Ukraine's second city Kharkiv....

    The rally was one of several being held to mark a year since the Kiev uprising that led to the fall of pro-Russia leader Viktor Yanukovych.

    Security forces have detained four suspects in the attack, officials say.

    Kharkiv lies outside the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine, where a ceasefire appears finally to be taking hold................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31575384

  25. An earthquake of 6.6 magnitude struck off Mexico's Pacific coast at 0923 ET on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was no risk of a tsunami...

    The quake struck at a depth of 22 km, 264 km (160 miles) west-southwest from Cihuatlan in the state of Jalisco, the USGS said. It had initially reported the quake was at a depth of 10 km.
    Magnitude Mw 6.3
    Date time 2015-02-22 14:23:14.5 UTC
    Location 18.69 N ; 106.80 W
    Depth 10 km
    424 km SW of Guadalajara, Mexico / pop: 1,640,589 / local time: 08:23:14.5 2015-02-22
    330 km W of Colima, Mexico / pop: 127,235 / local time: 08:23:14.5 2015-02-22
    213 km SW of Tomatlán, Mexico / pop: 8,360 / local time: 08:23:14.5 2015-02-22

  26. The explosive device that went off during a Euro-Maidan march in Ukraine’s eastern city of Kharkov killing at least two and injuring nine people was a self-made bomb stuffed with nails, Kharkov region Prosecutor Yuri Danilchenko said on Sunday...

    "According to preliminary data, the remote control explosive device was placed in a bag. Trotyl was used as explosive agent," he said.

    Earlier on Sunday, head of the Kharkov Main Department of Ukraine’s Security Service Alexander Pivovar said the explosive device "was a self-made bomb similar to the bomb that went off near the building of the Moskovsky court" on January 19, wounding 13 people.

    A spokesman for the Kharkov health department said the blast had killed two and wounded nine people, of whom three were in serious condition...................http://tass.ru/en/world/779144

  27. Eurogruppe: Griechenland legt Reformliste vor...

    Etwa sieben Milliarden Euro will die Regierung bei Steuersündern und im Kampf gegen Korruption einnehmen. Die internationalen Geldgeber prüfen die Vorschläge.

  28. A new video from Al Shabaab purportedly shows the terror group calling for an attack on Mall of America, in Bloomington, Minn.

    According to Fox 9, the mall is one of three similar targets the terror group specifically names, including West Edmonton Mall in Canada and the Oxford Street shopping area in London.

    The video purportedly shows 6 minutes of graphic images and the terrorists celebrating the 2013 Westgate Mall attack in Nairobi, Kenya, that killed more than 60 people.

  29. Grèce : les réformes rapporteraient plus de 7 milliards d'euros à Athènes ..

    Le catalogue de réformes que doit présenter lundi 22 février le gouvernement grec permettrait à Athènes d'encaisser plus de 7 milliards d'euros de recettes, affirme le quotidien allemand Bild.

    Le journal, qui dit tenir ses informations de sources proches du gouvernement grec, le plan que doit présenter le gouvernement d'Alexis Tsipras à ses créanciers (Union européenne, Banque centrale européenne et FMI) prévoit de lutter contre le trafic d'essence et de cigarettes. Ces mesures spécifiques permettraient à l'Etat grec d'engranger respectivement 1,5 milliard et 800 millions d'euros.

    L'exécutif de gauche radicale prévoit aussi de tirer 2,5 milliards d'euros de l'imposition des fortunes grecques et des oligarques, et la même somme au travers du recouvrement des dettes fiscales des particuliers et des entreprises.

    1. Reformas podem garantir a Atenas sete mil milhões de euros

      O catálogo de reformas que o Governo grego deve apresentar hoje aos credores internacionais permitirá a Atenas encaixar mais de sete mil milhões de euros de receitas, afirma a edição desta segunda-feira do diário alemão Bild.

      Segundo o periódico, que cita fontes próximas do Governo grego, as receitas serão essencialmente provenientes das medidas que estarão a ser preparadas para combater diversos tráficos, e da taxação das grandes fortunas.

      O plano que deverá ser apresentado pelo Governo de Alexis Tsipras aos seus credores (União Europeia, Banco Central Europeu e Fundo Monetário Internacional), prevê o combate ao tráfico de combustíveis e cigarros, que permitiria ao Estado arrecadar respetivamente 1,5 mil milhões e 800 milhões de euros.

      O Executivo da esquerda radical pretende ainda garantir 2,5 mil milhões de euros provenientes das grandes fortunas gregas e dos oligarcas através da coleta de dívidas fiscais a particulares e empresas.

  30. El pacto con el Eurogrupo abre las primeras fisuras en el Gobierno griego...

    ....Cinco destacados miembros de Syriza han criticado sin ambages el acuerdo alcanzado el viernes con el Eurogrupo. Entre ellos figuran dos nombres de peso, los de Panayotis Lafazanis, titular de Reconstrucción Productiva, Medio Ambiente y Energía –uno de los tres superministerios económicos del Gobierno-, y Manolis Glezos, eurodiputado y figura totémica de la izquierda.

  31. Grecia, la resa di Tsipras: restano i tagli agli statali e l'austerity

    Addio alle promesse elettorali. Il documento di sei pagine sarà consegnato oggi a Ue, Bce e Fmi. Deregulation, riforma dello Stato e un'apertura ai privati. L'unica misura umanitaria sarà il blocco della confisca di case

  32. Ukraine says it cannot start heavy weapons withdrawal

    The Ukrainian military has said it cannot start withdrawing heavy weapons from the front line in the east until the rebels stop shelling its positions.

    Military spokesman Lt Col Anatoliy Stelmakh told reporters the rebels had not stopped firing.

  33. Cyprus and Greece will continue to question the effectiveness of the anti-Russia sanctions, while supporting a more pragmatic approach toward the Ukrainian crisis, Cyprus government spokesman told Sputnik, adding that the two countries value strategic relations between Russia and the European Union.

    "Cyprus and Greece are certainly an integral vital part of a core group of EU partners that have not stopped questioning whether sanctions are an effective policy tool and have concertedly kept a pragmatic and constructive voice of reason in the Council [European Council]," Nikos Christodoulides said........http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150223/1018621320.html#ixzz3SYvZuUeO

  34. Die mit Spannung erwarteten Reformpläne aus Athen sollen mehr als sieben Milliarden Euro einbringen. Die CSU gibt sich dennoch hart und fordert „ernsthafte Reformen“. ...

    Der „Bild“-Zeitung zufolge heißt es in dem Brief an die drei Institutionen nun unter anderem, dass die Athener Regierung den Schmuggel von Benzin und Zigaretten im Land stoppen will. Damit will der Staat 1,5 Milliarden Euro beziehungsweise 800 Millionen Euro einnehmen. Zudem erhofft sich Athen demnach 2,5 Milliarden Euro an Einnahmen durch die Besteuerung reicher Griechen und Oligarchen sowie weitere 2,5 Milliarden Euro durch das Eintreiben von Steuerschulden bei Bürgern und Unternehmen.............http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/tsipras-reformplaene-csu-droht-mit-ablehnung-weiterer-griechenland-hilfen/11409126.html

  35. Die spanische Zentralregierung wird vor dem Obersten katalanischen Gerichtshof gegen die bevorstehende Eröffnung katalanischer "Botschaften" in Wien und Rom klagen. Wie die Zeitung "El Pais" am Montag berichtete, ist Madrid überzeugt, dass die eigenständigen diplomatischen Vertretungen Kataloniens in Österreich und Italien dem Prinzip der einheitlichen Außenpolitik zuwiderlaufen.

  36. Griechenland-Krise: Brüssel wartet noch auf Athener Reformliste ...

    Die griechische Regierung hat die von den Euro-Partnern für die weitere finanzielle Unterstützung geforderte erste Liste mit Reformen nach Angaben der EU-Kommission noch nicht vorgelegt. Eine Sprecherin der EU-Kommission sagte am Montagmittag, es sei noch keine offizielle Liste in Brüssel eingetroffen. Sie wies damit Angaben aus EU-Kreisen zurück, wonach der Vorschlag Athens für glaubhafte Reformen bereits vorliege. Die Liste ist Voraussetzung für die Verlängerung des griechischen Hilfsprogramms bis Ende Juni, die am Freitag von den Finanzministern der Euro-Länder grundsätzlich beschlossen worden war.....................http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/griechenland-krise-bruessel-wartet-noch-auf-athener-reformliste/11410740.html

  37. Greece reform list received in Brussels: European source

    BRUSSELS: Greece has submitted the list of economic reforms demanded by its creditors to extend the country's bailout programme by four months, a European source said Monday.

    "The list has been received," said the source close to the matter without giving any details..

    However, the European Commission said no final list has yet been put forward as talks are continuing.

    "We have not received any list from the Greek authorities. As you know the deadline is by the end of Monday," spokeswoman Mina Andreeva said.

    "Of course there are talks happening. We are in contact with the Greek authorities...

  38. Ukraine: tensions près de Marioupol, malgré une accalmie dans l'est du pays...

    Malgré une accalmie relative dans l'est rebelle de l'Ukraine, des affrontements se poursuivaient lundi, notamment près du port stratégique de Marioupol, retardant selon Kiev le retrait des armes lourdes de la ligne du front.

  39. EU-Kommission zur Reformliste: „Wir geben den Griechen Ratschläge“

    Noch heute muss die griechische Regierung eine Liste vorlegen, zu welchen Reformen sie bereit ist. Vorläufige Aufstellungen werden derzeit eifrig zwischen Brüssel und Athen hin- und hergeschickt. EU-Vertreter geben offenbar sehr konkrete Tipps, damit die Geldgeber die finale Liste nicht ablehnen.

  40. Germany demands 'satisfactory' Greek reform plan...

    The German government has said it will request from parliament an extension of the Greek bailout program if Athens submits a “satisfactory” reform plan to international lenders.

    The comments came on Monday a day after the Greek government submitted a draft proposal of economic reforms to its creditors, which were required under an agreement with creditors signed in an eleventh-hour deal on Friday.

    German Finance Ministry spokesman Martin Jaeger said at a press conference in Berlin: "I see no reason for not being able to extend the program this week, but of course this depends on the quality of the economic reform program to be sent by Athens.

    "We would timely submit our request to the parliament."

  41. Talks between the United States and Iran on Tehran's disputed nuclear programme have made "some progress" and managed to "sharpen up some of the tough issues" that need resolving, a senior U.S. administration official said on Monday....

    Political directors from Iran and the six major powers have agreed to resume talks next week at a venue to be decided, the official said, speaking after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif held two-day talks in Geneva.

    "These were very serious, useful and constructive discussions. We have made some progress but we still have a long way to go. We did very much sharpen up some of the tough issues so we can work to resolution," a senior U.S. administration official told reporters following intense talks.

  42. Israel's state-owned electric company briefly cut power to two Palestinian cities in the occupied West Bank on Monday to press for payment of what it said was $492 million owed by the Palestinian government....

    “The Israel Electric Corporation limited for 45 minutes today the supply of electricity to five power lines in Nablus and Jenin,” the company said in a statement, adding that further cuts were possible.

    Nablus Mayor Ghassan Al-Shaka'a said the power went out in parts of the city and was gradually restored.

    “This is collective punishment,” he told Reuters, calling the blackouts politically motivated....................http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-israeli-electric-company-begins-west-bank-power-cuts/2655092.html

  43. Eurostaaten warten gespannt auf Athens Reformliste...

    Briefe aus Athen sind für Brüssel immer eine spannende Angelegenheit: Vor vier Tagen schickte die griechische Regierung ihren Antrag auf Verlängerung des Milliarden-Hilfsprogramms - und handelte sich ein donnerndes "Nein" vom deutschen Finanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble ein.................http://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/griechenland-357.html

  44. Families of 3 missing UK girls urge 'Please come home!'...

    ............ The relatives of Shamima Begum and Amira Abase, both 15, and Kadiza Sultana, 16, broke down in tears as they spoke of their fears in televised interviews on British TV.

    "We miss you. We cannot stop crying," said Abase Hussen, Amira's father, clutching a teddy bear Amira gave to her mother on Mother's Day. "Please think twice. Don't go to Syria."

    The case has captured wide attention in Britain, where authorities say at least 500 people have left for Syria to join extremists and fear they pose a terrorism threat when they return......................http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/9/123766/World/International/Families-of--missing-UK-girls-urge-Please-come-hom.aspx

  45. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu advised those who are much interested in the position of Russian troops in the country to mind their own business...

    "When someone is speaking and saying our troops are at a wrong place on the territory of our country, I want to say that it is up to our supreme commander-in-chief, up to our country to decide. We don’t meddle with your business, so why do you meddle with ours?" Shoigu said on Channel One.

  46. Greece has submitted a list of reform proposals to its bailout creditors, the European Commission says....

    The list was received "on time", a spokesman tweeted.

    The measures are thought to include combating tax evasion and tackling fuel and tobacco smuggling.

    International creditors need to approve the list to secure Greece a four-month loan extension..................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31599688

  47. Moscou pourrait livrer des missiles S-400 à Téhéran...

    Une telle possibilité a été évoquée lors des négociations entre les ministres de la Défense des deux pays fin janvier.

    La Russie pourrait livrer à l'Iran des systèmes antiaériens S-400 au lieu des missiles S-300 commandés auparavant par Téhéran, rapporte mardi le journal Kommersant.............http://fr.sputniknews.com/defense/20150224/1014858129.html#ixzz3SeF88mYV

  48. Russia's Lavrov Arrives in Paris for Normandy Talks on Ukrainian Crisis...

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet with his Ukrainian, French and German counterparts at the French Foreign Ministry for the Normandy format talks on the Ukrainian crisis..............http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150224/1018664623.html#ixzz3SeGjVhSg

  49. Auf den allerletzten Drücker hat Griechenland die geforderte Reformliste in Brüssel eingereicht. Nun müssen Deutschland und die anderen Geldgeber entscheiden, ob Athens Vorschläge ausreichen...

    Die griechische Regierung hat die von Deutschland und den anderen Geldgebern geforderte Reformliste gegen Mitternacht eingereicht. Das teilte die EU-Kommission in Brüssel mit. Noch am Nachmittag soll nach bisherigem Zeitplan bei einer Telefonkonferenz der Eurogruppen-Finanzminister darüber entschieden werden, ob das Hilfsprogramm für das hoch verschuldete Land verlängert wird................http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Politik/d/6197240/athen-schickt-reformliste-an-die-eu.html

  50. Russia warns of gas risks after Ukraine fails to pre-pay...

    Russia's Gazprom said on Feb. 24 there were "serious" risks to gas transit to Europe via Ukraine after Kyiv failed to make a pre-payment.

    Gazprom said in a statement that Ukraine had 219 million cubic metres (mcm) of gas left that would be used up in two days. With no new payment, Russia would be forced to stop supplies to Ukraine, Gazprom added.

    "It creates serious risks for gas transit to Europe," it said. Europe gets around a third of its gas needs from Russia, with roughly half being pumped via Ukraine.

    On Monday, Ukrainian state energy firm Naftogaz accused Gazprom of failing to supply gas that Kyiv had paid for in advance, days after Moscow said it was sending some gas destined for Ukraine directly to regions held by rebels....................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/russia-warns-of-gas-risks-after-ukraine-fails-to-pre-pay.aspx?pageID=238&nID=78771&NewsCatID=348

    1. Ukraine zahlt nicht für Gas – Gazprom warnt vor Lieferstopp ...

      „Die Ukraine hat die nächste anstehende Vorauszahlung nicht rechtzeitig überwiesen. Gegenwärtig sind nur 219 Millionen Kubikmeter bezahlt“, sagte Gazprom-Chef Alexej Miller am Dienstag. Nachdem Gazprom die von der Ukraine bestellte Menge von 114 Millionen Kubikmetern völlig geliefert haben werde, könnte es schon in zwei Tagen zu einem Lieferstopp kommen, „was ersthafte Risiken auch für den Transit nach Europa haben könnte“.

      Naftogaz bestätigte, keine Vorauszahlung geleistet zu haben, und beschuldigte Gazprom, die bestellten Mengen nicht zu liefern: Man habe für den 22. und 23. Februar jeweils 114 Millionen Kubikmeter bestellt, jedoch nur 47 bzw. и 39 Millionen erhalten. Aus diesem Grund werde Naftogaz vorerst keine Zahlungen überweisen, hieß es. Dabei versicherte Unternehmens-Chef Andrej Kobolew, dass der Gastransit nach Europa nicht gefährdet sei.................... http://de.sputniknews.com/wirtschaft/20150224/301246697.html#ixzz3SgGgohDm

    2. The chairman of Russian gas giant Gazprom has warned supplies of gas to Europe could be seriously affected within two days amid an ongoing dispute with Ukrainian firm Naftogaz....

      Alexei Miller said in a statement on Tuesday that European supplies could be hit after his company refused to deliver 114 million cubic meters of natural gas requested by Naftogaz over the Ukrainian energy provider's alleged failure to pay in advance for supplies.

      Miller said: "Ukraine has not made a timely pre-payment for gas.

      "Today, only 219 million cubic meters of prepaid gas is left and it takes about two days for funds from Naftogaz to transfer to Gazprom."

      'Serious risks'

      "Therefore the delivery of gas to Ukraine in the requested daily amount of 114 million cubic meters will lead to a total halt of Russian gas deliveries to Ukraine in just two days, which poses serious risks for the transit of gas to Europe," he warned...................http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/470079--gazprom-ukraine-dispute-threatens-europes-gas-supplies

  51. Allemagne: accord dans l'industrie sur une hausse des salaires...

    Le puissant syndicat allemand de la métallurgie IG Metall et le patronat se sont mis d'accord mardi matin pour augmenter de 3,4% les salaires du secteur dans le sud-est, un accord régional qui devrait sauf surprise valoir pour l'ensemble du pays.

    Cet accord, décroché en pleine nuit à l'issue d'une quatrième réunion de négociations depuis la mi-janvier dans l'Etat-région du Bade-Wurtemberg, est un "pas important pour l'organisation du monde du travail et la stabilisation de la conjoncture", s'est réjoui IG Metall dans un communiqué...................http://www.rtl.be/info/monde/france/allemagne-accord-dans-l-industrie-sur-une-hausse-des-salaires-703029.aspx

  52. At least eight people have been killed in a shooting in the eastern Czech Republic town of Uhersky Brod, local reports and officials say...

    An armed man burst into a restaurant around lunchtime, opening fire, according to Czech state television.

    The gunman is also reported to be dead following the attack, Czech officials have said. The motive for the shooting is unclear.

    Some 20 people were thought to have been in the restaurant at the time.

    Although police confirmed the shooting in Uhersky Brod, about 300 km (180 miles) from the capital Prague, they have yet to officially comment on the death toll.................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31608932

    1. Eight people were killed in a shooting in an eastern Czech town on Tuesday...

      News agency CTK quoted Interior Minister Milan Chovanec as saying he had been informed about eight victims. The suspected shooter was also dead, the report said.

      The shooting took place in the town of Uhersky Brod, 300 km (180 miles) southeast of Prague.

      Quoting the mayor of the town, Reuters reported the shooter, aged 60, was believed to have been mentally unstable.

      Information on the victims or circumstances of the shooting was not immediately available.

  53. L'Eurogroupe approuve la liste des réformes soumises par la Grèce...

    (Belga) Les ministres des Finances de la zone euro ont approuvé mardi après-midi, lors d'une conférence téléphonique, la liste des réformes présentée lundi par le gouvernement d'Alexis Tsipras. Cette approbation ouvre la voie aux procédures devant certains parlements nationaux, qui doivent approuver d'ici samedi l'extension du programme d'aide financière à la Grèce.

    Athènes avait obtenu vendredi dernier un accord de principe de l'Eurogroupe concernant l'extension de son programme d'aide financière, moyennant la présentation, pour ce lundi au plus tard, d'une liste de réformes qu'Athènes s'engage à mettre en oeuvre...............http://www.rtl.be/info/monde/europe/l-eurogroupe-approuve-la-liste-des-reformes-soumises-par-la-grece-703154.aspx

  54. Euro-Finanzminister akzeptieren Griechenland-Plan...

    Einer Verlängerung des Hilfsprogramms für Griechenland dürfte nichts mehr im Weg stehen: Die Euro-Finanzminister haben die Reformpläne der Regierung in Athen angenommen.................http://www.zeit.de/politik/2015-02/euro-finanzminister-akzeptieren-griechenland-plan

  55. Situation in Ukraine’s southeast remains unstable — German FM...

    The situation in the embattled southeastern Ukrainian region remains unstable despite the drop in the level of violence, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Tuesday following talks of the foreign ministers of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine.

    "We have analyzed the current situation and it remains highly unstable," the German foreign minister said. "We must acknowledge that in the last four days the level of violence decreased, but multiple violations of ceasefire regime persist."

    Steinmeier added that all foreign ministers of the Normandy Four countries - Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine - unanimously confirmed their commitment to the implementation of the Minsk agreements....................http://tass.ru/en/world/779382

  56. Moody’s downgrades ratings of Russia’s biggest banks...

    Moody’s rating agency downgraded seven Russian financial institutions - Sberbank, Bank VTB, Gazprombank, Russian Agricultural Bank, Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, Vnesheconombank and Alfa-Bank, it reported Tuesday.

    The rating actions "follow the weakening of Russia's credit profile, as reflected by Moody's downgrade of Russia's government debt rating to Ba1 from Baa3 on 20 of February, 2015," the report said.

  57. Versprochen – gebrochen....

    Alles in Butter, sagen die Rettungseuropäer. Dumm nur, wenn die Leute das Kleingedruckte lesen. Europa erlebt mit Griechenland ein Déjà-vu..........http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/eurokrise/griechenland/kommentar-zu-griechenland-versprochen-gebrochen-13447693.html

  58. La Grande-Bretagne enverra des instructeurs militaires en Ukraine, a annoncé mardi le premier ministre David Cameron...

    Il a souligné que ces instructeurs seraient installés dans des régions éloignés des "points chauds".

    Selon le premier ministre, il n'est pas pour le moment question de fournir des "armes létales" à Kiev. Cependant, a-t-il ajouté, il ne faut pas exclure la possibilité d'une "livraison d'aide non létale"........... http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150224/1014880085.html#ixzz3ShGzPyoy

  59. US President Barack Obama has vetoed a bill that would have approved construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline...

    The Republican-led Congress sent the bill to the president on Tuesday.

    White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama vetoed the bill "without any drama or fanfare or delay".

    The 875-mile (1,400km) pipeline would carry tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada, to the US state of Nebraska where it joins pipes running to Texas.

    The project has pitted Republicans and other supporters, who say it will create much needed jobs, against many Democrats and environmentalists, who warn the pipeline will add to carbon emissions and contribute to global warming.................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-31596580

  60. Amnesty International has condemned world leaders for what it termed their "shameful and ineffective" failure to protect civilians from groups like Islamic State, calling 2014 a "catastrophic" year...

    In its 415-page annual report detailing abuses in 160 countries, the group accused governments of "pretending the protection of civilians is beyond their power."

    It said millions of civilians had been killed from Syria to Ukraine, while the number of displaced people around the world exceeded 50 million last year for the first time since the end of World War II.

    "2014 was a catastrophic year for millions caught up in violence," said Amnesty's secretary general, Shalil Shetty.

    "The global response to conflict and abuses by states and armed groups has been shameful and ineffective.

    "As people suffered an escalation in barbarous attacks and repression, the international community has been found wanting."...........http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0225/682604-world-response-to-conflict-shameful-amnesty/

  61. The year 2014 was a "catastrophic" one for millions of people around the world, a human rights watchdog group said Wednesday...

    Amnesty International released its annual report accusing world governments of failing to protect civilians from violence by states and armed groups, and calling the global response "shameful and ineffective."

    "As people suffered an escalation in barbarous attacks and repression, the international community has been found wanting,'' Amnesty secretary general Salil Shetty said in a statement................http://www.voanews.com/content/amnesty-international-report-chronicles-catastrophic-year/2657889.html

    1. This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up in the suffering of war zones....

      Governments pay lip service to the importance of protecting civilians. And yet the world's politicians have miserably failed to protect those in greatest need. Amnesty International believes that this can and must finally change.

      International humanitarian law - the law that governs the conduct of armed conflict - could not be clearer. Attacks must never be directed against civilians. The principle of distinguishing between civilians and combatants is a fundamental safeguard for people caught up in the horrors of war.

      And yet, time and again, civilians bore the brunt in conflict. In the year marking the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, politicians repeatedly trampled on the rules protecting civilians - or looked away from the deadly violations of these rules committed by others................https://www.amnesty.org/en/annual-report-201415/

  62. Polish FM calls for EU ‘automatic’ sanctions against Russia...

    Western countries should prepare a package of new sanctions against Russia if east Ukraine's militia forces start attacking the port city of Mariupol, Poland’s foreign minister said on Tuesday.

    "A draft of further sanctions should already be prepared and lying on the table," Grzegorz Schetyna told a local television programme.

    "Russia should understand that if it allows an attack on Mariupol, these sanctions will be imposed automatically," he said, noting that further restrictive measures could include disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT international bank transaction system, an embargo on Russian coal exports and many other steps.

    "We know what we can do," Schetyna said, adding that "many changes will take place, including in Europe’s and global policy towards Russia.".............http://tass.ru/en/world/779444

  63. The Ukrainian army and separatists are accusing each other of violating a truce, and now there is concern the rebels are moving their focus to Mariupol in the south....

    The city is strategically important because capturing the port would give the rebels access to the Azov Sea.

    Al Jazeera's Paul Brennan reports from Mariupol.............video..............http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/02/ukraine-rebels-mariupol-150225031929646.html

  64. Ukraine : Fabius met en garde Moscou sur une dégradation de la situation à Marioupol...

    Invité de France Info ce mercredi matin, le ministre des Affaires étrangères Laurent Fabius a estimé que le cessez-le-feu décidé en Ukraine dans le cadre des accords de Minsk conclu à la mi-février, "n'est pas encore complètement appliqué"...

    "Il est dans l'ensemble relativement appliqué mais il existe des zones où il n'est pas appliqué" a expliqué le ministre en soulignant que cela posait un problème puisque l'accord de Minsk prévoit le retrait des armes lourdes dès lors que le cessez-le-feu serait appliqué....................http://www.lesechos.fr/monde/europe/0204183377974-ukraine-fabius-met-en-garde-moscou-sur-une-degradation-de-la-situation-a-marioupol-1096616.php?PgkBZdYgh3tLez7O.99#

  65. Ukraine PM demands urgent parliament coalition meeting on stabilizing financial system...

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has demanded on Wednesday an urgent meeting of the parliamentary coalition for adopting a number of laws to stabilize the country’s financial system.

    "I request the parliamentary coalition to immediately gather for an extraordinary parliament meeting on stabilizing the Ukrainian financial system," the premier said at a meeting of the Ukrainian government.

    "The whole package of bills for getting IMF assistance part of which will be used for gold and currency reserves and make it possible to stop the panic and recover the [hrivnya] exchange rate is already in the parliament," Yatsenyuk said. "We’ve held consultations with all coalition factions, except the largest [Petro Poroshenko bloc]. There was no major disagreement on these bills."...................http://tass.ru/en/economy/779504

  66. Arctique: la Russie prête à défendre ses intérêts par les armes...

    La Russie juge possible d'utiliser les armes pour défendre ses intérêts nationaux en Arctique, a déclaré mercredi le ministre russe de la Défense Sergueï Choïgou.

    "Les pays développés qui n'ont pas d'accès direct aux régions arctiques prennent des mesures politiques, économiques et militaires pour pénétrer en Arctique (…). La présence militaire permanente en Arctique et la possibilité de défendre nos intérêts d'Etat par des moyens militaires font partie de notre politique visant à garantir la sécurité nationale de la Russie", a indiqué M.Choïgou lors d'une réunion du collège du ministère de la Défense.

    "L'Arctique devient un centre mondial de production d'hydrocarbures et un nœud important de communications", a-t-il rappelé................http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150225/1014901049.html#ixzz3SlyT4CLZ

  67. Putin: Kiews Verhalten "erinnert an Genozid"...

    Ein Abrüsten der Worte findet im Ukraine-Krieg trotz des Friedensabkommens nicht statt. Im Gegenteil. Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat am Mittwoch dem Westen indirekt mit Lieferengpässen bei Erdgas gedroht. Zudem erinnere ihn das Verhalten der ukrainischen Regierung gegenüber den Separatistenhochburgen in der Ostukraine an einen Genozid, so Putin vor Journalisten in seiner Residenz Nowo Ogarjowo nahe Moskau...............http://diepresse.com/home/politik/aussenpolitik/4671701/Putin_Kiews-Verhalten-erinnert-an-Genozid?from=rss

  68. First day with no troops killed under Ukraine truce...

    (Reuters) - A long-awaited truce took hold at last in east Ukraine on Wednesday, with the army reporting no combat fatalities for the first time in weeks, but the news did nothing to halt a currency collapse that forced the central bank to ban most trading.

    The Ukrainian military said the past 24 hours were its first day without combat fatalities for several weeks, since long before the truce was meant to take effect on Feb 15. Only one soldier had been wounded.............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/25/us-ukraine-crisis-idUSKBN0LT0YJ20150225?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  69. "Es wird kein Euro vorher bezahlt"...

    Wolfgang Schäuble hat wie die anderen Euro-Finanzminister der Verlängerung des Hilfsprogramms für Griechenland zugestimmt. Gezahlt werde aber erst, wenn das Land alle Zusagen voll erfüllt hat................http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article137811518/Es-wird-kein-Euro-vorher-bezahlt.html

  70. Neue Debatte über Schuldenschnitt: Griechen-Streit beginnt von vorn ...

    Nach der Einigung ist vor dem Streit: Nur einen Tag nach dem Kompromiss im griechischen Schuldendrama warnt Athens Finanzminister Varoufakis vor Zahlungsproblemen, bringt gar wieder einen Schuldenschnitt ins Gespräch. Sein deutscher Amtskollege schäumt.

    Griechenland hat vor Zahlungsproblemen in den kommenden Monaten gewarnt. "Bei der Rückzahlung der Raten an den IWF jetzt und an die EZB im Juli werden wir ganz sicher in Schwierigkeiten kommen", sagte Finanzminister Yanis Varoufakis dem Hörfunksender Alpha. Die Verwaltung selbst werde dagegen nicht in Engpässe geraten. In den kommenden Monaten stehen mehrere Zahlungen Griechenlands an private Gläubiger und seine internationalen Partner an.

    Varoufakis brachte außerdem erneut einen Schuldenschnitt ins Gespräch. "Ich spreche über Umschuldungen, die unsere Schuldenlast deutlich senken", sagte er. Dies sei ein Kriterium dafür, dass das Land eines Tages an die Kapitalmärkte zurückkehren könne. Hinzukommen müssten Investitionen und ein um Zinszahlungen bereinigtes Haushaltsplus.....................http://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/griechenland-383.html

  71. Les Grecs n'auront pas «un sou» avant la mise en place des réformes...

    Le ministre allemand des Finances, Wolfgang Schaüble, a assuré qu'«aucune euro» d'aide ne serait versé à la Grèce tant qu'elle n'aura pas rempli tous ses engagements prévus avec ses partenaires européens dans le cadre du programme d'aide.

    «Aucun euro ne sera versé avant» que la Grèce n'ait rempli ses engagements, a promis le ministre des Finances Wolfgang Schaüble, dans un entretien à la radio régionale publique SWR. «S'ils remplissent (leurs engagements), alors ils pourront recevoir les versements encore restants», a-t-il insisté. «Et s'ils ne les remplissent pas, il n'y aura pas de versement». La question qui se pose maintenant, c'est de savoir «si on peut croire les assurances du gouvernement grec ou pas», a-t-il insisté, assurant «comprendre (...) les nombreux doutes qui s'expriment en Allemagne».....................http://www.lefigaro.fr/conjoncture/2015/02/25/20002-20150225ARTFIG00238-pas-un-sou-pour-la-grece-avant-la-mise-en-place-des-reformes.php

  72. Futebol na Grécia suspenso na sequência dos incidentes entre o Panathinaikos e o Olympiacos...

    O ministro adjunto dos Desportos da Grécia, Stavros Kondonís, anunciou a suspensão, por tempo indeterminado, os campeonatos de futebol, para colocar em marcha medidas para erradicar a violência nos estádios.

    O governante afirmou que vão ser suspensos os encontros de todos os campeonatos profissionais e semiprofissionais da primeira, segunda e terceira divisões, na sequência dos graves incidentes ocorridos no dérbi de Atenas, entre Panathinaikos e Olympiacos...................http://www.jn.pt/PaginaInicial/Desporto/Interior.aspx?content_id=4420336&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+JN-ULTIMAS+%28JN+-+Ultimas%29

  73. Trois journalistes d'Al-Jazeera arrêtés pour avoir fait voler un drone à Paris...

    Trois journalistes de la chaîne de télévision qatarie Al-Jazeera ont été arrêtés après avoir fait voler un drone mercredi après-midi dans un parc à Paris, a-t-on appris de sources proches de l'enquête.

    "Le premier pilotait le drone, le deuxième filmait, le troisième regardait", a indiqué une source. Les journalistes ont été interpellés au bois de Boulogne, dans l'ouest de Paris. "Aucun rapprochement n'est pour l'heure possible entre ces arrestations et les survols nocturnes" de drones à Paris qui inquiètent les autorités, selon l'une des sources.

    Près de deux mois après les attentats meurtriers dans la capitale française, Paris a été pour la deuxième nuit consécutive survolée "à au moins cinq reprises" par un ou plusieurs appareils dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi, selon une source policière.

    Depuis cet automne, les survols de drones se multiplient en France, au dessus de centrales et sites nucléaires stratégiques mais aussi au dessus de la présidence, en plein coeur de Paris.

  74. EU gives France until 2017 to fix budget deficit...

    The EU on Wednesday gave France until 2017 to bring its budget deficit back into line with Brussels’ rules, meaning the eurozone's second biggest economy will avoid a fine for now.

    The European Commission said, however, that France must present it with a reform plan on how it intends to get its finances back in order by April.

    "Today we have decided to propose a new recommendation to France as to how to address its excessive deficit, and set a new deadline for it to be below 3.0 percent, this being by 2017," the bloc's euro commissioner, Valdis Dombrovskis, told a hastily-arranged press conference.

    But, he said, “It’s clear that France needs to step up its efforts.”

    Theoretically, eurozone countries face penalties if their deficit stays above 3.0 percent of economic output but any fine against one of the EU's founding members such as France would have been unprecedented................http://www.france24.com/en/20150225-eu-france-budget-deficit-2017/

  75. Merkel's Bavarian Allies to Support Greek Extension, Seek Pledges ...

    Angela Merkel's conservative allies in Bavaria agreed to support an extension of the Greek bailout in a parliamentary vote expected on Friday, but kept up their tough rhetoric in insisting on precise details from Athens on planned reforms.

    Germany's Merkel is rallying lawmakers to approve the extension, despite Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble's avowed doubts about the credibility of Athens' latest reform plans, and her right-left coalition has a big enough majority to easily win the vote on extending the rescue for four months...............http://www.voanews.com/content/merkel-bavarian-allies-to-support-greek-extension-seek-pledge/2658786.html

  76. Austria passes 'Law on Islam' banning foreign money for Muslim groups...

    Austria's parliament passed a law on Wednesday that seeks to regulate how Islam is administered, singling out its large Muslim minority for treatment not applied to any other religious group.

    The "Law on Islam" bans foreign funding for Islamic organizations and requires any group claiming to represent Austrian Muslims to submit and use a standardized German translation of the Koran.

    The law met with little opposition from the overwhelmingly Roman Catholic population, was backed by Austria's Catholic bishops, and was grudgingly accepted by the main Muslim organization. But it upset Turkey's state religious establishment........http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/25/us-austria-muslims-idUSKBN0LT28420150225?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  77. Streit um Haushaltsdefizit: Frankreich ist nicht Griechenland...

    Sind manche EU-Mitglieder gleicher als andere? Das kleine Griechenland muss weiter sparen, das große Frankreich bekommt dafür mehr Zeit von der EU-Kommission. Misst Brüssel mit zweierlei Maß?...............http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/eu-kommission-mehr-zeit-zum-sparen-fuer-paris-a-1020534.html

  78. U.S., Iran have ‘mutual interest’ in fighting ISIS: Kerry...

    The United States and Iran have a "mutual interest" in defeating the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria group but the long-time foes are not cooperating to do so, Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday.

    "They are totally opposed to ISIL and they are in fact taking on and fighting and eliminating ISIL members along the Iraqi border near Iran and have serious concerns about what that would do to the region," Kerry told lawmakers, referring to ISIS by another acronym.

    "So we have at least a mutual interest, if not a cooperative effort."

    Kerry, who has been pivotal to Washington's drive to strike a deal to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions, said the United States had not asked Tehran to get involved in the fight against the ISIS group............http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/world/2015/02/26/Kerry-U-S-Iran-have-mutual-interest-in-defeating-ISIS.html

  79. Moody’s rating agency has lowered credit rating of five Russian energy and infrastructure companies with a negative outlook, the agency said in a report on Thursday...

    Transneft, RusHydro, Atomenergoprom, Inter RAO and Rosseti are among the companies with the downgraded rating. The agency cited the worsening macroeconomic and financial climate in Russia as a reason for lowering ratings for the companies, as well as for downgrading Russia’s sovereign debt rating to Ba1 on February 20.

    Moody’s lowered the issuer rating of Transneft and Atomenergoprom from Baa3 to Ba1. The issuer rating of RusHydro, Inter RAO and Rosseti was lowered from Ba1 to Ba2.

  80. Griechen-Anleihen: EZB-Chef Draghi stellt Bedingungen...

    Mit dem angekündigten Anleihenkaufprogramm der EZB ist deren Chef Mario Draghi zufrieden. Er sieht bereits eine Konjunkturaufhellung. Die gute Stimmung gilt aber nicht für griechische Staatsanleihen.

    .....Von den Euro-Ländern forderte der Notenbankchef allerdings entschiedene Reformen. Noch sei die Währungsunion nicht widerstandsfähig genug, um gegen größere Schocks gefeit zu sein. Das erfordere von den Ländern tragfähige öffentliche Haushalte und gerade jetzt auch "entschlossene Reformen ihrer Wirtschaftsstrukturen", sagte Draghi...................http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/konjunktur/geldpolitik/griechen-anleihen-ezb-chef-draghi-stellt-bedingungen/11426454.html

  81. Islamic State militants have abducted at least 220 people from Assyrian Christian villages in north-eastern Syria during a three day offensive, a monitoring group has said...

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the abductions took place when Islamic State took ten villages inhabited by the ancient Christian minority near the city of Hasaka, a city mainly held by the Kurds.

    Meanwhile, an Australian minister has said that young women should not be led to believe that there is some romantic adventure attached to supporting the Islamic State group and similar terrorist organisations.

    A worrying number of Australian women are heading to Iraq and Syria to become so-called Islamic State group "jihadi brides", Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said..............http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0226/682906-australia-islamic-state-women/

  82. Le Fonds monétaire international pourrait suspendre son nouveau programme d'assistance à Kiev en cas d'aggravation de conflit dans le Donbass, rapporte jeudi l'agence Bloomberg citant des sources proches du dossier...

    Un nouveau programme d'aide à l'Ukraine d'un montant de 17,5 milliards de dollars sera examiné par le conseil d'administration du FMI le 11 mars prochain. Selon l'un des intrelocuteurs de Bloomberg, si les indépendatistes du sud-est poursuivent leur offensive et s'emparent de nouveaux territoires, dont la ville portuaire de Marioupol, ce programme risquerait de ne pas être approuvé...........http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150226/1014905686.html#ixzz3Spz1gkGc

  83. Kerry Asks Congress for Fatter Propaganda Budget...

    Stressing the need to counter the influence of RT, Secretary of State John Kerry asked Congress for more money to "promote democracy" around the world.

    "Russia Today (sic) can be heard in English, do we have an equivalent that can be heard in Russian?" Kerry asked the House Appropriations Subcommittee, ostensibly overlooking the fact that Voice of America has been broadcasting in Russian for nearly seven decades.

    "It's a pretty expensive proposition. They are spending huge amounts of money."

    California Republican Ed Royce earlier told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that "Russia is spending more than $500 million annually to mislead audiences, sow divisions, and push conspiracy out over RT television." Kerry told that body that "Russia's military aggression is matched only by its propaganda.".............http://sputniknews.com/us/20150226/1018768836.html#ixzz3Sq0eUTOm

  84. Suicide bomb strikes top NATO envoy team in Afghanistan ...

    (Reuters) - A suicide bomber rammed a car laden with explosives into a vehicle belonging to NATO's top envoy in Afghanistan, killing one Turkish soldier and wounding at least one person, Turkish officials said.

    The explosion struck in the heart of the heavily fortified capital Kabul, close to the German, Iranian and Turkish embassies, rattling windows and putting embassy staff on high alert.

    The NATO Senior Civilian Representative and former Turkish ambassador to Afghanistan could not immediately be reached by phone. Details on his location at the time of the attack were unclear. .............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/26/us-afghanistan-blast-idUSKBN0LU08S20150226?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  85. NASA video shows Sahara Desert fertilizing Amazon Rainforest with dust...

    A new video from NASA shows how the Sahara Desert produces massive storms which send tons of dust into the atmosphere – much of which is transported across the Atlantic Ocean and deposited in the Amazon Rainforest and the Caribbean.

    NASA has measured in 3D how much dust is transported from Africa and how much phosphorous it contains. Phosphorous is an important plant nutrient, though the low supply of it in the Amazon means it has to come from another source..............http://rt.com/news/235603-nasa-dust-sahara-amazon/

  86. Grèce: le gouvernement tente de rassurer à la fois l'Europe et le peuple...

    Assurer aux Européens que l'on se conformera à leurs exigences, rassurer les Grecs sur les marges de manœuvre disponibles pour œuvrer en leur faveur: le gouvernement d'Alexis Tsipras manie ces jours-ci un double discours qui illustre sa position délicate...............http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_grece-le-gouvernement-tente-de-rassurer-a-la-fois-l-europe-et-le-peuple?id=8916713

  87. Contradictory to the Minsk accords on the Ukrainian conflict settlement Kiev authorities are not pulling out its heavy weaponry from the contact line with the self-proclaimed republics, Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) envoy to the Contact Group said on Thursday...

    "The situation concerning the weaponry pullout is very tense," Denis Pushilin said. "We are withdrawing [military hardware], but there are no such moves on the Ukrainian side."

    "Why this is not happening and will be they [Kiev authorities] withdrawing from the Minsk agreements for the third time already," Pushilin said adding that as of yesterday "about 400 pieces of heavy weaponry were pulled out."................http://tass.ru/en/world/779758

  88. Up to 40 women from Australia have travelled to the Middle East to join or support terror groups, according to Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, cited in local media Thursday...

    "More women are either joining their foreign fighter husbands or apparently seeking to find partners, the so-called jihadi brides, or are otherwise providing support for terrorist organizations," Bishop said, according to ABC News.

    "Sadly we are seeing a younger cohort seeking to join the conflict in Syria and Iraq and an increasing number of young females.”

    Her comments came after Duncan Lewis, director general of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, told a Senate hearing Tuesday that dozens of young women had either travelled or were considering travelling to Syria or Iraq to become "jihadi brides."

    "There are 30 to 40 women that are involved in this cohort that we know of, some of whom have been stopped, some of whom have been successful in getting offshore," he said, according to The Australian newspaper..................http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/471043--up-to-40-australian-women-become-jihadi-brides

  89. Ukraine begins artillery withdrawal, recognizing truce is holding...

    (Reuters) - Ukrainian troops towed artillery away from the front line in the east on Thursday, a move that amounted to recognizing that a ceasefire meant to take effect on Feb. 15 was holding at last.

    The military showed reporters seven or eight guns being towed away from the front at the village of Paraskoviyvka north of the government stronghold of Artemivsk. Earlier, Reuters journalists saw a larger convoy of 30-40 vehicles also towing guns away from the front on a highway.

    The move was Kiev's most direct step to acknowledge that the ceasefire was finally holding, a week after suffering one of the worst defeats of the war at the hands of rebels who initially ignored the ceasefire to launch a major advance.............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/26/us-ukraine-crisis-idUSKBN0LU1EH20150226?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  90. Kharkiv blast organizer detained — Ukraine’s national security council secretary...

    The organizer and perpetrators of the terrorist attack in eastern Ukraine's Kharkiv on February 22 that killed four have been detained, secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council Oleksandr Turchynov said on Thursday.

    He said a special operation in Kharkiv on Thursday had been crowned by the detention of "five members of a terrorist group." "Weapons and munitions, including plastid, detonators for explosive devices and grenades, were seized from them," he said.

    Among those detained, according to Turchynov, "are both the organizer of the crime and the actual perpetrators."

    "Moreover, two more criminals linked to this group were detained by police in Mariupol, where they were plotting a terrorist attack. Ten kilograms of TNT was seized during the detention," he said....................http://tass.ru/en/world/779834

  91. Schäuble ist „fassungslos“ über Varoufakis...

    Griechenlands Finanzminister spricht über einen Schuldenerlass für sein Land - und Wolfgang Schäuble wird sauer. Das kleidet er in deutliche Worte.

    Griechenlands Finanzminister Giannis Varoufakis fordert eine Umschuldung für sein Land, also einen Schuldenerlass - und Deutschlands Finanzminister ist sauer. In der Sitzung der CDU/CSU-Fraktion vor der Abstimmung über eine Verlängerung des Hilfsprogramms für Griechenland sagte Schäuble laut Teilnehmern, er sei „fassungslos“, habe sich aber selbst dazu ermahnt, gelassen zu bleiben.

    Griechenland trete durch solche Aussagen die Solidarität der Europäer mit Füßen. Sollte Griechenland gegen die Absprachen verstoßen, seien diese hinfällig. Er wollte sich aber nicht festlegen, was passiere, wenn dies geschehe, sagte Schäuble nach diesen Angaben.

    Varoufakis hatte am Dienstag in einem Interview in Griechenland abermals einen Schuldenschnitt ins Gespräch gebracht und scharfe Drohungen an die Eurogruppe gerichtet..................http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/eurokrise/griechenland/wolfgang-schaeuble-fassungslos-ueber-giannis-varoufakis-13451490.html

  92. Israeli and Jordanian government officials were signing a historic agreement on water trade on Thursday...

    The deal will set up a pipeline from the Red to Dead seas.

  93. China’s population grew by 7.1 million last year, official statistics published Thursday showed – the equivalent of adding another Hong Kong to the world’s most populous country...

    While the 5.21 percent increase is a drop in the ocean for China – with a population that now stands at 1.367 billion, according to the National Bureau of Statistics – it outstrips the entire number of people in countries such as Bulgaria, Libya and Uruguay.

    The birth of 16.87 million babies in the People’s Republic was partly offset by 9.77 million deaths in 2014, the China Daily newspaper said.................http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/471251--china-absorbs-7-million-annual-population-rise

  94. EU's Mogherini discusses gas supply, Ukraine with Russia's Lavrov...

    European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini discussed gas supply problems and the implementation of a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine in a 20-minute phone call with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday.

    Mogherini told reporters that they also discussed the Iranian nuclear dispute and how to encourage a diplomatic settlement to the conflict in Libya.

    "We discussed how to solve the issue of gas supply at trilateral level," Mogherini said, referring to Russia, Ukraine and the EU.......................http://www.todayonline.com/world/eus-mogherini-discusses-gas-supply-ukraine-russias-lavrov

  95. La Commission européenne a demandé jeudi à l'OMC de constituer un groupe spécial chargé de statuer sur les "taxes excessives" perçues par Moscou sur l'importation de certains produits fabriqués dans l'UE...

    L'Union européenne a demandé à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) de réunir un groupe spécial d'arbitrage en vue de régler le litige portant sur la décision de Moscou d'augmenter les taxes à l'importation de certains produits.

    "L'Union européenne a aujourd'hui demandé de réunir un groupe spécial chargé d'examiner les litiges au sein de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce à Genève", indique un communiqué de la Commission européenne. Selon le document, les experts du groupe seront invités à se prononcer sur les "taxes excessives" perçues par la Russie sur les importations de papier, de réfrigérateurs et d'huile de palme..................http://fr.sputniknews.com/economie/20150226/1014920396.html#ixzz3St2TcWaf

  96. China has announced a one-year ban on the import of all ivory products, which took immediate effect on Thursday...

    China's State Forestry Administration announced the move days ahead of a visit to China by Britain's Prince William, who has campaigned against illegal wildlife trafficking.

    Beijing is a signatory to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, but is the world's largest consumer of illegal ivory, with demand leading to the slaughter of thousands of wild African elephants annually.

  97. Germany responded cautiously Thursday to Romania’s call for stronger NATO presence in its country amid growing concerns over Russia's foreign policy in the region...

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel told visiting Romanian President Klaus Iohannis that NATO allies should first focus on implementing the decisions made in the Wales Summit in September 2014, which included measures to address new security challenges.

    Merkel refrained from extending support to Iohannis’ proposal of deploying a NATO commando division to Romania.

    “We have together agreed on significant steps in the Wales summit," Merkel said at a joint press conference with Iohannis, after their meeting in Berlin. "We must first focus on implementing these steps. Then we should also talk about further requests by Romania.”

    Romanian President Klaus Iohannis had called for a stronger NATO presence in his country during an interview with German public television ARD ahead of his talks in Berlin.

    “Romania does not feel threatened militarily and we do not expect the conflict to spill over to Romania," Iohannis said during the interview. "But we want to be prepared for any development. That means the support of NATO." ...................http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/471338--germany-cautious-of-stronger-nato-presence-in-black-sea

  98. Destructions par l'EI à Mossoul: l'UNESCO alerte le Conseil de sécurité...

    La directrice générale de l'UNESCO a demandé jeudi une réunion de crise du conseil de Sécurité des Nations unies après les destructions par les jihadistes de l'Etat islamique (EI) de sculptures pré-islamiques au musée de Mossoul dans le nord de l'Irak.

    "Cette attaque est bien plus qu'une tragédie culturelle, c'est également une question de sécurité parce qu'elle alimente le sectarisme, l'extrémisme violent et le conflit en Irak", a dénoncé la responsable de l'UNESCO Irina Bokova dans un communiqué après la diffusion d'une vidéo mise en ligne par l'EI.

    "C'est pourquoi j'ai immédiatement contacté le président du Conseil de sécurité pour lui demander de convoquer une réunion d'urgence du conseil sur la protection du patrimoine irakien en tant qu'élément faisant partie intégrante de la sécurité du pays", a-t-elle précisé.................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_etat-islamique-destruction-au-musee-de-mossoul-l-unesco-pour-une-reunion-de-crise-du-conseil-de-securite?id=891758527/2/15

  99. U.S., Cuba to meet for second round of normalization talks...

    (Reuters) - Cuban and U.S. officials meet in Washington on Friday for a second round of talks aimed at restoring diplomatic relations, amid friction over Cuba's place on a U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism.

    The one-day talks, led by senior diplomats, stem from the decision announced by the two Cold War era foes on Dec. 17 to work to normalize relations, including opening embassies in each other's countries, and to exchange prisoners. Washington severed diplomatic relations with Cuba 54 years ago.................http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/27/us-cuba-usa-idUSKBN0LV0CN20150227?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  100. Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova demanded Thursday that an emergency meeting of the Security Council of the organization is held immediately...

    "This attack is far more than a cultural tragedy - this is also a security issue as it fuels sectarianism, violent extremism and conflict in Iraq," UNESCO chief Irina Bokova said in a statement.

    The reason behind the demand is the recent acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) of destroying cultural monuments in a local museum.

    In a video distributed by the organization, fighters are destroying artefacts with sledgehammers in Iraq's northern city of Mosul, Al Jazeera reported..................http://www.novinite.com/articles/166864/UNESCO+Director-General+Irina+Bokova+Demands+Emergency+UN+Security+Council+Meeting#sthash.tRV87axt.dpuf

  101. Detenidos ocho españoles por participar en el conflicto en Donbás...

    Detenidos ocho españoles este viernes que regresaron de Ucrania tras haber participado en el conflicto de la región de Donbás, según confirmó el Ministerio de Interior a Sputnik Nóvosti.

    "Supongo que los ocho estuvieron en el mismo bando, pero no se lo puedo confirmar", dijo el portavoz del Ministerio, contactado telefónicamente, al responder a la pregunta de en qué bando habían combatido los detenidos.

    El oficial ha declinado dar detalles y dijo no poder precisar el tiempo que permanecieron en Ucrania ni cuándo regresaron a España.

    La escueta información oficial indica que "la operación" se ha desarrollado en Asturias, Cataluña, Extremadura, Madrid, Murcia y Navarra, a las 06.30 horas de la madrugada española.

    A los arrestados se les imputa la participación en delitos de asesinato, tenencia de armas y explosivos y actos que atentan contra los intereses de España en el exterior..................http://mundo.sputniknews.com/espana/20150227/1034915768.html#ixzz3Swh0DhaN

  102. Poroshenko: Heavy Weapons to Return to Front Lines if Truce Breached ...

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said his military is ready to return its heavy weapons to the front lines in eastern Ukraine, noting that Russian-backed rebels are still violating a cease-fire deal reached earlier this month.

    Poroshenko said Friday Ukraine's army "is ready at any moment to stand up to the enemy."

    He also said a military threat from the east will remain even if the truce holds, an obvious reference to Russia.....................http://www.voanews.com/content/poroshenko-heavy-weapons-return-to-front-lines-if-truce-breached/2661404.html

  103. Statements made by NATO supreme commander in Europe Philip Breedlove that Russia uses frozen conflicts as an instrument of political pressure are absurd, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said on Friday....

    "It is absolutely obvious that Breedlove’s aforementioned statements go in line with mass anti-Russian propaganda campaign, the only aim of which is to provide some justification for NATO’s aggressive policy towards Russia, for the steps that the alliance takes in expanding its military potential," the diplomat noted. "Such statements are so absurd and far from reality that they don’t require any separate comments," Lukashevich concluded.

    "What is really confusing and troubling is that lately, NATO’s military officials are more and more often making political assessments and program statements," the diplomat stressed. "Facts likes these make us think about who really is behind the current vector of NATO’s policy development," Lukashevich said.

  104. Cameron vows to tackle Islamic State militants...

    British Prime Minister David Cameron has vowed to find those who commit "appalling and heinous crimes" and "put them out of action".

    It follows the naming of Islamic State militant 'Jihadi John' as Kuwaiti-born London computer programmer Mohammed Emwazi.

    Downing Street described as "reprehensible" a claim by advocacy group Cage that MI5 was partly to blame for Emwazi turning to violence, because of its alleged harassment and interrogation of the "beautiful young man".............http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0227/683167-islamic-state/

  105. China defended its activities in the South China Sea as restrained and responsible on Friday after the US intelligence chief called its expansion of outposts in the region an "aggressive" effort to assert sovereignty...

    Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the country's activities on shoals and in surrounding waters it claims are "reasonable, legitimate and legal" and that its attitude has been one of "restraint and responsibility."..............http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/China-defends-its-South-China-Sea-activities-as-restrained-after-US-raises-concerns/articleshow/46397795.cms

  106. Griechenland-Debatte: "Das Elend wird weitergehen"

    Der Bundestag debattiert hitzig - und beschließt doch mit so vielen Stimmen wie noch nie Hilfe für Griechenland. Noch kontroverser wird es im Sommer. Dann braucht Athen frisches Geld..................http://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article137909660/Das-Elend-wird-weitergehen.html

  107. A proposal that would see a handful of Canadian military police officers train their Ukrainian counterparts is on hold because of the fighting taking place in the east of that embattled country...

    The idea was floated late last year by former defence minister Rob Nicholson as the Harper government agreed to expand military co-operation with President Petro Poroshenko's government.

    Jason Kenney, the current defence minister, has said Canada would be interested in joining a U.S.-led training mission, which would include instructing combat forces...............http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/canadian-proposal-to-train-ukrainian-military-police-on-hold-1.2257165

  108. Libyan PM says Turkey supplying weapons to rival Tripoli group...

    (Reuters) - Libya's internationally recognized Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni said his government would stop dealing with Turkey because it was sending weapons to a rival group in Tripoli so that "the Libyan people kill each other".

    Two administrations, one in the capital and Thinni's in the east, have been battling for power since the armed group Libya Dawn seized Tripoli in July and reinstated lawmakers from a previous assembly, four years after Muammar Gaddafi was ousted.

    "Turkey is a state that is not dealing honestly with us. It's exporting weapons to us so the Libyan people kill each other," Thinni told Egyptian TV channel CBC late on Thursday............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/27/us-libya-security-turkey-idUSKBN0LV1S120150227?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  109. Plus de 17 000 hectares de végétation sont déjà partis en fumée en Patagonie, dans le sud de l'Argentine : un énorme incendie était toujours hors de contrôle vendredi, ont annoncé les autorités....

    Selon le journal Clarin, les maisons de célébrités, dont celle du chanteur français Florent Pagny, sont menacées par les flammes près du Lac Cholila, dans une zone montagneuse touristique.

    L'incendie qui ravage depuis 11 jours la province de Chubut a été déclenché par la foudre, dans une zone inhabitée et escarpée au pied de la Cordillère des Andes, à 1600 mètres d'altitude, selon les pompiers.

    Il s'agit de "l'incendie le plus dévastateur que la Patagonie ait connu", selon Evaristo Melo, chef des sapeurs-pompiers de la province.

    Il a indiqué qu'un épais mur de fumée, dégagé par le brasier, empêchait le travail des brigades anti-incendie, paralysant vendredi les opérations des avions bombardiers d'eau. Seule une forte pluie pourrait parvenir à stopper entièrement le feu car la zone est particulièrement difficile d'accès, estime la sécurité civile.

    Les météorologues ne prévoient pas de pluies avant lundi et annoncent de fortes températures jusqu'à ce dimanche....................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_argentine-plus-de-17-000-hectares-deja-partis-en-fumee-en-patagonie?id=8918556

  110. China respects Myanmar's sovereignty, territorial integrity and is opposed to any acts hurting bilateral ties, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Friday...

    Spokesman Hong Lei told a routine press briefing that China has adhered to the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs since conflict broke out in northern Myanmar.

    He reiterated that China is firmly opposed to any person or organization using Chinese territory to undermine the China-Myanmar relationship and stability in border areas.

    Hong called for self-restraint, a cessation of conflict and the restore of stability as soon as possible.

  111. Londres ne juge pas bon de livrer à présent des armes en Ukraine, a déclaré vendredi le secrétaire aux Affaires étrangères britannique Philip Hammond, en visite à Prague...

    "La Grande-Bretagne ne croit pas que livrer des armes en Ukraine soit à présent une bonne décision", a indiqué le chef du Foreign Office............. http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150227/1014943735.html#ixzz3T1odQH7f

  112. Russia has become a danger to Britain and the country must be prepared to take steps to defend itself and its allies, the former head of MI6 says...

    Sir John Sawers, who recently retired after five years as chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, told BBC Radio 4′s Today programme that Russia poses a “state to state threat”.

    Sir John said dealing with such threats would require more defence spending.

    But he called on issues with Russia to be addressed by “increased dialogue”.

    He said he was disappointed how, after the end of the Cold War, Russia’s and Europe’s paths had failed to converge....................- See more at: http://www.parikiaki.com/2015/02/uk-must-prepare-for-russian-threat/#sthash.jxQOynjG.dpuf

  113. Le Japon a lancé en 2014 un appel d'offres pour la conception et l'installation d'un système de purification des déchets radioactifs liquides de tritium, accumulés suite à l'accident survenu à la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima...

    29 requêtes ont été déposées au total pour participer à cet appel d'offres. Trois sociétés restent encore en lice: une canadienne, une américaine et une russe (l'entreprise publique de traitement des déchets radioactifs RosRAO). Les présentations de leurs systèmes de purification d'essai pour éliminer le tritium dans l'eau seront organisées au Japon en 2016. Le projet le plus abouti sera lancé par le gouvernement japonais à l'échelle industrielle.................Lire la suite: http://fr.sputniknews.com/analyse/20150228/1014929556.html#ixzz3T25KmELv

  114. US Edits Intelligence Data Before Sharing With Ukrainian Military...

    The US agreed last year to provide spy-satellite imagery and other intelligence to Ukraine but before delivering these images, US officials edit the data.

    The US is providing spy-satellite imagery to Ukraine but the images are considerably edited in order to avoid aggravating Russia or compromising US secrets, according to US media reports.

    The US agreed last year to provide the photos and other intelligence to Ukraine. But before delivering these images, US officials black out military zones on Russian territory and reduce the resolution so that military locations can’t be clearly seen, hence making them less useful to Ukrainian military commanders.

    The images are being obscured for a couple of reasons. The US trying to make it look like they are staying out of the conflict and also to reduce the risk that, if the

    Russians were to attain them, they could gather important intelligence about US satellite capabilities....................Read more: http://sputniknews.com/military/20150228/1018895451.html#ixzz3T3YZBG70

  115. An Egyptian court on Saturday branded the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas a “terrorist” organization, a judicial source said, after it was alleged to have links with jihadists behind deadly Sinai attacks...

    From Gaza City, Hamas reacted by condemning what it called “a great disgrace which soils the reputation of Egypt.”

    Since Egypt’s military ousted Islamist president Mohammad Mursi in 2013, the authorities have accused Hamas of aiding jihadists who have waged a string of deadly attacks on security forces in the Sinai Peninsula.

    Egypt blames Hamas, which is close to Mursi’s Muslim Brotherhood, of supporting the blacklisted Egyptian movement.

    An Egyptian court on Jan. 31 banned the armed wing of Hamas, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, declaring it a “terrorist” group.................http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2015/02/28/Egypt-court-brands-Hamas-a-terrorist-group-.html

  116. Ukraine's military reports significant fall in fighting ...

    (Reuters) - Ukraine's military said on Saturday there had been a significant decrease in attacks by pro-Russian separatists in the east overnight, but said rebels had fired GRAD missiles at the town of Avdiivka despite a two-week-old ceasefire deal.

    On Friday, Ukraine reported the first deaths among its servicemen in three days, underscoring the fragility of the truce meant to have taken effect on Feb. 15, as government troops and rebels pulled back heavy weapons from the frontline.

    Overnight there was a "significant decrease in attacks in general and a full ceasefire in certain parts of the conflict zone," the military said on its Facebook page.

    It said the truce had been most fully observed around the rebel-controlled city of Luhansk and near government-held Mariupol on the Sea of Azov...............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/28/us-ukraine-crisis-idUSKBN0LW0CM20150228?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  117. Osteuropa grollt den Griechen...

    Arme EU-Mitglieder wie die Slowakei, Slowenien und Tschechien wollen nicht mehr für Athen geradestehen. Denn sie selbst haben noch weniger Geld. Und sind durch große Spar- und Reformanstrengungen gegangen.

    In den osteuropäischen EU-Ländern stößt die griechische Haltung in der Schuldenkrise auf noch weniger Verständnis als in den westlichen Mitgliedstaaten. Wortführer dieser Kritiker ist der slowakische Ministerpräsident Robert Fico. Europa müsse in der Auseinandersetzung mit Athen zur Schuldenzahlung hart bleiben, sagte Fico kürzlich in einem Zeitungsinterview. Schließlich gehe es anderen EU-Ländern noch schlechter als den Griechen: „Es wäre unmöglich, der Öffentlichkeit zu erklären, dass ausgerechnet die arme Slowakei für Griechenland aufkommen soll.“................http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/eurokrise/griechenland/in-osteuropa-sinkt-die-bereitschaft-griechenland-zu-helfen-13454900.html

  118. Varoufakis droht Reichen und Steuerflüchtlingen...

    Yanis Varoufakis will anpacken: Griechenlands Finanzminister sagt Steuertricksern den Kampf an. Für die EZB hat er unterdessen schlechte Nachrichten, was die Rückzahlung von Staatsanleihen in Milliardenhöhe betrifft.

    Die Regierung habe einen ausgeglichenen Haushalt zugesagt, sagte Varoufakis. „Wenn ich gezwungen bin, eine Sondersteuer zu erheben, werde ich das tun, aber nur für diejenigen, die zahlen können.“ Athen werde „kein Geld von denjenigen fordern, die leiden“.

    Regierungschef Alexis Tsipras hatte am Freitagabend erste Maßnahmen im Kampf gegen die Steuerflucht sowie zur Erhöhung der Staatseinnahmen angekündigt. Dabei rief er die Griechen auf, einen Teil ihrer Steuerrückstände zu zahlen.

    Diese belaufen sich auf insgesamt 76 Milliarden Euro, jeden Monat wächst die Summe angesichts der wirtschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten vieler Haushalte. Anfang kommender Woche will Tsipras einen Plan vorlegen, um die "humanitäre Krise" in Griechenland zu bekämpfen....................http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/aufbruch-in-griechenland-varoufakis-droht-reichen-und-steuerfluechtlingen/11439004.html


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