Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) rejects both genocide lawsuits. (The ruling is final)

THE HAGUE -- The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has rejected Croatia's lawsuit accusing Serbia of committing genocide in its territory from 1991 until 1995...
 The Hague-based court has found that Croatia did not prove that genocide was committed, Court President Petr Tomka announced. 

Tomak said the ICJ was in agreement with the conclusions of the Hague Tribunal, which said the goal of Serb units was "to forcibly remove Croats from parts of the territory, but not to physically destroy them."

The court also rejected Serbia's counter lawsuit, announcing that "even if it was proven that Croatia's leaders had the intention of removing the Serb population from the Croatian territory, there is no proof that the goal was their physical destruction."

Earlier, Tomak read that Serbia cannot be held responsible for acts committed prior to April 27, 1992, when the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SRJ, FRY) of which Serbia was a part, joined the UN and signed the Convention on the Prevention of Genocide.

This excluded the part of the Croatian lawsuit referring to war crimes committed in Vukovar in 1991.

The ruling today marks the end of a court process that has lasted for 16 years. Croatia in 1999 filed its lawsuit against Sebria, while Serbia responded ten years later, charging Croatia of committing genocide against ethnic Serbs there during and after Operation Storm in 1995.

The ICJ ruling is final and cannot be appealed, and the countries will have an obligation to adhere to it.



  1. La Cour internationale de justice de l'Onu a rejeté les accusations mutuelles de génocide portées par la Serbie et la Croatie...

    La Cour internationale de justice (CIJ) de l'Onu a refusé de satisfaire les plaintes déposées par la Serbie et la Croatie, qui s'accusaient mutuellement du génocide perpétré lors des hostilités de 1991-1995 consécutives à l'effondrement de la Yougoslavie.

    Cette décision a été prise par un collège de 17 juges.

    La Croatie a intenté la première, en 1999, une action en justice contre la Yougoslavie (dont la Serbie est actuellement successeur en droits). Zagreb a alors accusé les autorités de Belgrade d'avoir commis des crimes de génocide "contre les citoyens croates".

    La Serbie a répondu en 2010 par une demande reconventionnelle.

    Selon cette dernière, les Serbes vivant dans la région de la Krajina ont été victimes d’un génocide perpétré par l'armée croate en août 1995 lors de l'opération Tempête. Cette opération a abouti à la suppression de la république autoproclamée des Serbes de la Krajina, entité territoriale des Serbes qui résidaient en Croatie.

    La Cour conclut que "la Croatie n'a pas établi que des actes susceptibles de constituer l'élément matériel du génocide (…) ont été commis" et que "la Serbie n'a pas réussi à prouver un acte de génocide (…) contre la population serbe", a déclaré le juge président Peter Tomka.

  2. UN-Gericht: Serbien und Kroatien vom Völkermord freigesprochen...

    Der Internationale Gerichtshof in Den Haag hat Serbien und Kroatien von den Vorwürfen des Völkermordes freigesprochen. Mit dem Urteil endet ein seit 1999 andauernder Rechtsstreit.

    Der Internationale Gerichtshof hat Serbien und Kroatien vom Vorwurf des Völkermords im Jugoslawienkrieg freigesprochen. Die Richter wiesen Klagen der beiden Nachbarstaaten gegeneinander ab. Damit wurde der seit 1999 andauernde Rechtsstreit beendet..............http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article137056862/Serbien-und-Kroatien-vom-Voelkermord-freigesprochen.html

  3. Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic voiced dismay Tuesday after the UN's top court rejected its genocide claim against Serbia in over the 1990s war...

    "We are not satisfied with the court's ruling, but we accept it in a civilised manner," Milanovic told reporters, adding that the International Court of Justice's verdict was final.

    The IJC dismissed Croatia's claim that Serb forces committed genocide during the country's 1991-1995 war of independence and issued a similar ruling on a counter-claim by Belgrade over a Croatian counter-offensive that forced 200,000 Serbs to flee.
    - AFP/by

  4. Serbian PresidIent Tomislav Nikolic on Tuesday (Feb 3) voiced hope for lasting peace in the volatile Balkans region after the UN's top court rejected rival claims of genocide by Zagreb and Belgrade during the 1990s war...

    "I hope that in the future Serbia and Croatia will have the strength to jointly resolve all that is hampering the possibility of establishing a period of lasting peace and prosperity in our region," Nikolic told journalists.
    - AFP/by


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