Sunday, February 8, 2015

Unipolar world unacceptable to Russia (Putin)

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that his country will never accept a unipolar world.

Noting that there is one "undisputed" unipolar leadership trying to control the current world and force others to obey, Putin said Russia would never accept such attempts.

At the congress of Russia's Federation of Independent Trade Unions, Putin stressed that Russia does not intend to be at war with anyone and is always willing to cooperate.

He reiterated that sanctions against Russia would never have the desired effect, although they do have a negative impact on the country's economy.

"We must realize this, and make all possible efforts to strengthen our sovereignty, including in the economic sphere," Putin said in a statement posted online, pledging Russia's firm stance against external pressure which was imposed on the country over Ukraine crisis.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Saturday told the on-going 51st Munich Security Conference that Washington would continue to provide Ukraine with security assistance.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who is present at the conference, reiterated that North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO) military buildup near the Russian borders is fueling up confrontation and undermining European security.

"Lavrov stressed that NATO support of Kiev's military action in southern Ukraine hampers attempts to find a peaceful resolution of the deep domestic crisis in Ukraine," said an online statement released by the ministry.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg responded by saying that all the measures taken by NATO were defensive and promised to maintain an open dialogue channel with Moscow.

Defense ministers of the NATO decided on Thursday to strengthen the alliance's presence in eastern Europe and the Baltic region and expand the size of its rapid reaction force to 30,000. - Xinhua

1 comment:

  1. USA warnen Wladimir Putin vor wirtschaftlicher Katastrophe...

    Der Ukraine-Konflikt bereitet westlichen Spitzenpolitikern weiter Sorgen. Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin fährt unbeirrt einen harten Kurs - was enorme wirtschaftliche Konsequenzen haben könnte.

    Angesichts der Eskalation in der Ostukraine wird der den Ton zwischen dem Westen und Russland rauer: US-Vizepräsident Joe Biden drohte Russland mit hohen wirtschaftlichen Kosten, wenn es sich nicht aus der Ostukraine zurückziehe. Zusammen mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel beschwor er auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz zudem die Einheit der USA und der EU bei der Unterstützung der Ukraine. Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin sagte dagegen in Sotschi, sein Land wolle keinen Krieg, werde sich aber gegen Versuche wehren, seine Entwicklung zu behindern. In der Ostukraine bereiten die Separatisten nach Angaben der Regierung Angriffe gegen den Eisenbahnknotenpunkt Debaltsewe und die Küstenstadt Mariupol vor...............


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