Tuesday, March 24, 2015

UK to reinforce military presence in Malvinas Islands

The UK will be reinforcing its military presence in the disputed Malvinas Islands with the coalition government of Prime Minister David Cameron expected to unveil its plan in a special session in the British parliament today.

In statements to the BBC, British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon this morning said London has considered “any future and possible threats” to “modernise” the defences of the South Atlantic territories, adding the government there was “determined” to protect the “right” of islanders to “remain British.”

“We need to modernise our defences there, to guarantee we count with enough troops and that the Islands be defended properly in terms of maritime and air defence,” the British official pointed out as he questioned Argentina’s sovereignty demands over the resource-rich archipelago which he said “has no grounds in international raw.”

“Even though the threat (of invasion) remains, our duty is to protect the islands and particularly the right of islanders to remain British, and they have voted by an overwhelming majority in a recent referendum to continue being British,” Fallon said referring to a 2013 vote when most Malvinas Islands inhabitants ratified their decision to remain an overseas territory of the United Kingdom.

  • Queried about recent media reports that alluded to agreements Argentina would have allegedly signed with Russia to boost its military potential in the South Atlantic, Fallon said such information “has not been confirmed” but highlighted the “threat” remained.
“We must respond (to the threat) and this afternoon I will respond in Parliament.”

On Monday, the British tabloid newspaper The Sun claimed that the UK Defence Ministry was requesting more troops to be sent to the disputed Malvinas Islands, due to an alleged threat of an Argentine invasion bankrolled by Russia.





  1. There will be no significant change in the Falkland Islands' defense amid the alleged threat of invasion from Argentina, Barry Elsby, Chair of the Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands, told Sputnik Tuesday...

    Earlier on Tuesday, UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said Britain was going to boost its military defenses and set aside £180 million ($268 million) for a 10-year program to bolster the Falkland Islands’ defenses amid invasion fears from Argentina.

    "There will be little change to force posture overall, but we are looking forward to welcoming the return of Chinooks which were removed in 2006 to support operations in Afghanistan," Elsby said................http://sputniknews.com/military/20150324/1019959366.html#ixzz3VL9OlQTS

  2. Argentina: "Es una locura" afirmar que queremos invadir las Malvinas ...

    El ministro de Defensa de Argentina, Agustín Rossi, asegura que su país no ha recibido una comunicación oficial de Londres sobre un refuerzo de su presencia militar en el archipiélago y asegura que “es una locura” pensar que Buenos Aires pretende invadir las islas Malvinas.

    "No hay ninguna comunicación oficial británica sobre un refuerzo de su dotación militar en Malvinas y, mucho menos, hay una política argentina que contemple esa posibilidad", declaró Rossi a Radio FM Delta.

    Además, el titular de Defensa argentino fue tajante al ser consultado sobre un supuesto plan de rearme argentino con ayuda rusa para invadir las islas, el cual fue denunciado ayer por el diario sensacionalista británico 'The Sun': "Es una locura".................http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/170118-argentina-locura-invadir-malvinas


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