Friday, January 1, 2016

Russia publishes reform measures to combat national security challenges

Russia will implement a host of reform measures to fight against threats to the country's national security, including the dependence on exports of raw materials.

The move is meant to secure Russia's status of a leading world power.

That was learned from a document posted Thursday at the government's internet portal of legal information, with the signature of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Thursday's document, an updated version of the security strategy adopted in 2009, stressed that Russian economy still depended on exports of mineral resources and raw materials, which threatened the country's national security to some degree.

To reverse the trend, Russia will revamp state administration system in fuel and energy sectors to assure reliable and uninterrupted energy resources delivery to customers, and to enhance the country's technological sovereignty in the world energy market.

"The main strategic threats to national security in the economy are its low competitiveness, the persistent contingency of economic development on exports of raw materials and high vulnerability to fluctuations on foreign markets," the document said.

Russia would also strengthen its financial system by implementing social and economic policies, stabilize exchange rate of ruble, the Russian currency, revamp currency regulations and control, lower interest rates of banks, the document said.

Great efforts will be made to vigorously develop Russia's agricultural and related industries to ensure independence and security of food supplies.

  • Of external security threats faced by Russia were the expansion of NATO, military build-up and deployment in Russia's neighboring countries, attempts to undermine Russia's regime and to incite "color revolution" in the country.

Western countries have been imposing sanctions on Russia over its alleged involvement in the ongoing Ukraine crisis.

While admitting that restrictive economic measures imposed against Russia has rendered negative influence upon the country's economic security, the document said the international community still faces high risks of economic and financial crises because of structural imbalances and many other factors.

In the document, Russia reiterates its readiness for cooperation with the United States, the European Union and the NATO over a whole range of issues including the reduction of nuclear potentials. It also stresses the diplomatic principles of equality, independence and mutually beneficial cooperation and promises to keep the momentum of cooperation with countries of Commonwealth of Independent States.

Russia's national priority is securing the status of a leading world power, the document claimed, adding that "the use of military force to protect the national interests is only possible if all nonviolent measures turned out to be inefficient."

"The persisting bloc-based approach to solving international problems doesn't facilitate the reduction of all the spectrum of challenges and threats looming large today," the document noted.

  Source:Xinhua -

1 comment:

  1. Moskaus neue Sicherheitsstrategie: Westen steuert Kurs auf Eindämmung Russlands...

    Die USA und ihre Verbündeten sind bemüht, die selbständige Politik Russlands einzuschränken, der eurasischen Integration entgegenzuwirken und Spannungsherde im postsowjetischen Raum zu schaffen. Diese Einschätzung ist in der neuen Strategie der nationalen Sicherheit Russlands enthalten, die am Donnerstag in Kraft getreten ist.

    Das Vorgängerdokument war im Jahr 2009 angenommen worden.

    „Die von der Russischen Föderation betriebene selbständige Außen- und Innenpolitik ruft bei den USA und ihren Verbündeten, die ihre Dominanz in den Weltangelegenheiten beibehalten wollen, Widerstand hervor. Die von ihnen gestaltete Politik der Eindämmung Russlands sieht einen politischen, wirtschaftlichen, militärischen und Informations-Druck vor“, heißt es in dem neuen Dokument.

    „Die Position des Westens, die auf Widerstand gegen die Integrationsprozesse und auf Schaffung von Spannungsherden in der eurasischen Region ausgerichtet ist, beeinflusst die Umsetzung der russischen nationalen Interessen negativ. Die Unterstützung des verfassungswidrigen Staatsstreiches in der Ukraine durch die USA und die Europäische Union hat zu einer tiefen Spaltung der ukrainischen Gesellschaft und zur Entstehung eines bewaffneten Konfliktes geführt“, heißt es.

    „Die Stärkung der extremrechten nationalistischen Ideologie, die gezielte Prägung des Feindbildes von Russland bei der ukrainischen Bevölkerung, das unverhohlene Setzen auf eine gewaltsame Lösung von innerstaatlichen Differenzen und eine schwere sozialökonomische Krise verwandeln die Ukraine in einen dauerhaften Herd der Instabilität in Europa und unmittelbar an den Grenzen Russlands“, so die Sicherheitsstrategie.


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