Friday, February 19, 2016

NATO Warns Turkey; No Support if You Start a War With Russia

Literally for months, Turkey has been causing all sorts of trouble in the Middle East, and wielding its membership in NATO as a shield against reprisals.  Today, that nonsense ended.

"Ankara should not exaggerate its NATO resources: The alliance would not give any support of a Turkish aggression against Russia."  Those were the words of Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, who made clear he spoke for several other NATO Member countries.

An example of Turkey's abuse of its NATO membership became crystal clear about five days ago, when Turkey began artillery shelling from 400 meters away from its border with Syria.  The Turks fired countless artillery shells into Syria, in support of Turkish-backed rebels who are trying to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Syria told Turkey to stop the artillery shelling.  Turkey refused.   Then Russia told Turkey to stop because the shelling is endangering Russian forces inside Syria who are fighting the Rebels and ISIS/Al-Qaeda terrorists.  Turkey refused.   Then The United States told Turkey to stop the artillery shelling, and Turkey again refused, apparently thinking that its membership in NATO made Turkey invincible.  "

"They seem to think the US and NATO are obligated to fight for Turkey even if Turkey is the one who starts a war" said one US State Department Spokesman.  "That is not how the NATO Treaty works" he continued. Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn confirmed this when he said 'The mutual defense guarantee applies only if a Member State is attacked in a unique way.

Some have used more common examples to describe Turkey's recent behavior.  "They're like a little brother who abuses everyone thinking his big brother will simply beat up everyone the little guy starts a fight with."  Sooner or later, the big brother has to allow the little guy to get a bloody nose so he understands he cannot treat people any way he wants and use the big brother as a threat."

Despite this clear warning, Turkey continues its artillery shelling of Syria.  Sadly, it looks like Turkey is headed for that "bloody nose" to teach it to behave.


  1. Der französische Präsident François Hollande hat vor einer Eskalation des Konfliktes zwischen den Regierungen in Ankara und Moskau gewarnt...

    "Es besteht die Gefahr eines Krieges zwischen der Türkei und Russland", sagte der Staatschef am Freitag in einem Interview des Hörfunksenders France Inter. Die Verhandlungen müssten wieder aufgenommen und die Bombardierungen gestoppt werden. Zudem müsse die Bevölkerung versorgt werden.

    Die russische Luftwaffe unterstützt die Truppen des syrischen Präsidenten Bashar al-Assad seit dem vergangenen Jahr mit Luftangriffen, so dass diese inzwischen in der Offensive sind. Die Türkei hat deswegen die Regierung in Moskau scharf kritisiert. Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan fordert wie sein französischer Kollege Hollande schon länger, dass Assad entmachtet wird....APA/Reuters

    1. French President Francois Hollande said on Friday that there was a risk of war between Turkey and Russia over Syria, adding that Moscow should stop backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad...

      Russia's foreign ministry said earlier on Friday that it intends to call a session of the United Nations Security Council to discuss the Turkish government's statements about a possible ground operation in Syria.

      "There is a risk of war between Turkey and Russia," Hollande told France Inter radio. "There is an escalation."

      "Negotiations must resume, bombardments must stop, aid must come," he

    2. France on Friday rejected a Russian draft UN resolution aimed at halting Turkey's military actions in Syria, and said Moscow's backing of Syrian forces had led to a dangerous escalation in the war...

      "We are facing a dangerous military escalation that could easily get out of control and lead us to uncharted territory," French Ambassador Francois Delattre said ahead of a Security Council meeting.

      Russia called the emergency council meeting to present a draft text that "strongly demands" an immediate end to cross-border shellings and plans for foreign ground intervention in Syria.....AFP

    3. La France, les Etats-Unis et d'autres pays membres du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU ont rejeté un projet de résolution russe visant à faire cesser les opérations militaires de la Turquie en Syrie, selon des diplomates...

      Parallèlement, des responsables russes et américains ont discuté vendredi à Genève d'un improbable cessez-le-feu en Syrie, qui aurait dû intervenir cette semaine mais que les belligérants ont ignoré.

      Alors que le conflit va entrer dans sa sixième année, les espoirs de paix apparaissent plus minces que jamais, comme l'a reconnu l'émissaire de l'ONU, Staffan de Mistura.

      La Russie, alliée du régime syrien, avait convoqué des consultations d'urgence au Conseil pour soumettre un texte demandant à Ankara de cesser ses tirs sur les milices kurdes dans le nord de la Turquie et d'abandonner ses projets d'offensive terrestre en Syrie.

      Selon des diplomates, la France et quatre autres pays au moins (Etats-Unis, Royaume-Uni, Nouvelle-Zélande, Espagne) parmi les 15 membres du Conseil ont rejeté d'emblée le texte proposé par Moscou, qui n'a quasiment aucune chance d'être adopté en l'é


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