Saturday, February 24, 2018

US Coalition Should Stop 'Occupation' Actions in Syria : Russian Envoy to UN

US Coalition Should Stop 'Occupation' Actions in Syria
Russian envoy to the United Nations called on the United States to stop the "occupation" actions, to let the Syrian government recover peaceful life on the territories, freed of terrorists.

Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said during at a United Nations Security Council session that Russian insists that the US-led anti-terrorist coalition should immediately stop "occupation" actions in Syria.

The envoy has also stressed that the new UN Security Council's resolution should not be interpreted freely.

Earlier in the day, the UN Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution introducing a 30-day truce on Syrian territory. The resolution aims to allow the medical evacuation of those injured and provide access to number of regions for humanitarian convoys.
  • The ceasefire regime does not cover military actions against Daesh, al-Qaeda, and Jabhat Fatah al Sham (al-Nusra) terrorists.
The US-led anti-terrorist coalition is acting in Syria without UN approval or coordination with the Syrian government. Syrian permanent representative to the United Nations Bashar Jaafari told the UN Security Council earlier, that the coalition had intentionally destroyed 90 percent of Syria’s town of Raqqa.



  1. "El objetivo de luchar contra los terroristas no tiene que ser una cortina de humo para solucionar tales o cuales objetivos geopolíticos de dudosa legitimidad. Y es precisamente eso lo que está haciendo EE.UU. en Siria", ha afirmado el enviado ruso ante la ONU.

    Asimismo el diplomático ruso ha instado a EE.UU. a que detenga sus amenazas a Damasco.

    "Instamos al cese inmediato de las ambiciones ocupantes de la llamada coalición, lo que tendría también un claro efecto humanitario. Ello permitiría al Gobierno de Siria volver a normalizar la vida en todos los territorios liberados de terroristas", ha exhortado el representante ruso.

    "Les advertimos que no permitiremos una interpretación arbitraria de la resolución que acabamos de aprobar. Exigimos detener el desarrollo de esta retórica irresponsable y pedimos aunar esfuerzos para resolver el conflicto en Siria sobre la base de la Resolución 2254 del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU".

  2. Der Rat „fordert, dass alle Parteien ohne Verzögerung die Kampfhandlungen einstellen für einen Zeitraum von mindestens 30 aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen in ganz Syrien für eine anhaltende humanitäre Pause“, heißt es in dem Papier. Die Resolution soll humanitären Helfern Zugang zu belagerten Gebieten verschaffen und UN-Helfern sowie deren Partnern ermöglichen, Kriegsopfer in Sicherheit zu bringen.


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