Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Ricorso del Texas alla Corte suprema Usa: "Bloccare il voto del collegio elettorale in 4 Stati" - Rai News

Corte suprema Usa

Nuovo ostacolo nel percorso accidentato verso la certificazione dell'elezione del democratico Joe Biden alla Casa Bianca. 

Il Texas ha presentato un ricorso alla Corte Suprema contro le modifiche alle procedure di voto nelle ultime elezioni in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania e Wisconsin, chiedendo di bloccare i voti del collegio elettorale in questi quattro Stati (62 voti) e di rinviare la riunione del 14 dicembre in cui lo stesso collegio è chiamato ad eleggere formalmente il presidente.

 Il ricorso, annunciato dal procuratore generale Ken Paxton, accusa i dirigenti dei quattro Stati di non aver protetto dalle frodi il voto per posta - esteso a causa della pandemia - riducendo così "il peso dei voti espressi negli Stati che rispettano legalmente la struttura elettorale esposta nella costituzione".

 Il Texas chiede quindi che non siano contati i loro 62 voti nel collegio elettorale, facendo così scendere Joe Biden, che ha totalizzato 306 voti, sotto la soglia del quorum necessario (270). 

Si tratta di in una mossa senza precedenti nella storia americana e, se avesse successo, potrebbe consegnare la vittoria elettorale a Trump. La Corte suprema ha una maggioranza conservatrice (6 a 3) dopo le nomine di tre giudici da parte di Donald Trump.


  1. Attorneys-general of Arkansas and Alabama have now joined Louisiana in backing the push by Texas to challenge the presidential election results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin before the US Supreme Court.

    “After reviewing the motion filed by Texas in the US Supreme Court, I have determined that I will support the motion in all legally appropriate manners. The integrity of our elections is a critical part of our nation and it must be upheld,” Arkansas AG Leslie Rutlege announced on Tuesday evening.

    1. Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall issued a statement likewise supporting the effort of his Texas colleague Ken Paxton, saying that “unconstitutional actions and fraudulent votes in other states not only affect the citizens of those states, they affect the citizens of all states.”

      Every unlawful vote counted, or lawful vote uncounted, debases and dilutes citizens’ free exercise of the franchise.

    2. The four battleground states declared Democrat Joe Biden the victorm based on large numbers of mail-in ballots counted after Election Day.

      While Marshall stopped short of signing on to the Texas lawsuit, he said that he expects the Supreme Court to “quickly” decide whether to hear the case, and that the decision will “instruct” Alabama how to continue fighting to ensure election integrity.

      Earlier in the evening, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said his state had “deep concerns” about how the elections were run in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

  2. El Tribunal Supremo de EE.UU. desestimó este martes una demanda del Partido Republicano que buscaba revertir la victoria de Joe Biden en el pendular estado de Pensilvania. La Corte incluso optó por no dar ningún tipo de aclaraciones en su disposición judicial.

    Con dicha apelación –introducida por Mike Kelly, congresista aliado de Trump–, los republicanos buscaban sacar del escrutinio unos 2,5 millones de votos enviados por correo y que el actual mandatario ha venido tachando de ilegales. Aunque el inquilino de la Casa Blanca dispone de una mayoría en la Corte Suprema, ya que seis de los nueve magistrados son republicanos, no logró volcar los resultados a su favor.

    La victoria en Pensilvania, uno de los estados de mayor importancia electoral, le otorga al ganador 20 votos en el Colegio Electoral. Joe Biden le sacó allí a Donald Trump una ventaja de 1,2 %. Cuatro años atrás, en 2016, fue Trump quien derrotó en esa circunscripción a la entonces candidata demócrata, Hillary Clinton.

    1. La cour suprême des États-Unis a refusé mardi de se saisir d'un recours formulé par les alliés de Donald Trump en vue du bloquer la certification des résultats de la présidentielle dans l'État-clé de Pennsylvanie.

      La Cour suprême des États-Unis a rejeté mardi un recours déposé par des alliés républicains de Donald Trump qui réclamaient l'annulation de jusqu'à 2,5 millions de suffrages exprimés dans l'État de Pennsylvanie à l'occasion de l'élection présidentielle du 3 novembre.

      La requête émanait de Mike Kelly, élu à la Chambre des représentants, et d'autres républicains de Pennsylvanie qui demandaient à la plus haute juridiction fédérale de déclarer illégal l'élargissement du vote postal en 2019.

      Ils ont été déboutés par la Cour.
      306 grands électeurs contre 232

      La victoire du candidat démocrate dans cet État des Grands lacs, qui désigne 20 grands électeurs au Collège électoral, a scellé l'annonce de son élection face à Donald Trump.

      En l'état des résultats déclarés, le futur 46e président des États-Unis est crédité de 306 grands électeurs contre 232 pour le Président républicain sortant.

      Le Collège électoral se réunira le 14 décembre pour procéder à l'élection.

    2. The US Supreme Court has rejected the Trump team's motion challenging certification of Democrat Joe Biden's victory in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania.

      The petition was filed by Republican Mike Kelly, who has argued against the legitimacy of the mail-in-ballots cast in the 2020 presidential election and requested an emergency injunction seeking to overturn the results.

      "The application for injunctive relief presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is denied", the court filing said on Tuesday.

      On 24 November, the Pennsylvania Department of State certified Biden as the winner in the election, with 80,555 votes over President Trump, according to the final tally. The data shows Biden had 3,458,229 votes while Trump received 3,377,674 votes.

      Another vital decision from the Supreme Court is pending related to a lawsuit submitted by the state of Texas this week. The lawsuit is asking the Supreme Court to block the swing states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin from participating in the electoral college even though they have already certified election results that show Biden as the winner.


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