Saturday, October 9, 2021

Austria’s Sebastian Kurz resigns – POLITICO

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz resigned Saturday evening after becoming embroiled in a corruption scandal.

He said he will hand over the chancellery to Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg.

Austrian authorities raided Kurz’s offices and party headquarters in Vienna on Wednesday amid suspicion that he and his inner circle conspired to embezzle public funds to bribe pollsters and prominent media figures in return for favorable coverage.


  1. Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has stepped down, after pressure triggered by a corruption scandal.

    He has proposed Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg as his replacement.

    Mr Kurz and nine others were placed under investigation after raids at a number of locations linked to his conservative ÖVP People's Party.

    He denies claims he used government money to ensure positive coverage in a tabloid newspaper.

    The allegations this week took his coalition government to the brink of collapse after its junior partner, the Greens, said Mr Kurz was no longer fit to be chancellor.

    The Greens began talks with opposition parties, who were threatening to bring a vote of no confidence against the chancellor next week.

    Greens leader and Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler welcomed Mr Kurz's resignation and indicated he would be willing to work with Mr Schallenberg, saying they had a "very constructive" relationship...BBC

  2. Le chancelier conservateur autrichien, Sebastian Kurz, a annoncé sa démission, samedi, lors d'une conférence de presse. Soupçonné d'être impliqué dans une affaire de corruption, il a expliqué agir "pour la stabilité du pays."

    1. Le chancelier conservateur autrichien Sebastian Kurz, soupçonné d'être impliqué dans une affaire de corruption, a annoncé, samedi 9 octobre, sa démission.

      Il serait irresponsable de glisser vers des mois de chaos ou d'impasse", a-t-il déclaré devant la presse à Vienne, expliquant se retirer pour "la stabilité" du pays tout en réfutant de "fausses accusations".

      "Je veux céder la place pour éviter le chaos", a-t-il ajouté, disant avoir proposé le nom de son ministre des Affaires étrangères, Alexander Schallenberg, pour lui succéder.

  3. Kurz tritt als Kanzler ab und wird Klubchef - Schallenberg übernimmt

    Kurz will "Platz machen", bleibt aber ÖVP-Chef und geht in den Nationalrat ein. Außenminister Schallenberg soll übernehmen.


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