Monday, May 29, 2023

Odessa reported damage to port infrastructure facilities

In Odessa, port infrastructure facilities were damaged as a result of the strike, said Sergei Bratchuk, adviser to the head of the regional military administration of the region.

According to him, as a result of a night attack on the port infrastructure of Odessa, a fire broke out.

Last night, an air raid alert was announced throughout Ukraine. Bratchuk said that the alarm lasted almost four hours in the region at night.

Explosions were reported in Kremenchug, Poltava region, in Odessa, as well as Vinnitsa, Cherkasy and Kirovograd regions.


  1. Ночью в порту Одессы произошел пожар, повреждена инфраструктура гавани. Об этом 29 мая сообщила официальный представитель оперативного командования «Юг» Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ) Наталья Гуменюк.

    «В портовой инфраструктуре вспыхнул пожар. На этот раз пострадала портовая инфраструктура именно Одессы», — приводит ее слова издание «Украинская правда».

    Представитель ВСУ добавила, что возгорание ликвидировали.

  2. A military facility was damaged as a result of explosions in the Khmelnitsky Region of Ukraine, the press office of the regional administration reported on Monday.

    "Facilities, including a military site, were hit in the Khmelnitsky Region at night," the press office said in a statement.

    "Five aircraft were damaged and work began to repair the runway," it said.

    The regional authorities did not specify the district hit by the explosions.

    1. В результате ночных ударов пострадал военный аэродром в Хмельницкой области, сообщил советник командования Воздушных сил ВСУ Юрий Игнат.


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