Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Former British Ambassador: Wanting intervention in Syria is like “dogs returning to their own vomit”

Former British Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford, has said that those calling for intervention in Syria are likes “dogs returning to their own vomit”.

He then went onto say that these same people never learnt their lessons after the interventions in Iraq and Libya that has caused great destabilization in those countries, with hundreds of thousands dead.

He then went onto state that they “would like to see the same scenario in Syria.”

Ford is a retired British diplomat who was ambassador to Bahrain from 1999–2003 and to Syria from 2003–2006.

The calls for intervention in Syria comes as allegations against the Syrian government using chemical weapons in Idlib have been made, despite it being debunked.
  [By Paul Antonopoulos -]

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