Sunday, December 14, 2014

On CIA interrogation report, Cheney says ends justified the means

Former vice president Dick Cheney responded aggressively on Sunday to findings in a Senate report that the Central Intelligence Agency tortured foreign combatants under the Bush administration.

There is "no moral equivalence," Cheney asserted, in comparing CIA tactics after 9/11 to what "nineteen guys armed with airline tickets" inflicted on Washington and New York that day.

"Torture is what the al Qaeda terrorists did to 3,000 Americans on 9/11," Cheney said, arguing not only that the tactics failed to meet the definition of torture, but that they succeeded in protecting the American homeland. "I'd do it again in a minute."

Last week, the Senate released a report based on a decade of CIA documents detailing severe interrogation techniques: imprisonment of suspects in spaces equivalent to coffins, harsh stress positions and anal feeding among them.

The report, not supported by a majority of Senate Republicans or by Mr. Cheney, claims the CIA failed to report to the White House or appropriate congressional oversight bodies on the progress or methodology of its program. No CIA officials involved with implementing the program were interviewed.

Cheney declined to define anal feeding— finely processed foods fed through the anus— as a part of the program as approved by the president, or as an acceptable method of interrogation.

But the report also claimed that several subjects of these controversial methods were later found to be innocent of any terrorist affiliations.

Asked on whether this point, or any other, challenged his convictions on the program, Cheney said his position remains unchanged.

"I have no problem as long as we achieve our objective," he said.

And responding to United Nations officials accusing him and his colleagues of war crimes, Cheney said he had "little respect" for a body taking "absolutely no responsibility" for the protection of civilians from terror.



  1. Pelosi, Dems 'fully aware' of CIA interrogation techniques, says former agency official ...

    The man who oversaw the controversial CIA interrogation program said Sunday that Rep. Nancy Pelosi was “fully aware,” of the methods used against militants, while former Vice President Dick Cheney continued to defend the program and reiterated that the U.S. “stopped short of torture.”

    Both men said the techniques used -- including waterboarding -- had been approved by Bush administration lawyers and did not cross the legal line.

    Jose Rodriguez, former director of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service, said on “Fox News Sunday” that Pelosi “knew every one of our enhanced interrogations,” including sleep deprivation as well as slapping and pushing prisoners.

    Rodriguez added that the program was the most thoroughly reviewed one in CIA history and that the recently-released Senate report betrays intelligence officials and “throws the CIA under this bus.”

    Rodriguez said there was a chance that allies who had cooperated with the United States in the past might reassess their involvement...........

  2. Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney unapologetically defended the CIA's controversial interrogation program on Sunday, saying he “would do it again in a minute.”...

    “It worked, it absolutely worked,” he said during a televised interview on NBC’s Meet the Press. “I have no problem as long as we achieve our objective, and our objective is to get the guys who did 9/11,” he added, referring to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

    Cheney was a staunch defender of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques during his time in the administration. But a Senate report issued last week revealed never before released aspects of the program, prompting outrage from critics who say that some of the techniques amounted to torture.

    The more than five-year Senate review resulted in a 6,000-page document that remains classified, and a 500-page unclassified executive summary rife with grisly details, including forced rectal feeding and rehydration, mock executions and sleep deprivation.

    Cheney maintains that the CIA “very carefully avoided” the use of torture during its interrogations, and said that the agency “deserves our praise.”...................

    1. Cheney defiende que los agentes de la CIA que practicaron las torturas 'deben ser glorificados'...

      El ex vicepresidente de Estados Unidos Dick Cheney defendió el domingo los métodos de interrogatorio y torturas empleados por la CIA contra presuntos miembros de Al Qaeda en la década de los 2000.

      "Estoy perfectamente convencido: [los agentes] deben ser glorificados, deben ser condecorados", explicó Cheney en la cadena NBC, quien ocupó la vicepresidencia entre 2001 y 2009 durante la presidencia de George W. Bush.

      El informe condenatorio publicado el martes por el Senado revela que las torturas sistemáticas llevadas a cabo por la CIA contra los sospechosos de terrorismo no habían servido para obtener ninguna información valiosa.

      Sin embargo, para Dick Cheney los interrogatorios bajo tortura "funcionaron a la perfección". "La tortura es lo que los terroristas de Al Qaeda hicieron a 3.000 estadounidenses el 11-S", alega. El ex vicepresidente defiende que "no hay comparación entre eso y lo que hemos hecho con respecto a mejorar nuestros interrogatorios"

      Cheney reiteró que el presidente Bush conocía el programa de tortura de la CIA: "Él sabía lo que estábamos haciendo, lo autorizó, lo aprobó"............


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