Tuesday, October 22, 2013

France condemns US for spying on its citizens. -President Hollande calls US counterpart to express "deep disapproval" over tapping of 70m communications in a month.

The French president, Francois Hollande, condemned US spying on French citizens in a call with President Barack Obama, as a row escalated over US eavesdropping on millions of French phone calls.
Hollande's office said in a statement that he had expressed "deep disapproval of these practices, which are unacceptable between friends and allies because they infringe on the privacy of French citizens."

Hollande "asked that all explanations be provided, as well as all information that could be at the disposal of former NSA consultant Edward Snowden."
The statement said the two leaders had agreed "to work together to determine the facts and the exact scope of surveillance activities" revealed by French newspaper Le Monde.
The two stressed that surveillance operations should be put into a "bilateral framework" and agreed that US and French intelligence agencies would "work together to this effect", the statement said.
The spying claims threatened to overshadow a visit to Paris by the US secretary of state, John Kerry, who is due to discuss the war in Syria with western allies and members of the opposition.

70 million calls
Reports in Le Monde and the German Der Spiegel have revealed that the National Security Agency secretly recorded tens of millions of phone calls in France, and hacked into former Mexican President Felipe Calderon's email account.
The spy agency taped 70.3 million phone calls in France over a 30-day period between December 10 and January 8 this year, Le Monde reported in its online version, citing documents from Snowden.
According to Le Monde, the NSA automatically picked up communications from certain phone numbers in France and recorded text messages under a programme code-named "US-985D".
In July, Paris prosecutors opened a preliminary inquiries into the NSA's programme, known as Prism, after Der Spiegel and Britain's The Guardian revealed wide-scale spying by the agency leaked by Snowden.
"We were warned in June [about the programme] and we reacted strongly but obviously we need to go further," said the French foreign minister, Laurent Fabius. "We must quickly assure that these practices aren't repeated."


  1. Datagate, Obama chiama Hollande: "Notizie distorte, ma cambieremo"...

    Il presidente americano ha rassicurato: "rivedremo il modo in cui raccogliamo informazioni". Il leader francese Secondo le rivelazioni di Snowden milioni di dati telefonici intercettati in Francia dagli Usa. Controllate anche le mail del leader messicano.

    PARIGI - Alla fine Barack Obama è stato costretto in serata a telefonare al presidente francese Francois Hollande, dopo che lo scandalo legato alle attività di spionaggio degli Stati Uniti all'estero: milioni di dati telefonici sono stati intercettati in Francia mentre anche le e-mail dell'ex presidente messicano Felipe Calderon non sono sfuggite al grande orecchio americano. ribadendo la "piena amicizia" e assicurando che "certa stampa ha distorto le nostre attività", ma ammettendo anche che tali attività "sollevano interrogativi legittimi per i nostri amici e alleati". Ed ha aggiunto che gli Stati Uniti "hanno iniziato a rivedere il modo in cui raccogliere informazioni".

    Il presidente francese Francois Hollande ha espresso "profondo biasimo" e "disapprovazione" per le attività di spionaggio dell'intelligence americana, si legge in una nota diffusa dall'Eliseo.
    Datagate: Greenwald,tutti paesi America Latina spiati da Usa.....http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2013/10/22/news/datagate_obama_chiama_hollande_certa_stampa_ha_distorto_realt-69136279/?rss

  2. Le chef du renseignement américain dément les infos du «Monde»....

    James Clapper affirme que le quotidien a publié des informations «inexactes et trompeuses» dans ses révélations sur les activités d'espionnage américain en France. Mais il reste évasif.

    Le directeur du renseignement américain a assuré mardi que des articles publiés récemment par le quotidien Le Monde sur les activités d’espionnage de la NSA en France contenaient des informations «inexactes et trompeuses sur les activités du renseignement américain».

    «L’information selon laquelle l’Agence de sécurité nationale (NSA) a collecté plus de 70 millions "d’enregistrements de données téléphoniques de citoyens français" est fausse», pointe James Clapper, sans dire toutefois en quoi cette assertion est inexacte. «Nous n’allons pas nous étendre sur les détails de nos activités, mais nous avons déjà dit clairement que les Etats-Unis rassemblaient des éléments de renseignement du même type que ceux collectés par tous les pays», poursuit James Clapper, qui chapeaute seize agences de renseignement, dont la NSA.........http://www.liberation.fr/monde/2013/10/23/le-chef-du-renseignement-americain-dement-les-infos-du-monde_941672?xtor=rss-450


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