Saturday, November 9, 2013

Obama says US needs to update policies on Cuba.

MIAMI - President Barack Obama said on Friday that it may be time for the United States to revise its policies toward Cuba, against which it has had an embargo for more than half a century.

"We have to be creative and we have to be thoughtful and we have to continue to update our policies," he said at a fundraising event in the Miami area.

"Keep in mind that when Castro came to power I was just born, so the notion that the same policies that we put in place in 1961 would somehow still be as effective as they are today in the age of the Internet, Google and world travel doesn't make sense," he added, referring to Fidel Castro, the leader of the Cuban revolution.

Incremental changes in US Cuba policy have allowed greater communication with people on the island and the transfer of remittances, Obama said.

"But I think we all understand that ultimately, freedom in Cuba will come because extraordinary activists and the incredible courage of folks like we see here today," he told a small audience at the home of Jorge Mas, a telecommunications equipment executive. "But the United States can help."



  1. Obama zur Revision von Sanktionen gegen Kuba bereit...

    Für eine Revision der von den USA 1960 gegen Kuba beschlossenen Sanktionen hat sich US-Präsident Barack Obama ausgesprochen.

    Wie er bei seinem Besuch im Bundesstaat Florida erklärte, sind die vor einem halben Jahrhundert beschlossenen Sanktionen gegen Kuba nicht mehr so aktuell. Eine Revision dieser Sanktionen würde den Kubanern die Möglichkeit bieten, „eine Ebene von Kontakten“ zu erreichen.

    Die neue Generation von Amerikanern sei bereit, nach „neuen Mechanismen“ für die Lösung von Problemen der bilateralen Beziehungen zu suchen, wird Obama von Reuters zitiert.

    Als Bedingung für die Aufhebung der Sanktionen haben die USA von Havanna Fortschritte in Richtung Demokratie und Respektierung der Menschenrechte in Kuba gefordert.

    Zuvor hatten 188 Länder die USA aufgefordert, die Handels- und Wirtschaftsblockade Kubas aufzuheben.

  2. Castro, Obama handshake could signal improving ties: Havana...

    HAVANA, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) -- Cuba is upbeat about the handshake between U.S. President Barack Obama and the island nation's leader Raul Castro in South Africa, indicating it was a possible sign of improving relations.

    The Cuban government on Wednesday posted a photograph of the handshake, taken at the memorial service for late South African President Nelson Mandela, on its official website.

    The picture was captioned "Obama greets Raul: could this ... be the beginning of the end of U.S. aggression against Cuba?"

    It was the first time Obama and Castro greeted each other in public, as both had previously avoided any potentially awkward encounters at international events.

    Formal relations between the two countries were broken off in 1961.

    The leaders met on Tuesday as Obama was making his way to the podium to speak at the service, which was held in Johannesburg's Soccer City Stadium in South Africa, and the White House later said the greeting was unplanned.

    In 2000, then Cuban leader Fidel Castro exchanged polite greetings with the then U.S. President Bill Clinton at a UN luncheon.

    1. Obama critiqué pour sa poignée de main avec Raul Castro...

      Le président Barack Obama est sévèrement critiqué aux Etats-Unis pour avoir serré la main du dirigeant cubain Raul Castro lors des obsèques de Nelson Mandela, rapporte jeudi le quotidien Los Angeles Times.

      Selon le journal, ce geste a choqué l'opinion publique américaine, car la dernière fois, les dirigeants des deux pays avaient échangé une poignée de main en 2000: le président américain d'alors, Bill Clinton, et le célèbre "commandante" Fidel Castro s'étaient serrés la main lors d'une réunion de l'ONU.

      La poignée de main entre Barack Obama et Raul Castro a mis les Américains dans l'embarras. Ils ne savent pas comment interpréter ce geste. Les uns estiment qu'il s'agit d'un réchauffement dans les relations entre Washington et La Havane, d'autres assurent que le locataire de la Maison Blanche a tout simplement fait preuve de politesse.

      Quoi qu'il en soit, les conservateurs sont perplexes. Ils fustigent la tendance de l'administration américaine à assouplir sa politique à l'égard de Cuba, et notamment la déclaration de M. Obama selon laquelle les sanctions frappant ce pays insulaire ne sont plus d'actualité.

  3. Detentions of Activists in Cuba. -Press Statement/Marie Harf (Deputy Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson)...

    We are deeply concerned about the recent increase in arbitrary detentions, physical violence, and other abusive actions carried out by the Cuban Government against peaceful human and civil rights advocates. This past week saw the detention of Jorge Luis Garcia Perez, also known as “Antunez,” and the reprehensible behavior apparently meted out by state security to his wife, Yris Perez Aguilera. These are but the latest examples of Cuban Government harassment against the Government’s critics.

    Freedoms of expression and assembly are internationally recognized human rights, and the Cuban Government remains the outlier in the Western Hemisphere with its lack of respect for these rights. We condemn the Cuban Government’s continued harassment and repeated use of arbitrary detention, at times with violence, to silence critics, disrupt peaceful assembly, and intimidate independent civil society. We urge the Government of Cuba to end the practice of arbitrary detentions and to allow Cuban citizens to express their opinions freely and to assemble peacefully.


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