Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ukraine : nationaliste et anarchiste, l'autre visage de la révolte

Prête à en découdre avec les forces de l'ordre, une frange de manifestants menace d'échapper au contrôle des leaders de l'opposition.

Par Simon Gourmellet 
Cagoulés, casqués et armés, ils sont l'une des facettes du mouvement de contestation qui secoue l'Ukraine depuis plusieurs semaines. Si la majorité des manifestants réunis sur la place de l'Indépendance, dans le centre de Kiev, reste composée de citoyens indépendants et pro-européens, des centaines d'autres sont beaucoup plus radicalisés.
Il s'agit d'ultranationalistes qui tiennent tête aux forces de l'ordre et avec qui l'opposition doit désormais compter. Cette mouvance est représentée notamment par le groupement Praviy Sektor, créé dès le début des manifestations et qui, selon la BBC (en anglais), a pris une part active dans les combats avec la police le 19 janvier.
Si, parmi les manifestants, on retrouve des membres du parti Svoboda (liberté, en ukrainien), un mouvement nationaliste, c'est-à-dire antirusse, c'est une frange beaucoup plus radicale qui mène les combats les plus durs. "Ce sont des gens de tous âges, soit russophones, soit ukrainophones, qui viennent de toutes les régions d'Ukraine, Est ou Ouest, et qui se revendiquent nationalistes. Beaucoup sont affiliés à l'extrême droite, mais pas au parti nationaliste Svoboda, qu'ils trouvent trop mou", explique à Libération un des dignitaires de Svoboda, sous couvert d'anonymat.

Ils ne s'arrêteront qu'à la chute de Ianoukovitch

Grygory, 32 ans est l'un d'entre eux. Cet électricien originaire de Tchernihiv, à une centaine de kilomètres de Kiev, explique aux équipes de France 2 que la véritable révolution n'a pas encore eu lieu. Il veut faire tomber un système qui est, à ses yeux, le même qu'à l'époque soviétique. Ces nationalistes anarchistes ne s'arrêteront qu'à la chute du président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch, et non pas en cas de rapprochement avec l'Union européenne, comme le réclamait le gros des manifestants au début de la contestation. "Ils sont reconnaissables à leur drapeau rouge et noir. Ils sont casqués, cagoulés, armés de matraque et de boucliers de fortune. Eux réclament une révolution ", raconte à francetv info Alban Mikoczy, envoyé spécial de France 2 à Kiev. Spécialisés dans la confection de cocktails Molotov, ils ont également fabriqué une catapulte pour tirer des pavés sur les policiers......................[lestitres]
Sur le même sujet:





  1. Ukraine: le pouvoir sous la pression de la rue et de l'Europe....

    La tension est toujours palpable ce samedi à Kiev, où des centaines de protestataires défient les forces de l'ordre. De son côté, l'Union européenne dit attendre "des pas concrets" du pouvoir ukrainien pour ramener le calme.

    L'étau se resserre. Le pouvoir ukrainien, malgré une ouverture surprise en direction de l'opposition, se trouvait ce samedi sous la pression accrue de la contestation, à Kiev et dans l'ouest du pays, ainsi que de l'UE qui intensifie les contacts à l'issue d'une semaine de violences. A Kiev, épicentre de la contestation, des centaines de protestataires se trouvaient toujours samedi matin dans un face-à-face tendu avec la police, même si la tension avait baissé d'un cran après une nuit d'affrontements.

    L'annonce par le président Viktor Ianoukovitch pour la semaine prochaine d'un remaniement ministériel et d'amendements aux nouvelles lois anticontestation n'a pas découragé les manifestants mobilisés depuis plus de deux mois. Les autorités et l'opposition se sont accusées mutuellement de provocation après l'annonce de la découverte du corps d'un policier et de l'incarcération pour deux mois d'une douzaine de manifestants.

    Dans la capitale ukrainienne, où l'opposition espère réunir dimanche des centaines de milliers de personnes, la tension est remontée dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi sur les lieux des violents affrontements observés entre dimanche et jeudi, qui ont fait au moins deux morts, cinq selon l'opposition.
    Guérilla urbaine

    Et si les affrontements n'ont pas été aussi violents que lors des scènes de guérilla urbaine du début de semaine, ils ont marqué un regain de tension après deux jours de trêve et auguraient mal d'une accalmie après les gestes concédés par le régime.

    Selon un photographe de l'AFP, les manifestants ont de nouveau enflammé des pneus sur la barricade les séparant des forces de l'ordre rue Grouchevski, transformée en un mur de feu avec une épaisse fumée noire qui, le vent aidant, les cachaient de la vue des policiers. Ils ont envoyé pavés et cocktails Molotov vers les forces de l'ordre, qui ont répliqué avec des balles en caoutchouc et des grenades assourdissantes. Samedi, au petit matin, seuls de petits feux subsistaient, et permettaient aux manifestants de se réchauffer au moment où le mercure est tombé à -20 degrés dans la nuit.
    L'Europe hausse le ton

    Viktor Ianoukovitch doit aussi composer avec une intense activité diplomatique des pays européens, qui ont dénoncé cette semaine l'emploi de la violence contre les manifestants et dont certains, comme la France et l'Allemagne, ont convoqué vendredi les ambassadeurs..........

  2. Ucraina, il ministro: "Niente pace, manifestanti fanno scorta di armi". Due vittime negli scontri...

    KIEV - "Gli sforzi per risolvere la crisi ucraina in modo pacifico sono vani". Ad affermarlo è il ministero degli Interni di Kiev, Vitali Zakhartchenko, con una dichiarazione che non lascia prevedere nulla di buono per le prossime ore. Il ministro è andato oltre, accusando i manifestanti di aver fatto scorta di armi - nella sede dei sindacati e nel quartier generale dell'amministrazione municipale - e di aver rapito tre agenti di polizia: "Quello che è successo nei giorni scorsi nella capitale ha dimostrato che ogni nostro tentativo di regolare il conflitto in maniera pacifica, senza ricorrere alla forza, è del tutto vano", scrive il ministro in un comunicato.


    Inoltre, ha sottolineato il ministro, continuano a lanciare bottiglie incendiarie contro gli agenti anti-sommossa malgrado i colloqui in corso tra le autorità e le forze di opposizione: tutto questo, ha ammonito Zakharchenko, non può che far degenerare la situazione. "I nostri appelli non sono stati presi in considerazione, ed è stata violata la tregua", almeno teoricamente in vigore dall'altroieri.

    Falliti i negoziati. Nella notte, ha riferito ancora Zakharchenko, si erano tenuti negoziati tra rappresentanti della 'Berkut', la polizia speciale, e dei contestatori, ma non avevano portato ad alcun risultato. "I capi dell'opposizione", ha rincarato la dose, "non si vogliono dissociare dalle fazioni radicali, e al tempo stesso non sono più in grado di controllarle. In tal modo espongono i connazionali al pericolo".

    Vittime. Un poliziotto ucraino di 27 anni è stato ucciso nella notte a Kiev mentre tornava in un dormitorio delle forze speciali 'Berkut' dopo aver finito il suo turno di lavoro. Il giovane è stato ucciso a colpi d'arma da fuoco in testa. Anche uno dei manifestanti è morto. Roman Senik, di 45 anni, era stato ferito negli scontri di domenica a Kiev...............

  3. Ουκρανοί εξτρεμιστές κατέλαβαν διοικητικά κτίρια σε δύο πόλεις ...

    Διαδηλωτές στην πόλη της Ρίβνε της δυτικής Ουκρανίας εισέβαλαν σήμερα στην Περιφερειακή Κρατική Διοίκηση.

    Τη στιγμή αυτή, στο κτίριο βρίκσονται περίπου 400 άτομα που κατέφθασαν μετά τη «Λαϊκή Συνέλευση». Δυνάμεις αφαλέιας δεν βρίσκονται στο κτίριο.
    Νωρίτερα σήμερα εξτρεμιστές κατέλαβαν και την Περιφερειακή Κρατική Διοίκηση του Λβιφ.

    Ο Πρωθυπουργός Μικόλα Αζάροφ χαρακτήρισε τα γεγονότα ως απόπειρα πραξικοπήματος. «Ενάντιον μας δεν ενεργεί η αντιπολίτευση, αλλά αντάρτες. Πρέπει να γίνεται αυτή η διάκριση» - δήλωσε.
    Διαβάστε ολόκληρο το κείμενο:

  4. L'Ukraine au bord de l'état d'urgence....Plusieurs milliers de personnes sont attendues demain dimanche place de l'Indépendance, à Kiev.....

    L'état d'urgence se rapproche en Ukraine. "Nous venons d'avoir des informations très fiables de l'entourage présidentiel, le président Viktor Ianoukovytch envisage d'instaurer l'état d'urgence dans le pays", déclare à l'Express Igor Jdavov, député du parti d'opposition Batkivchina.

    Pour ce très proche d'Arseniy Yatsenyuk, l'un des trois grands leaders de l'opposition ukrainienne, "ce scénario, s'il survient, déboucherait sur un bain de sang." Au quartier général des insurgés, place de l'Indépendance à Kiev, l'ambiance est de plus en plus nerveuse. Les affrontements ont été violents, cette nuit. Des coups de feu ont été tirés, boulevard Grouchevsko. Et plus personne n'évoque aujourd'hui les concessions que le président ukrainien semblait prêt à faire aux leaders d'opposition.............

  5. Yanukovich offers top positions in government to opposition leaders...

    The leader of the opposition Batkivshchina party, Arseny Yatsenyuk, was offered the post of prime minister

    KIEV, January 25, 21:50 /ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich offered top positions in the government to opposition leaders at their meeting in Kiev on Saturday, January 25.

    The leader of the opposition Batkivshchina (Fatherland) party, Arseny Yatsenyuk, was offered the post of prime minister; Vitali Klitschko, leader of the opposition UDAR (Punch) party, the post of deputy prime minister, Justice Minister Yelena Lukash, who also participated in the meeting, said.

    1. Ukraine: Yanukovych offers opposition way out of political crisis ...

      Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has offered a post of Prime Minister to the head of the Batkivschyna opposition faction, Arseny Yatsenyuk, and post of Deputy Minister of Humanitarian Issues to the leader of the UDAR Party, Vitaly Klitschko, Minister of Justice Yelena Lukash has informed.

      "In case Yatsenyuk agrees to become Prime Minister, the Ukrainian President will dismiss the government," Lukash is quoted as saying by the President’s press service.

      Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych promised to consider changes to the Ukrainian constitution - which currently gives the head of state huge powers - either through a referendum or through legislation.

      The Ukrainian government and opposition have also agreed that protesters as well as police officers should leave the streets of Kiev, Andrei Portnov, the First Deputy Head of the President’s administration has announced.

      "The sides have agreed that Kiev squares and streets will be gradually cleared of both protesters and police," he said on Saturday.

      A meeting between Viktor Yanukovych, members of the task force for settling the political crisis and the leaders of opposition factions, Vitaly Klitschko, Arseny Yatsenuyk and Oleg Tyahnybok, lasted for three hours.

      The head of the President’s administration and task force, Andrei Klyuyev, the First Deputy of the President’s administration, Andrei Portnov, and Minister of Justice, Yelena Lukash, also took part in the meeting which became the third over the passed week..............Read more:

  6. Ukraine: Klitschko soll Vizepremier werden ......Präsident Janukowitsch bot der Opposition Regierungsposten an. Am Samstag kam es erneut zu Zusammenstößen......

    Im ukrainischen Machtkampf hat Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch der Opposition um Vitali Klitschko führende Regierungsämter angeboten. Das teilte Justizministerin Jelena Lukasch am Samstag nach Angaben der Präsidialverwaltung in Kiew mit, wie die Agentur Interfax meldete.

    Wie die Nachrichtenagentur AFP berichtete, soll Klitschko Vizepremier werden. Arseni Jazenjuk von der Vaterlandspartei der ehemaligen Regierungschefin Julia Timoschenko soll Regierungschef werden. Janukowitsch habe sich außerdem bereit erklärt, die Verfassung zu ändern. Im Gespräch sei der Übergang zu einer parlamentarischen Präsidialrepublik. Bisher hat der Präsident in der Ukraine alle zentralen Machtbefugnisse in seiner Hand. Eine Reaktion der Oppositionsführung lag zunächst nicht vor. Bei Einverständnis der Opposition mit diesem Plan erkläre die bisherige Regierung von Ministerpräsident Nikolai Asarow ihren Rücktritt, hieß es aus der Präsidialverwaltung...............

  7. Yanukovich, opposition leaders end meeting...

    KIEV, January 25, 21:23 /ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich and opposition leaders have just ended their meeting in Kiev.

    The meeting continued for more than three hours, but no details were immediately available.

    Participating in the meeting were presidential chief of staff Andrei Klyuyev, his first deputy Andrei Portnov, Justice Minister Yelena Lukash, opposition UDAR (Puinch) party leader Vitali Klitschko, Batkivshchina (Fatherland) party leader Arseny Yatsenyuk, and Svoboda (Freedom) party leader Oleg Tyagnibok.

    The Batkivshchina press service said the opposition leaders had agreed to hold the talks “at the request of the Council of Churches.”

    “All churches of Ukraine have asked us to continue the talks and gave us their blessing,” Yatsenyuk said, adding that the opposition “did and still does everything it can to settle this horrible conflict solely by peaceful means.”

    The clergy were said to be heading to Kiev’s Independence Square, the scene of the latest mass protests, to address the demonstrators and ask them to resolve the conflict peacefully.

    However Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko said the government’s attempts to “resolve the conflict peacefully without using force have been futile so far.”

    “The calls have not been heard and the truce agreements have been broken,” he said in a statement...............

  8. Ukrainian opposition is 'lacking in content'....

    If the Ukrainian protest movement seeks an efficient end to the country's crisis, it should have accepted Yanukovych's power sharing compromise, says Jelena Hoffmann, an honorary consul for Ukraine based in Leipzig.

    DW: Ms. Hoffmann, when were you last in Ukraine?

    Jelena Hoffmann: It's been a while, at least six months for sure. But of course I am in constant contact with Ukrainian citizens due to my role as honorary consul for Ukraine.

    Are you also in contact with the government?

    No, only by way of the embassy.

    Do you have some idea as to why Yanukovych offered to appoint the opposition to the government?

    Of course, it's the goal of any government to defuse a crisis situation. So that's one reason why Yanukovych did that. I think you could also suppose - provided you don't completely think ill of him - that he believes the opposition's participation could help to lead the country out of its crisis. However, one thing is clear: He's not going to give up his post voluntarily.

    Should the opposition have taken his offer?

    In my view, the offer wasn't to be underestimated. The opposition wants to take over power, and Yanukovych made the proposal of letting them share the power. If it's only about deposing Yanukovych and having new elections, then the opposition will insist on that. But if it's about leading the country out of crisis, then it wouldn't have been a bad idea for the opposition politicians to accept this offer.

    Does Vitali Klitschko lack the political experience for a situation like that?

    Absolutely! He is not an experienced politician in the sense you mean. He's not proven himself in politics, never occupied any real offices. For me, personally, what's lacking somewhat in this entire situation is the content.

    How so?

    One aspect of the content is deposing Yanukovych and holding new elections. But what comes after that? Why does he want to do that? What does Mr. Klitschko stand for? That's still in question at the moment.

    So you believe the opposition is not concerned about the good of the country, but only with deposing Yanukovych?

    That's speculation. I do think, based on what's been said so far, that Klitschko would like to become the new president and, as such, that he wants to depose the old president and prompt new elections. I can't get inside Mr. Klitschko's head. I can only say that, in the current situation, where a quick and decisive decision is needed for the country, a new election will not bring a quick solution. The demonstrators also want Yanukovych to be removed from office. Essentially, it's the western Ukrainians. They don't believe Yanukovych will put the country on a path toward forging ties with the European Union..............

  9. Ex-Präsident: "Ukraine am Rande des Bürgerkriegs"...

    Leonid Krawtschuk sieht schwarz für sein Land, das er als erster Präsident nach dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion führte. Im Parlament in Kiew wurde derweil über eine Amnestieregelung debattiert.

    Er führte die unabhängige nach dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion - nun hat der 80-jährige Ex-Präsident Leonid Krawtschuk große Angst um sein Land: „Die Ukraine befindet sich am Rand des Bürgerkriegs“, sagte Krawtschuk, der von 1991 bis 1994 amtierte, am Mittwoch im Kiewer Parlament unter dem Applaus der Abgeordneten...............

  10. Ukrainian protesters drive radicals out of agriculture ministry building ...

    Ukrainian pro-EU protesters have reportedly clashed with a group of far-right radicals early Wednesday in a bid to force them out of the occupied Agriculture and Food Ministry building in the downtown Hreshchyatik Street in Kiev. The building has been held by members of Ukraine’s nationalist Spilna Sprava (Common Cause) Movement for several days running.

    “Yesterday, the Maidan assembly unanimously agreed to win back the Agriculture and Food Ministry building. No one spoke against this decision. The Maidan is going to free the building from the Spilna Sprava marauders,” a spokesperson with the anti-government protest camp has said.

    According to Ukrainian reporters, about 200 people have gathered outside the ministry, including several activists of the so-called “Maidain defense task force” who moved to the besieged ministry to negotiate with the holed-up protesters.

    Journalists say the two sides are engaged in negotiations. The ministerial building cannot be accessed from the Hreshchyatik Street.

    In the meantime, eye-witnesses say they heard bangs that sounded like gunshots or explosions coming from the building, although no one caught the sight of either casualties or paramedics.

    A rumor has also spread through social networks that says protesters from the All-Ukrainian Association Freedom are now flanking the entrance to the ministry, while others are escorting the radicals out.

    The city authority has not commented on reports of a siege.

    Voice of Russia, Interfax
    Read more:

  11. Ukrainian opposition forming own cabinet, says oppositionist leader...

    KIEV, February 16, 17:03 /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine’s irreconcilable opposition plans to set up a cabinet of ministers of its own, a regular Sunday “people’s viche” - an improvised popular decision-making assembly - was told Sunday afternoon by Arseny Yatsenyuk, a former speaker of the national parliament who currently leads the Batkivshchina (Fatherland) party parliamentary faction.

    “The opposition is setting up its own government upon a joint decision of its leaders and the former Prime Minister, Yulia Timoshenko,” he said.

    He confirmed in this connection that he had turned down President Yanukovich’s offer to take the post of Prime Minister.

  12. Neither U.S. nor EU has strategy for Ukraine....

    (Reuters) - There's nothing like an old-fashioned expletive to add spice to a transatlantic difference of opinion.

    But when U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was caught using the "F-word" on an unsecure telephone line to disparage European Union policy on Ukraine, it highlighted the fact that neither Washington nor Brussels has much of a strategy for handling the crisis in the former Soviet republic.

    Since Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich pulled out of a major trade pact with the EU in November under Russian pressure, provoking mass protests, the United States and Europe have struggled to gain any influence over the outcome.

    Nuland's outburst in late January, which leaked onto the Internet, was apparently directed at the EU's reluctance to impose targeted financial and travel sanctions on Yanukovich and his aides over a crackdown on the pro-European demonstrations.

    In another part of the conversation with the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, she discussed which opposition leaders Washington wanted to join or stay out of a proposed transitional government.

    Her tone recalled the 2003 book "Of Paradise and Power" by Nuland's husband, historian Robert Kagan, who upset many in Brussels by asserting that "Americans are from Mars, Europeans are from Venus".

    In other words: Americans are tough, Europeans are wimps. Americans take responsibility for international security, spend their hard-earned dollars on defense, and recognize the threats to freedom and stability in the world. Europeans are politically naive, unwilling to risk their own blood and treasure, and happy to free-ride on U.S. military protection.................


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