Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ukrainisches Außenamt dementiert Berichte über Entsendung von Truppen nach Kiew. -Die Armee bleibt den politischen Aktionen fern

Das Verteidigungsministerium der Ukraine hat Medienberichte über die Entsendung von Truppen in die Hauptstadt Kiew dementiert.

„Diese Information entspricht nicht der Wirklichkeit“, heißt es in einer auf der Internetseite des Ministeriums am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Erklärung. Am gleichen Tag hatten Medien berichtet, dass die Militärführung die Armee an politischen Aktionen in Kiew teilnehmen lassen will und zu diesem Zweck Truppen in die Hauptstadt verlegt.

Die Armee bleibt den politischen Aktionen fern. Einheiten der ukrainischen Streitkräfte erfüllen seit Beginn eines neuen Studienjahres für Soldaten am 15. Januar planmäßig ihre konkreten Aufgaben. Außerplanmäßige Maßnahmen oder Manöver sind nicht vorgesehen“, hieß es.
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  1. Troubles à Kiev: deux hommes abattus par balles (police)...

    Les deux hommes tués rue Grouchevski lors des affrontements entre la police et les protestataires ont été abattus par balles, a annoncé jeudi Vitali Sakal, chef adjoint du département d'enquête du ministère ukrainien de l'Intérieur.

    Et de préciser que la police n'utilisait pas le type de balles qui avaient tué les deux hommes.

    "Les policiers et les militaires des troupes de l'intérieur chargés de protéger l'ordre public dans la zone des affrontements sont dépourvus d'armes à feu", a indiqué M. Sakal cité par le site internet du ministère de l'Intérieur.

    Les enquêteurs étudient, entre autres hypothèses, la piste d'assassinats commis en vue de provoquer une escalade du conflit et de justifier ainsi l'usage d'armes par les manifestants.

    Les deux morts ont été identifiés: il s'agit de Sergueï Nigoïan, 20 ans, de Dniepropetrovsk (Ukraine) et de Mikhaïl Jiznevski, 25 ans, citoyen biélorusse.

  2. Ukraine: négociations et trêve, la révolte s'étend à l'ouest...

    L'opposant ukrainien Vitali Klitschko a appelé policiers et manifestants rassemblés à Kiev à une trêve en attendant le résultat de négociations avec le pouvoir. Cinq manifestants sont morts mercredi, et plus de 300 sont blessés. La révolte s'étend à l'ouest. Le gouverneur de la région de Lviv a présenté sa démission jeudi sous la pression d'un millier de manifestants hostiles au pouvoir qui ont envahi son administration. Oleg Salo a été nommé par le président Viktor Ianoukovitch, originaire de l'est russophone et souvent considéré comme pro-russe......

  3. Ukraine president hints at compromise, but PM slams protesters...

    (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich called for an emergency session of parliament to end political crisis and violent unrest, in a sign he might be ready to soften his hardline stance and strike a compromise.

    Yanukovich was due to hold talks on Thursday with opposition leaders including heavyweight boxer-turned-politician Vitaly Klitschko, and anti-government demonstrators in the capital agreed to a truce with police until 8 p.m. pending the outcome.

    The parliamentary website said the special session would be held on Tuesday.

    Underlining the level of mistrust between the government and opposition, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov accused protesters of trying to stage a coup d'etat, and dismissed the possibility of an early presidential election to resolve the standoff.......

  4. Gazprom: Ukraine is to repay gas debt in January...

    MOSCOW, January 23 (Itar-Tass) - Ukraine is to repay its gas debt by the end of January but it will most likely request a deferral, said Deputy Head of Gazprom’s department for working with the neighbouring countries, Viktor Valov.

    “The debt was calculated at the old price,” Valov said adding the new price takes effect according to the contract, from January 1, 2014.......

  5. EU droht Janukowitsch mit ernsten Konsequenzen...

    Kommissionspräsident José Manuel Barroso fordert die ukrainische Führung auf, Bürgerrechte nicht weiter mit Füßen zu treten – und kündigt eine diplomatische Offensive an.

    Von Florian Eder
    Die EU-Kommission droht der ukrainischen Führung mit Konsequenzen: "Wenn es keine Veränderung in Fragen der Menschen- und Bürgerrechte gibt, wenn die Polizeigewalt gegen Demonstranten nicht aufhört, wird das ernste Konsequenzen für die Beziehungen der Ukraine zur EU haben", sagte Barroso der "Welt". Das habe er "in der schärfstmöglichen Formulierung" auch Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch in einem Telefonat am Donnerstag mitgeteilt.

    Die EU verlangt von Janukowitsch zudem "Gespräche mit der Opposition ohne Vorbedingungen". Mit der Eskalation der Gewalt gegen Demonstranten in den vergangenen Tagen bringt die ukrainische Führung die westliche Welt gegen sich auf. Die EU fühlt sich allein deswegen in der Pflicht, weil die Demonstranten ja eine Annäherung ihres Landes an Europa fordern und dafür Gefahren für Leib und Leben auf sich nehmen. "Gewalt ist keine Lösung für die politische Situation der Ukraine", sagte Barroso.

    So ließen die ersten Todesopfer der Proteste in dieser Woche Staaten und die EU-Kommission aufschrecken, denn spätestens damit zerbarsten die Hoffnungen auf eine friedliche Veränderung in der Ukraine. Auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel appellierte nach der Kabinettsklausur in Meseberg an Janukowitsch. "Wir erwarten von der ukrainischen Regierung, dass sie die demokratischen Freiheiten – insbesondere die Möglichkeit zu friedlichen Demonstrationen – sichert, dass sie Leben schützt, dass Gewaltanwendung nicht stattfindet", sagte Merkel........

  6. Polit-Krise in der Ukraine: "Janukowitsch muss gehen, dann gehen wir"...

    Wie geht es weiter in der Ukraine? Es gibt Hoffnungen auf Verhandlungen zwischen den Konfliktparteien. Doch in den Trümmern des tagelangen Straßenkampfs rüsten sich die Demonstranten für die nächsten Schlachten mit der Polizei.

    Für einen, der dauernd von einem Waffenstillstand redet, sieht Wladimir ziemlich martialisch aus. Mit einem Stahlhelm auf dem Kopf und Gasmaske vor dem Gesicht steht der 37-Jährige vor dem ausgebrannten Gerippe eines Busses am Ende der Gruschewski-Straße, mitten in der ukrainischen Hauptstadt Kiew................

  7. Ukrainian opposition rejects government's terms, promises to continue talks ...

    The leaders of the Ukrainian opposition after addressing the crowd on Independence Square in Kiev rejected the proposed terms by the authorities and announced their intention to continue negotiations, states Batkivshina and Svoboda parties' websites.

    - Kiev: standoff between police and opposition continues. LIVE UPDATES

    During the second round of talks with the opposition, President Viktor Yanukovych has proposed to stop the use of force and ensure to release those detained during the riots, and to soften a preventive measure if the protesters on Grushevskoho street disperse.

    Opposition leaders announced that only after "public consultation" they would tell whether they accept these conditions.

    The leader of the nationalist party Svoboda Oleg Tyahnibok forwarded the message to those gathered on Independence Square and asked whether they accept it, but the majority voted against, states the Svoboda website.

    Opposition leaders agreed with the decision to stay gathered on the street, but required to maintain discipline and order.

    Yatsenyuk said that the opposition would continue to negotiate with the government, "in order to achieve real results."

    Tyahnibok said earlier that the negotiations would continue on Friday morning.

    In addition, Yatsenyuk announced the decision "to expand the territory down to Instytutskaya and Olginskaya street."

    Ukrainian Justice Minister Yelena Lukash said earlier the talks would continue Friday or Saturday. She, too, took part in the four-hours-long meeting between President Viktor Yanukovich and the oppositionists - Vitaly Klichko, the former parliament speaker Arseny Yatsenyuk, and the leader of the far-right nationalistic Svoboda party, Oleg Tyagnybok.

    Other officials present at the conference table were Andrei Kliuyev, the Secretary of the National Security Council, and Andrei Portnov, a presidential adviser.

    Lukash said that the opposition leaders had once again refused to denounce the actions of extremists or the seizures of buildings of regional and local agencies of power committed by agitated crowds in a number of western and central regions of the country on Thursday.

    Nor did the leading oppositionists give a clear answer to whether or not they were going - or were able - to take control of the haphazard course of events unfolding in Kiev.

    Ukrainian opposition leaders agreed with President Yanukovych on armistice and release of detainees

    Ukrainian opposition leaders, Vitali Klitschko and Oleg Tyahnibok told the crowd on Grushevskoho street that they reached an agreement with President Viktor Yanukovych regarding armistice: the parties will cease the use of force and the Ministry of Interior Affairs will release detained during the riots.

    Klitschko stated that according to the agreements with Yanukovych and the head of Minister of Interior Affairs, Vitaly Zakharchenko, military actions will be ceased and they will publicly declare the release of all detainees, and in return, the protesters should also refrain from using force.........Read more:

  8. Ashton to meet with Ukrainian president, opposition leaders ....

    The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Baroness Catherine Ashton, has said that she continues to closely follow the situation in Kiev and plans to meet with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders.

    "I am convinced that, in light of the violent escalation of events, the European Union has to reinforce the efforts in support of the political solution to the current crisis," Ashton said in a statement, circulated in Brussels on Thursday evening.

    All diplomatic means have been engaged in these efforts, she said.

    On Friday, the EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy, Stefan Fule, will visit Kiev on Ashton's behalf and on behalf of European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, she added.

    "I am pleased that a delegation of the European Parliament will travel to Ukraine early next week. I will be going to Kiev myself next week to meet with President Yanukovych as well as opposition leaders," Ashton said.

    "It is imperative to avoid further worsening of the situation and to pave the way for a genuine dialogue between the authorities, the opposition and civil society," she said.

    "Only an inclusive dialogue offers a viable way forward. The doors to dialogue and a political solution have to be kept open," she added.

    Catherine Ashton to visit Kiev next week - EU Commission official

    Catherine Ashton, high representative of the European union for foreign affairs and security policy and vice-president of the European Commission, will visit Kiev next week, European Commission official Olivier Bailly told a press conference in Brussels on Thursday.

    Voice of Russia, Interfax
    Read more:

  9. Calme précaire en Ukraine, sur fond d'inquiétudes pour un opposant disparu...

    En Ukraine, après cinq jours d'affrontements entre policiers et manifestants d'opposition, après les 5 morts et les 300 blessés, un calme précaire semble revenu dans le centre-ville de Kiev. La rencontre avec le président Viktor Ianoukvitch (la deuxième de la semaine) n'a pas été à la hauteur des attentes de l'opposition et l'on s'inquiète de la disparition d'un des leaders de l'opposition.

    Un militant ukrainien très actif contre le président Ianoukovitch, est porté disparu depuis deux jours, suscitant des craintes sur son sort après la découverte mercredi dans la banlieue de Kiev du corps sans vie d'un autre militant qui avait été kidnappé.

    Dmytro Boulatov, 35 ans, l'un des leaders d'Automaïdan, mouvement de manifestants en voiture, qui a organisé plusieurs actions spectaculaires devant la résidence de campagne du chef de l'Etat devenue un symbole de la corruption, est introuvable depuis mercredi après-midi, selon ses collègues.

    L'épouse de Boulatov a signalé jeudi soir sa disparition à la police et a demandé une enquête, a indiqué un responsable de la police cité par l'agence Interfax.

    La disparition de Dmytro Boulatov est d'autant plus inquiétante qu'un militant, Iouri Verbitski, a été retrouvé mort "avec des signes de tortures" sur le corps mercredi dans la banlieue de Kiev après avoir été kidnappé la veille avec un autre militant Igor Loutsenko qui, battu et abandonné dans une forêt, a réussi à s'en sortir vivant.

    Une autre militante active d'Automaïdan, la journaliste d'opposition Tetiana Tchornovol, avait été sauvagement battue par des inconnus dans la banlieue de Kiev en décembre.

    Cette agression vivement condamnée par l'Occident avait renforcé la mobilisation à Kiev où des manifestants pro-européens contestent depuis plus de deux mois le régime du président Viktor Ianoukovitch, après son refus de signer un accord d'association avec l'Union européenne au profit d'un rapprochement avec la Russie.

    Calme précaire

    Malgré les inquiétudes sur le sort de Dmytro Boulatov, un calme précaire règne à Kiev. On est toutefois encore loin d’une trêve définitive. Ce vendredi matin, si les manifestants ont cessé de jeter des pavés et des cocktails Molotov sur les policiers, c’est pour mieux renforcer leurs barricades et en ériger de nouvelles, comme s’ils se préparaient à être de nouveaux déçus par le président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch......................

  10. Ukraine protesters seize building, put up more barricades....

    (Reuters) - Ukrainian protesters erected more street barricades and occupied a government ministry building on Friday, fuelling tension after the failure of crisis talks with President Viktor Yanukovich.

    In response to opposition calls, about 1,000 demonstrators moved away from Kiev's Independence Square in the early hours of Friday and began to erect new barricades closer to presidential headquarters.

    Masked protesters, some carrying riot police shields seized as trophies, stood guard as others piled up sandbags packed with frozen snow to form new ramparts across the road leading down into the square.

    Opposition leader Vitaly Klitschko, after leaving a second round of talks with Yanukovich empty handed, late on Thursday voiced fears the impasse could now lead to further bloodshed.

    At least three protesters have been killed so far - two from gunshot wounds - after clashes between protesters led by a hard core of radicals and riot police.

    After speaking first to protesters manning the barricades, Klitschko then went to Independence Square where he declared: "Hours of conversation were spent about nothing. There is no sense sitting at a negotiating table with someone who has already decided to deceive you.

    "I earnestly wish that there will be no bloodshed and that people are not killed ... I will survive, but I am afraid there will be deaths, I am afraid of this," the boxer-turned-politician said..................

  11. Ukrainian protesters occupy government buildings...

    KIEV, Ukraine: Protesters have seized a government building in the Ukrainian capital while also maintaining the siege of several governors' offices in the country's west, raising the pressure on the government.

    After meeting with President Viktor Yanukovych on Thursday, opposition leaders told the crowds that he has promised to ensure the release of dozens of protesters detained after clashes with police and stop further detentions. They urged the protesters to maintain a shaky truce following violent street battles in the capital, but were booed by demonstrators eager to resume their attacks on police.

    Early on Friday, the protesters broke into the downtown building of the ministry of agricultural policy, meeting no resistance. The move followed the seizure of local governors' offices in several western regions on Thursday.

  12. Yanukovych says foreigners involved in radical actions in Kiev ...

    Foreign citizens, who have taken part in combat actions abroad, are involved in the radical action in Kiev, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said on Friday.

    "It is not just Ukrainians who joined (the radical action) but also people from other countries who had taken part in various regional combat actions and who are now wanted internationally. All of them are hiding out in occupied buildings. We know there are weapons there," Yanukovych said during a meeting with representatives of non-government and religious organizations.

    Security forces acting lawfully

    The Ukrainian police and security forces have acted lawfully in opposing protesters, and it is the radical actions of demonstrators that have made the authorities act in a tough way, the Ukrainian President said.

    "All these actions are prompting the authorities to rtespond in a certain way today in order to stop this process. The law enforcement agencies are working within the framework of their powers and the law, which imposes some obligations on them," Yanukovych said................

  13. Ukraine : remaniement, lois amendées… Les réponses du président aux opposants...

    Il tend (un peu) la main aux opposants. Le président ukrainien, Viktor Ianoukovitch, a annoncé, vendredi 24 janvier, un remaniement du gouvernement et des amendements aux lois répressives controversées, afin de répondre à la mobilisation des Ukrainiens. Les lois seront amendées à l'occasion d'une session extraordinaire du Parlement prévue pour la semaine prochaine.

    "Nous prendrons une décision au cours de cette session : le président signera un décret et nous prendrons la décision de remanier le gouvernement pour former l'équipe gouvernementale la plus professionnelle", a expliqué Viktor Ianoukovitch au cours d'une rencontre avec des dignitaires religieux...............[lestitres]

  14. Ucraina, Ianukovich annuncia: “Cambieremo la legge anti-proteste”...

    A giorni anche un rimpasto di governo. “Gesto di buona volontà” nei confronti dell’opposizione. Poi la minaccia: “Se non si fermano ripristineremo l’ordine”.

    Il presidente dell’Ucraina, Viktor Ianukovich, ha annunciato che le controverse leggi anti-proteste, che hanno suscitato un’ondata di manifestazioni anche violente in questi giorni, saranno modificate.

    Ianukovich ha anche annunciato che, per andare incontro alle opposizioni che manifestato ininterrottamente da due mesi, a giorni ci sarà un rimpasto di governo................

  15. Ukraine crisis: Yanukovych 'concessions' fail to end unrest...

    Violence has continued in the Ukrainian capital Kiev, after President Viktor Yanukovych promised to make concessions to try to end the country's crisis.

    Huge fires burned in the city centre overnight as protesters threw rocks, fireworks and petrol bombs at police, who responded with tear gas.

    Mr Yanukovych pledged to amend anti-protest laws and reshuffle the cabinet.

    But opposition leader Vitaly Klitschko said the protesters now wanted the president to resign.................


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