Friday, February 28, 2014

Crimea state television occupied by armed groups

Official radio and television building occupied after armed men had earlier seized parliament, prime ministry and airport.
The official radio and television building in the capital of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, in south Ukraine, was occupied by pro-Russia armed groups on Friday.
The latest occupation in Simferopol came after the parliament building, prime ministry and airport were seized by armed men this week. Officials inside the building told Anadolu Agency the groups have not harmed any of the personnel in the building.

The political situation in Crimea, an autonomous republic in Ukraine's south, has become increasingly tense since Ukraine was hit by large-scale protests that eventually led to the ousting of former President Viktor Yanukovych. 
Crimea’s Parliament elected a pro-Russia government while under occupation on Thursday and announced it will hold a referendum on May 25 to decide its future. 
Following decades of aggresion by the Soviet Union, the Crimean population today is overwhelmingly dominated by ethnic Russians, according to the last official census. Crimean Tatars comprise approximately 13 percent of the population.
Refat Chubarov, the chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, said in a written statement on Friday that he does not recognize the new government because it was formed in a "questionable" way.
Chubarov claimed the new government tried to "buy out" some Crimean Tatar deputies to consolidate its power in the parliament.


  1. Kiev denuncia "invasão armada russa" com dois mil militares....

    Um alto responsável de Kiev denunciou esta sexta-feira uma "invasão armada" da Crimeia por mais de dois mil soldados russos aerotransportados em Simferopol, capital da república autónoma do sul da Ucrânia. Turchinov pede o fim da "agressão ostensiva".

    "Estamos hoje (sexta-feira) a assistir a uma invasão armada russa (...). O espaço aéreo [da Crimeia] está encerrado devido ao grande número de aterragens de aviões e helicópteros russos", declarou o representante do presidente ucraniano na Crimeia, Serguii Kunitsyn, à estação televisiva ART.

    O responsável estimou que cerca de dois mil militares russos tinham já sido aerotransportados para um aeroporto militar próximo de Simferopol.

    "Treze aviões russos aterraram no aeroporto de Gvardeyskoye (perto de Simferopol), com 150 pessoas em cada um", precisou o representante presidencial.

    Pouco antes, o Governo ucraniano tinha enviado uma nota de protesto à Rússia pela violação do seu espaço aéreo e também pela mobilização de tropas e blindados da frota russa do Mar Negro na península da Crimeia.

    Segundo a nota, os serviços da guarda fronteiriça ucraniana observaram 10 helicópteros de combate a cruzar a fronteira em direção a um dos aeroportos da Crimeia, palco de tensões entre a maioria pró-russa e as autoridades de Kiev.

    A Rússia apenas tinha pedido autorização para que três helicópteros atravessassem a fronteira junto ao estreito de Kerch, que separa os dois países, noticiaram os média locais.

    Segundo a mesma fonte, o voo dos helicópteros, que representa uma violação do acordo bilateral sobre o estatuto da base naval russa no porto ucraniano de Sebastopol, de maio de 1997, foi gravado em vídeo..................

  2. Ucrania acusa a Rusia de una 'invasión armada'...

    Crimea ha sufrido este viernes una "invasión armada", con más de 2.000 soldados rusos transportados por aire a Simferopol, capital de esta república autónoma al sur de Ucrania, que alberga también la flota rusa del Mar Negro, ha declarado hoy un alto responsable ucraniano.

    "Asistimos hoy a una invasión armada rusa (...) El espacio aéreo (en Crimea) está cerrado con motivo del gran número de aterrizajes de aviones y helicópteros rusos", ha declarado el representante del presidente ucraniano en Crimea, Serguéi Kunitsin, en la cadena de televisión ART. ....................

  3. Daily Briefing by the Press Secretary, 2/27/14. -The White House, Office of the Press Secretary....

    I will now take your questions. Jim.

    Q Thanks, Jay. I wanted to ask you about the latest developments in Ukraine. We have Russia scrambling jets near the border. We have the Russians apparently harboring Yanukovych, and some gunmen taking over government offices in Crimea. I wonder what the President’s reaction to that is and if you're taking any steps in response to it.

    MR. CARNEY: Well, let me start broadly by saying that the United States welcomes the Ukrainian parliament’s decision to establish a new government that can unite the Ukrainian people and restore order and stability to the country. As the process moves forward, the United States, again, calls on all parties in Ukraine and in the region to support reconciliation and the country’s return to political and economic health. And we will work with the international community in building an economic assistance package based upon Ukraine’s achievements in crafting a unity government. We welcome the government’s commitment to pursue economic reforms and the IMF’s announcement that it will send a team to Ukraine in the coming days.

    We expect that the government will do its utmost to protect the security and human rights of all its citizens, including the rights of minorities, and to recommit to honor the state’s international obligations in this interim period. In this regard, we welcome today’s statement from the government that the rights of all Ukrainians will be respected.

    We strongly support Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. We expect other nations to do the same. And so we are closely watching Russia’s military exercises along the Ukrainian border, which they announced yesterday. We expect Russia to be transparent about these activities and to avoid provocative actions. We urge them not to take any steps that could be misinterpreted or lead to a miscalculation during a very delicate time. It is important for all nations with an interest in a peaceful future for Ukraine to work together to support a Ukrainian government that fulfills the aspirations of its people.

    Q Have there been any discussions between the White House and the Kremlin to get assurances about what that activity is at the border?

    MR. CARNEY: Well, I don't have a specific conversation to read out. I know that the Secretary of State has spoken with the Foreign Minister, Foreign Minister Lavrov, about the situation in Ukraine. I don't have a more detailed readout of that conversation. That is the most recent conversation I'm aware of at a high level with the Russian government.

    Q And anything more on how specific you can be on what an economic package from the U.S. could be to supplement the IMF assistance?...................


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