Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Netanyahu says Schulz should have 'checked facts' before Knesset speech. -Politiker verlassen den Saal..... Eklat bei Schulz-Rede in der Knesset

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday that EU Parliament head Martin Schulz should have checked his facts before his speech to the Knesset earlier Wednesday.

Netanyahu said that Schulz played down attacks and threats on Israel, which still exist daily, and suffers from "the same selective hearing as many Europeans."
  •  MKs Walk out of EU Head's Anti-Israel Speech ....EU Parliament head’s speech sparks walk-out as he repeats PA claims on water discrimination, Gaza ‘blockade.’....

A speech in Knesset Wednesday given by the head of the European Union Parliament caused outrage, and ultimately sparked a walk-out.

Several MKs expressed upset as EU parliament president Martin Schulz, who spoke in German, repeated as fact Palestinian Authority claims of Israeli discrimination regarding allocation of water in Judea and Samaria, and of a “blockade” on Gaza.

Schulz condemned Israeli “settlements” east of the 1949 armistice line as “an obstacle to peace,” and claimed, “The blockade of Gaza creates despair and extremism.”

MKs reacted with anger. “The president of the European parliament, a son of the German nation, is unashamed to quote lies he heard yesterday in Ramallah,” MK Motti Yogev (Jewish Home) accused.

Yogev interrupted Schulz’s speech, saying the EU parliamentary head had “chutzpah” for “supporting the Palestinians who are inciting to destroy Israel, 70 years after the Holocaust.”

Both claims Schulz cited are false, he said. Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs living in Judea and Samaria get equal amounts of water. “Regarding the ‘blockade’ on Gaza, Israel has not been in Gaza for some time, and Israel is the one that supplies the Palestinians in Gaza with food and with the concrete they use against Israel,” he said.

Minister of Economy Naftali Bennett expressed outrage over Schulz’s claims as well. “We will not be silent in the face of lies,” he said.

Culture Minister Limor Livnat and Minister of Pensioners Affairs Uri Orbach criticized Schulz as well. Jewish Home MKs ultimately walked out of Schulz’s speech.

Following the walkout, Jewish Home MK Orit Struk attacked Shulz's "chutzpah" and said her party's representatives felt they had no choice but to walk out.

"When the President of the European Parliament spits on you, you cannot just remain silent, wipe your face and call it rain. It is unprecedented gall to stand up in the Knesset of Israel and proceed to slander the entire body of elected officials and the entire Jewish People," she fumed.
  • Politiker verlassen den Saal..... Eklat bei Schulz-Rede in der Knesset

Die Rede von EU-Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz hat im israelischen Parlament zum Eklat geführt. Politiker der Siedlerpartei bezichtigten den SPD-Mann, der seine Rede auf Deutsch hielt, der Lüge.
Bei einer Rede des Präsidenten des EU-Parlaments, Martin Schulz (SPD), auf Deutsch im israelischen Parlament ist es zu einem Eklat gekommen. Abgeordnete der rechten Siedlerpartei von Wirtschaftsminister Naftali Bennett riefen "Schande" und verließen unter lauten Protestrufen den Saal, wie israelische Medien berichteten. Sie bezichtigten Schulz der Lüge.
Schulz, der zu Beginn seiner Gastrede gesagt hatte, ihm sei bewusst, dass es keine Selbstverständlichkeit sei, dass er sie an diesem Ort auf Deutsch halten dürfe, führte später aus, "auch die Palästinenser haben das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung und Gerechtigkeit". Sie wollten "in Frieden leben und unbegrenzte Bewegungsfreiheit haben", was ihnen in Gaza verwehrt werde.
Als Schulz, der zum Wochenbeginn Ramallah besucht hatte, dann berichtete, ein palästinensischer Jugendlicher habe ihn gefragt, "warum ein Israeli täglich im Schnitt 70 Liter Wasser verbrauchen könne, ein Palästinenser gerademal 17", brach ein Tumult aus. Obwohl Schulz fortfuhr, er habe diese Zahlen nicht überprüfen können, "und frage Sie, ob sie korrekt sind", schrie ihn der Abgeordnete Moti Jogev an: "Schämen Sie sich, Sie unterstützen jemanden, der gegen Juden hetzt." Jogev und sein Parteifreund Bennett, der den rechten Flügel im Regierungskabinett anführt, verließen danach unter lauten Protesten den Saal..............................


  1. Bennett demands European Parliament chief apologize: 'I won't accept lies in German' ....

    Martin Schulz is heckled during speech to Knesset when discussing Israeli-Palestinian peace process, Israeli siege of Gaza; Bayit Yehudi MKs leave after he says Palestinians have less water than Israelis.

    European Parliament President Martin Schulz must apologize for lying in the Knesset, Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said Wednesday.

    Bennett and the entire Bayit Yehudi faction walked out in the middle of Schulz's speech, with several MKs yelling "Palestinians are liars" and "shame."

    "When he said Palestinians get 17 liters of water for every 70 Israelis get, it was a total lie. It's preposterous," Bennett told The Jerusalem Post after the Bayit Yehudi walk-out. "All the ministers were perplexed. I stayed quiet at first, but then he criticized the Israeli blockade on Gaza and said it caused pain to the Gazans."

    "Did he forget that we expelled 8,000 Jews from Gaza? This week I worked on helping the evacuees. Did he forget that [Gazans] shoot thousands of missiles at us? And then he criticizes us about the very place we vacated?" Bennett asked.

    The minister demanded that Schulz "take back his lies," and called for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to make the same demand.

    "Our national honor as the State of Israel isn't mine or the ministers'. It belongs to all of the people of Israel," he stated. "I won't sit in the Knesset and hear a European, certainnly not a German, saying such things."

    The Bayit Yehudi leader said that when he noticed no one else was protesting, he instructed his faction to walk out quietly, though some only listened to the first part.

    According to Bennett, the Bayit Yehudi were "the only ones who stood up for our national honor."

    "I thought Schulz would express the EU's regular criticism about Israel in the West Bank. He started out speaking nicely about the Holocaust, he showed a lot of empathy. He spoke about the importance of peace, and I get it, he's not in the Bayit Yehudi," Bennett recounted. "We can accept criticism, but we cannot live with lies."

    The Bayit Yehudi leader pointed out that Schulz quoted Edmund Burke as saying "the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."..........................

  2. Martin Schulz: "Ich habe eine pro-israelische Rede gehalten"....

    EU-Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz verteidigt seine Rede vor der Knesset: Er könne nicht nur Dinge sagen, die allen gefielen, sondern müsse die Position des Parlaments darstellen.

    Nach einem Eklat wegen seiner Rede im israelischen Parlament hat sich EU-Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz gegen Kritik verteidigt. "Ich war in der Knesset verpflichtet, die Position des Europäischen Parlaments darzulegen. Ich kann natürlich nicht nur die Dinge sagen, die allen gefallen. Ich muss auch die konfliktträchtigen Dinge vortragen", sagte Schulz der "Welt". Abgeordnete der rechten Siedlerpartei Jüdisches Haus von Handelsminister Naftali Bennett hatten während der auf Deutsch gehaltenen Rede "Schande" gerufen und schimpfend den Saal verlassen....................

  3. EU parliament chief creates waves in Israel....

    The visiting president of the European parliament landed in hot water in Israel on Wednesday, drawing a public rebuke from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over an address to the Israeli legislature.

    Martin Schulz, a German who spoke to the Knesset in his native language, sparked a walk-out by several far-right lawmakers when he cited what he described as unverified data alleging Israel was denying Palestinians a fair share of water in the occupied West Bank.

    He said a “Palestinian youth” had asked him why Israelis received four times as much water per capita as Palestinians.

    “I haven’t checked the data,” Schulz said in the speech. “I’m asking you if this is correct.”

    Legislators from the Jewish Home party, which advocates annexing parts of the West Bank, stormed out, and one shouted “shame on you” at Schulz...............


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