Thursday, February 20, 2014

Security forces in Kiev are permitted to use firearms as self-defense. -Interior Ministry stated.

At least 35 people have died in the street violence, as the broken truce between the government and the opposition has turned the Ukrainian capital into bloody turmoil.

Thursday, February 20

12:32 GMT:
Security forces in Kiev are permitted to use firearms as self-defense, the Interior Ministry stated.

12:26 GMT:
Three policemen died, and over 50 were injured in the clashes in Kiev on Thursday, Ukraine’s Interior Ministry reported. Thirty of the wounded officers sustained gunshot wounds.
12:20 GMT:
UK has summoned the Ukrainian ambassador, calling for an end to the violence in Kiev, which has turned into a bloodbath in less than a day.
12:18 GMT:
Officers of the Berkut special police task force have been armed with combat weapons, announced the press-secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Sergey Burlakov.
“The situation is complicated. Snipers have been targeting our officers. The shooting came from automatic weapons and sniper rifles. We have 29 people wounded, and one officer has died in hospital,” Burlakov said.
The police press-secretary refused to comment on the overall number of victims in the Kiev firefight, saying he only has reliable information for law enforcement victims......................
  • Убийство милиционера на майдане заснято на видео

  •  Ukraine protests: live streaming unrest in Kiev 20/2/2014


  1. Ukraine unrest: At least 21 protesters dead in clashes...

    At least 21 protesters have been reported killed by security forces in Kiev following the breakdown of a truce agreed on Wednesday.

    Witnesses have told the BBC that some died as a result of single gunshot wounds, typical of sniper fire.

    Officials said that one policeman had died and that 67 police had been captured by protesters.

    Meanwhile, three European Union foreign ministers have held five hours of talks with President Viktor Yanukovych...............

  2. Ukraine: plus de 60 morts à Kiev selon l'opposition...

    Plus de 60 manifestants ont été tués jeudi par balle dans le centre de Kiev, a indiqué à l'AFP le responsable des services médicaux de l'opposition Sviatoslav Khanenko. Les policiers ont utilisé leurs armes à feu en état de "légitime défense" après que des inconnus ont tiré sur les forces de l'ordre dans la matinée, a indiqué le ministre de l'Intérieur Vitali Zakhartchenko. Les ministres français, allemand et polonais des Affaires étrangères ont rencontré le président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch, avant une réunion extraordinaire des ministres européens. Nos envoyés spéciaux racontent des scènes de chaos.............

  3. Death toll in Kiev clashes rises to 35 - Ukraine Health Ministry...

    According to the latest data posted on the Ukrainian Health Ministry’s website, 505 people have turned to medical institutions for help.

    KIEV, February 20. /ITAR-TASS/. The death toll in bloody clashes between radical protesters and police in the Ukrainian capital Kiev’s downtown Independence Square (Maidan) and around it has risen to 35, the Ukrainian Health Ministry reported Thursday.

    Today’s death count includes seven people, with two police officers among them, the ministry said................

  4. Ukraine’s interior ministry knows nothing about fate of 67 servicemen seized by extremists...

    KIEV, February 20. /ITAR-TASS/. Nothing is yet known about the fate of 67 servicemen of Ukraine’s internal troops seized by extremists, the Ukrainian interior ministry said in a release posted on its official website on Thursday.

    The ministry warned that it had the right to use all means permitted by the law, including weapons, to have their colleagues released.

  5. Ucrania: Opositores radicales izan banderas de terroristas sirios y chechenos en Kiev...

    Banderas de separatistas chechenos y sirios fueron izadas el pasado sábado por radicales ucranianos en la plaza de la Independencia, epicentro de la rebelión antigubernamental en Kiev, junto a la de Ucrania.

    Ucrania, Europa, 'pacíficas protestas' contra el Gobierno… ahora están acompañadas por banderas de 'color islámico' de la Coalición Nacional de Siria en la plaza Maidán, que se ha convertido en el epicentro de los extremistas que supuestamente pugnan por hacer que su país forme parte de la Unión Europea.

    La bandera fue vista al lado de la bandera de azul y amarillo ucraniana y también fue izada por sujetos que se encuentran apostados en la plaza Maidán, según revela un video de Ruptly TV.

    Precisamente bajo esa bandera los extremistas del denominado Ejército Libre de Siria (ELS) y varios grupos terroristas islamistas han estado aterrorizando y masacrando –incluso degollando- al pueblo de Siria durante los últimos tres últimos años.

    La bandera de la llamada 'Ichkeria' de los separatistas chechenos, manchados hasta los codos con la sangre de sus propios compatriotas, incluso la sangre de niños –como los asesinados en la escuela de la localidad osetia de Beslán- y autores de numerosos actos terroristas en Rusia, también fue izada en la plaza donde están reunidos los "pacíficos manifestantes" de la cristiana Ucrania........

  6. Ukraine: les forces Berkout dissoutes par décret ministériel....

    Le ministre ukrainien de l'Intérieur par intérim Arsen Avakov a signé un décret supprimant les forces antiémeutes Berkout, lit-on mercredi sur la page Facebook du responsable.

    "J'ai signé le décret numéro 144 portant sur la dissolution des forces spéciales de la sécurité civile Berkout", a fait savoir le ministre par intérim.

    Les unités Berkout constituaient la principale force chargée de contrer la contestation populaire de ces derniers mois, qui a fini par renverser le pouvoir du président Viktor Ianoukovitch. La dispersion par les Berkouts de la manifestation en faveur du rapprochement avec l'Union européenne menée en novembre 2013 n'a fait que radicaliser la protestation, ce qui a entraîné de nombreuses victimes parmi les manifestants aussi bien que parmi les membres des forces de l'ordre.

    1. Στην Ουκρανία καταργήθηκε η Berkut ....

      Ο εκτελών χρέη υπουργού Εσωτερικών της Ουκρανίας Αρσέν Αβάκοφ υπόγραψε διάταγμα για την κατάργηση της μονάδας ειδικών δυνάμεων ασφαλείας Berkut.

      Η Berkut πλέον δεν υπάρχει. Έχω υπογράψει το διάταγμα με αριθμό 144 και ημερομηνίας 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2014 «Για την κατάργηση των μονάδων ειδικών δυνάμεων της αστυνομίας πολιτικής ασφαλείας Berkut», - έγραψε ο Αβάκοφ στη σελίδα του στο Facebook ψες Τρίτη προς Τετάρτη.

    2. Oleksandr Turchynov assumes duties as Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief....Earlier, the Rada vested Turchynov with powers to sign country’s laws....

      Speaker of Ukraine’s parliament Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Turchynov, who has been appointed interim president of Ukraine, has assumed the duties as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A decree to this effect has been signed. “Under Article 106 and Article 112 of the Constitution of Ukraine I enter into duties of commander-in-chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the decree says.

      Earlier, the Rada vested Turchynov with powers to sign country’s laws. The decision to this effect was supported by 316 lawmakers.

      Formation of new government

      Leaders of Ukrainian parliamentary factions Batkivshchyna (Fatherland), Svoboda (Freedom) and Udar (Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform) are holding consultations with activists of protest movement over composition of a new government, Batkivshchyna faction leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk told reporters on Tuesday.

      The faction leader noted that people included in a government “will quit big politics for a long time.” “We realize that it will be difficult to combine professionalism of government and representation of Maidan (protest movement),” the politician said, adding that “the only possible principle of transparency and trust to each other should be chosen.”

      “A future government will face outstanding challenges, and I should say frankly that, on the one hand, members of a new government will save the country, but, on the other hand, they should realize that they commit a political suicide,” Yatsenyuk added.


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