Saturday, February 22, 2014

Situation in Venezuela. -John Kerry, Press Statement.

Secretary of State,Washington, DC: -"I am watching with increasing concern the situation in Venezuela. Despite calls from that country’s democratic opposition and the international community, the Venezuelan government has confronted peaceful protestors with force and in some cases with armed vigilantes claiming to support the government. 
It has imprisoned students and a key opposition figure. It has limited the freedoms of expression and assembly necessary for legitimate political debate, and just today tightened restrictions on the media, revoking the credentials of CNN en Español reporters. This is not how democracies behave.
Every government has a duty to maintain public order, and all sides, including the opposition protestors, must refrain from violence. The government’s use of force and judicial intimidation against citizens and political figures, who are exercising a legitimate right to protest, is unacceptable and will only increase the likelihood of violence.

I call on the Venezuelan government to step back from its efforts to stifle dissent through force and respect basic human rights. The government should release incarcerated members of the opposition and initiate a process of genuine dialogue with the democratic opposition. The solution to Venezuela’s problems can only be found through dialogue with all Venezuelans, engaging in a free exchange of opinions in a climate of mutual respect."


  1. La violence au Venezuela a fait 8 morts et près de 140 blessés...

    Les manifestations au Venezuela, qui durent depuis plus de 15 jours, ont fait huit morts et 137 blessés tandis qu'une centaine de personnes ont été arrêtées, ont annoncé vendredi les autorités.
    "Au total il y a eu huit morts et 137 blessés", a déclaré à la radio le procureur général Luisa Ortega. Quatre personnes ont été tuées à Caracas, dont trois par balles pendant la grande manifestation des étudiants et des opposants le 12 février qui a dégénéré en affrontements entre protestataires, policiers et groupes armés illégaux, considérés comme des sympathisants du pouvoir. Mme Ortega qui n'a pas précisé les circonstances de la mort de la quatrième personne, a indiqué que parmi les 137 blessés, cent étaient des civils et le reste des policiers. Deux personnes sont mortes dans l'Etat de Carabobo (centre-nord). L'une était une reine de beauté, qui a reçu une balle en pleine tête pendant une manifestation, et l'autre un procureur, tué dans un accident de voiture alors qu'il tentait d'échapper à des manifestants. Dans l'Etat de Sucre (nord-est) un étudiant est mort écrasé lors d'une manifestation tandis qu'à Lara (centre-nord) un ouvrier a été tué par balles depuis un immeuble, a indiqué Mme Ortega, qui a assuré que pour toutes les personnes tuées des enquêtes avaient été ouvertes. Les manifestations, organisées par les étudiants et soutenues par l'oppostion, ont commencé au début du mois pour protester contre l'insécurité et le coût de la vie. Le président Nicolas Maduro les a dénoncées comme un début de "coup d'Etat" et l'un des fers de lance de la mobilisation, l'opposant Leopoldo Lopez, 42 ans, fondateur du parti Voluntad Popular (droite), a été placé en détention provisoire. (Belga)

  2. Venezuela: Gov't opponents prepare for mass protest rally on Saturday as leader calls for talks with US....

    Opponents of Venezuela's leftist government prepared for a mass protest rally in Caracas Saturday, one day after President Nicolas Maduro issued a surprise call for talks with the United States. At least nine people have been killed, 104 injured and 137 arrested in weeks of street demonstrations that begin peacefully and often turn violent, according to government figures.

    Pro-government "Chavista women" are also scheduled to march "against fascism" on Saturday in Caracas. While pro- and anti-government groups will march in a different part of town, violence could erupt if they meet at any point.

    Henrique Capriles, governor of Miranda state and the main opposition leader, has called on marchers to focus on demanding that authorities disarm pro-government "collectives" blamed for attacking demonstrators.

    Maduro, who denies any links to the armed groups, says the protests are part of a "coup d'etat in development" instigated by Washington and conservative ex-Colombian president Alvaro Uribe...................

  3. Rusia considera "inaceptable" la intromisión desde el exterior en los asuntos de Venezuela...

    Rusia se muestra inquieta ante "las alarmantes informaciones" que llegan desde "la amistosa Venezuela" y aboga por no "instigar acciones antigubernamentales y actos de violencia".
    "La clave es el respeto de la Constitución y las autoridades democráticamente elegidas de Venezuela, encabezadas por el presidente Nicolás Maduro", declara la cancillería rusa a través de un comunicado.

    Moscú insta a encontrar la solución a los problemas "por medio del diálogo pacífico", subrayando que "inmiscuirse desde el exterior en los asuntos internos de un Estado soberano" es algo "inaceptable".

    "Es necesario detener la campaña de desprestigio e incitación a las acciones violentas antigubernamentales", subraya la cancillería rusa

    La tensión no remite en Venezuela después de que la celebración hace dos semanas de protestas a favor y en contra de la Administración del presidente Maduro se cobrara la vida de varios manifestantes. Este lunes el gremio de motociclistas venezolanos han protagonizado una caravana en apoyo al presidente Nicolás Maduro. Por su parte, grupos antigubernamentales levantan barricadas y queman basura en señal de protesta.

    1. Комментарий официального представителя МИД России А.К.Лукашевича по событиям в Венесуэле ....

      С озабоченностью воспринимаем тревожные сообщения из дружественной Венесуэлы.

      Убеждены в недопустимости раскручивания маховика насилия и дестабилизации обстановки. Ключевым является уважение Конституции страны, демократически избранного руководства Венесуэлы во главе с Президентом Н.Мадуро. Призываем искать разрешение проблем на путях мирного диалога. Недопустимы попытки вмешиваться извне во внутренние дела суверенного государства. Необходимо прекратить кампанию очернительства и подстрекательства к насильственным антиправительственным действиям.

      Выражаем надежду, что все политические силы Венесуэлы будут действовать строго в рамках законности и конституционного правового поля, в интересах скорейшей нормализации обстановки.

    2. Venezuela's top prosecutor accuses U.S. of attempting to fund violent protests...

      CARACAS, March 14 ( Xinhua) -- Venezuela's top prosecutor on Friday accused the United Statesof attempting to finance the ongoing violent protests by the South American country's right-wing opposition.

      "They asked for money, and undoubtedly it's to finance these violent actions that have been taking place in Venezuela," Attorney General Luisa Ortega Diaz said at a press conference in Geneva, where she was attending a meeting of the United NationsHuman Rights Council.

      U.S. senators on Wednesday called for an aid package of 15 million U.S. dollars to protect human rights and independent media outlets and strengthen democratic civil groups in Venezuela.

      "Venezuela prohibits (foreign) financing of national politics ... We will sanction those who receive financing from foreign governments for national politics," she warned.

      Ortega also slashed the United States for attempting to "police the world," after a bipartisan group in the U.S. Congress proposed two bills seeking to impose sanctions on members of the Venezuelan government deemed responsible for violently repressing the protests.

      "Who has given them the authority to sanction countries?" asked Ortega.

      Since its onset on Feb. 12, anti-government protests in capital Caracas and other major Venezuelan cities have left 28 dead and more than 360 injured.

  4. US expels Venezuelan diplomats as tensions rise over protests...

    The United States expelled three Venezuelan diplomats on Tuesday in response to the expulsion of three US consular officials from Caracas last week as the two countries wrangle over Washington’s alleged role in Venezuela’s anti-government protests.

    The envoys were given 48 hours to leave the country, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Tuesday.

    Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro expelled three US diplomats from Caracas last week, saying they were supporting opposition plots to overthrow him.

    White House spokesman Jay Carney took offense, saying the current unrest in Venezuela is an issue between Maduro and his people, not between Venezuela and the US.

    “President Maduro needs to focus on addressing the legitimate grievances of the Venezuelan people through meaningful dialogue with them, not through dialogue with the United States,” Carney said.

    “Despite what the Venezuelan government would like to lead people to believe, this is not a US-Venezuela issue. It is an issue between Venezuela and its people. We’ve been clear all along that the future of Venezuela is for the Venezuelan people to decide,” Carney said.

    ‘Show some seriousness’

    The State Department’s Psaki cited US concerns about Venezuela’s record on human rights and support for democracy, but said Washington remains open to a diplomatic relationship with Maduro.................


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