Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ukraine's Yatsenyuk says new government to resort to "unpopular measures"

Ukraine is standing on the brink of a disaster and its new government will have to resort to unpopular measures, Arseny Yatsenyuk, one of the leaders of the irreconcilable opposition and the incumbent candidate to the Prime Minister’s post said in an interview with the BBC.
He voiced the confidence that Ukraine would remain a united country and he promised to put his best efforts into keeping up that unity, which is currently going through a harsh trial test.

Yatsenyuk explained for exigency of "tough austerity measures" by apportioning all blame for the situation to the decisions taken by the previous government.

He called the "cabinet of people’s trust", which is in the phase of formation now, a government of political self-killers.

Voice of Russia, TASS


  1. Ukraine PM Yatsenyuk warns of 'unpopular steps' ahead...

    Ukraine's PM-designate Arseniy Yatsenyuk has warned of the need for "unpopular steps" to bring the country back from the "brink of disaster".

    He told the BBC the central challenge for the new government - unveiled at Kiev's main protest camp on Wednesday - was to "stabilise" the country.

    Ukrainian MPs are expected to vote later on the new cabinet line up.

    US Secretary of State John Kerry has warned Russia any military intervention in Ukraine would be a "grave mistake".

    His comment came after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a snap drill to test the combat readiness of troops in central and western Russia, near the border with Ukraine.
    Fears over economy

    Mr Yatsenyuk and Ukraine's other new ministers were presented to a large crowd at Kiev's Independence Square, the Maidan, on Wednesday evening.

    Mr Yatsenyuk, who was one of the main protest leaders, was greeted with cheers.

    But the announcement of some other heads of ministries, including Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, prompted booing from the crowd, who said the candidates were not worthy of government posts.....................

  2. Statement by the Press Secretary on Ukraine. -The White House, Office of the Press Secretary.....

    The United States strongly supports Ukrainian leaders’ ongoing work to form an inclusive, multiparty government to represent all the people of Ukraine as they prepare for May elections, and to restore order, stability, and unity to the country. As the process moves forward, the United States again calls on all parties in Ukraine and in the region to support reconciliation and the country’s return to political and economic health, and will work with the international community in building an economic assistance package based upon Ukraine’s achievements in crafting a unity government. An inclusive, broad-based government committed to reconciliation and to economic reform is the necessary foundation for international assistance. We call on Ukraine’s leaders to do their utmost to protect the security and human rights of all their citizens, including the rights of minorities, to recommit to honor the state’s international obligations, and to avoid divisive policies. We urge outside actors in the region to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, to end provocative rhetoric and actions, to support democratically established transitional governing structures, and to use their influence in support of unity, peace, and an inclusive path forward. We remind all governments of their political commitments to transparency about military activities under the Vienna Document 2011 and other OSCE principles designed to ensure peace and security in the Euro-Atlantic region.

  3. Ukraine: Gunmen seize Crimea government buildings....

    Ukraine's security forces have been put on alert after government buildings in the Russian-majority Crimea region were seized by armed men.

    The Russian flag had been raised over both buildings in the capital, Simferopol.

    The local government has said it is negotiating with the gunmen.

    The seizure of the buildings comes a day after confrontations between pro-Russian separatists and supporters of Ukraine's new leaders.

    The incident is another illustration of tensions in the region, the BBC's Mark Lowen reports from Crimea.

    On Wednesday Simferopol saw clashes erupt between Ukrainians who support the change of government and pro-Russians.

    Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said the area in Simferopol had been cordoned off by police to prevent "bloodshed" and said the seizure of the buildings was the work of "provocateurs".

    "Measures have been taken to counter extremist actions and not allow the situation to escalate into an armed confrontation in the centre of the city," he said in a statement on his Facebook page.

    The men have not yet made any demands or issued any statements but did put up a sign saying "Crimea is Russia.".

    AP reported that they threw a flash grenade in response to a journalist's questions.

  4. Des hommes armés s'emparent du Parlement et du siège du gouvernement de Crimée....

    Le Parlement et le siège du gouvernement de Crimée ont été pris d'assaut jeudi matin et sont occupés par des hommes armés. Des drapeaux russes ont été hissés sur les bâtiments. Cette région d'Ukraine est peuplée d'une majorité de russophones.

    La tension monte encore d'un cran en Crimée. Des hommes armés ont pris possession, jeudi 27 février au matin, du Parlement et du siège du gouvernement de Crimée à Simferopol, la capitale de cette république autonome russophone d'Ukraine, en proie à des tensions séparatistes, selon l'agence Interfax..............

  5. Ukraine : des hommes armés s’emparent du parlement de Crimée....

    Des hommes armés ont pris possession jeudi matin du parlement et du gouvernement de Crimée à Simferopol, la capitale de cette république autonome russophone d’Ukraine en proie à des tensions séparatistes, et ont dressé des drapeaux russes.

    Mercredi, de brefs affrontements ont opposé des manifestants pro-russes et des partisans des nouvelles autorités ukrainiennes à Simferopol, alors que le chef du parlement local excluait tout débat sur une éventuelle sécession. Plus de 5.000 personnes s’étaient regroupées mercredi devant le parlement de Crimée, Tatars d’un côté, les plus nombreux, pro-russes de l’autre.

    Le corps d’un homme, apparemment mort d’une «crise cardiaque» et ne portant pas de signes de violences, avait été trouvé près du parlement après ces heurts.

    Rétrocédée à l'Ukraine par l'URSS en 1954, la Crimée est la seule région du pays où les Russes sont majoritaires, représentant 68% de la population. La province reste un bastion pro-Ianoukovitch. La flotte russe et ses 14.000 hommes y sont basés . Depuis la révolution de Maïdan, nombreux sont ceux qui aimeraient voir la Crimée à nouveau dans les mains du Kremlin. Il n'y a que la minorité tatare -12% de la population- pour soutenir les révolutionnaires de Kiev. Musulmane, cette population a été déportée en masse par Staline en 1941, qui la soupçonnait de collaborer avec les Allemands. La Crimée était jusqu'au 18e siècle territoire de l'empire ottoman.

    Les Tatars craignent une intervention militaire russe en Crimée. Vladimir Poutine a fait placer mercredi les troupes de l'Ouest du pays en état d'alerte......................

  6. Any movement of Black Sea Fleet in Crimea to be interpreted as aggression against Ukraine....

    Turchynov gave a task to law enforcement agencies “to protect citizens in Crimea and punish the offenders” that occupied the house of Crimean parliament.

    Any movement of Russia's Black Sea Fleet personnel in Crimea will be interpreted as military aggression against Ukraine, says interim president Oleksanr Turchynov.

    Oleksanr Turchynov urged Russian servicemen in Crimea to remain strictly on territories stipulated in bilateral agreements. "Any movement in areas not included in those territories would be interpreted as military aggression. The Ukrainian state will be able to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity."

    Turchynov gave a task to law enforcement agencies “to protect citizens in Crimea and punish the offenders” that occupied the house of Crimean parliament.

    “I have given a task to law enforcement agencies to protect citizens, punish the offenders and unblock the building,” Turchynov stated.

    He addressed the citizens urging them to keep calm. “Any attempts of invading (buildings) would be considered as a crime against the Ukrainian state with all that it entails,” the interim president said.

  7. Russian population’s self-defence groups refuse to negotiate with head of Crimean govt....

    SIMFEROPOL, February 27. /ITAR-TASS/. Representatives of the self-defence groups of the Crimea’s Russian-speaking population, who have taken control of the buildings of the autonomy’s Council of Ministers and legislature, have refused to conduct negotiations with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers Anatoliy Mogilev.

    They explained they had “no powers to conduct talks,” the Crimean government said on its website.

    Mogilev has left his telephone number for further contacts.

    Only officials are allowed inside

    The Crimean parliament’s building in Simferopol is surrounded by police. Nearby streets and crossroads are also filled with security officers, journalists and media are not allowed there.

    Self-defence groups guarding the building of the Crimean parliament said they would only let the parliament’s speaker and elected officials inside.

  8. Crimée: Kiev met en garde la flotte russe....

    Tout déplacement des militaires russes de la Flotte de la mer Noire à l'extérieur de leurs bases sera considéré comme une agression militaire, a déclaré jeudi le président du parlement ukrainien Alexandre Tourtchinov.

    "Je m'adresse aux représentants de la Flotte russe de la mer Noire: tous les militaires doivent rester sur le territoire prévu par les accords. Tout mouvement de troupe armé sera considéré comme une agression militaire", a annoncé M.Tourtchinov intervenant devant les députés de la Rada...............

  9. Ukraine summons Russian envoy Andrei Vorobyov - Ukrainian Foreign Ministry....

    Russian charge d’affairs in Kiev Andrey Vorobiev has been summoned to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign affairs. Mr. Vorobiev was insistently urged to hold bilateral consultations. This is according to a statement issued by the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign affairs.

    It said in a written statement that the envoy, Andrei Vorobyov, had been handed a note requesting that Russian military based in the Crimean port of Sevastopol stay on base.

    Russia recalled its ambassador from Kiev for consultations in Moscow after parliament stripped President Viktor Yanukovych of his powers on Saturday.

    Voice of Russia, Reuters

  10. Krise auf der Krim: „Selbstverteidigungskräfte“ lehnen Gespräch mit Krim-Premier ab....

    Vertreter der „Selbstverteidigungskräfte der russischsprachigen Bevölkerung“ der Halbinsel Krim haben am Donnerstag Verhandlungen mit dem Ministerpräsidenten der Autonomie, Anatoli Mogiljow, abgelehnt.

    Am Donnerstagmorgen hatte eine Einheit der Selbstverteidigungskräfte die Gebäude des Parlaments und des Ministerrates der Krim in Simferopol besetzt.

    Wie der Ministerrat auf seiner Webseite mitteilt, erklärten Vertreter dieser Kräfte bei einem Gespräch mit Mogiljow in der Eingangshalle des Regierungsgebäudes, sie seien „nicht bevollmächtigt, Verhandlungen zu führen und Forderungen zu stellen“.

    Der Premier übergab ihnen seine Telefonnummern für weitere Kontakte und für die Regelung der Situation............

  11. О предстоящей сессии Совета ООН по правам человека....

    3 марта в Женеве начнет свою работу 25-я сессия Совета ООН по правам человека (СПЧ).

    Сессия откроется сегментом высокого уровня (3-5 марта), на котором планируется выступление Министра иностранных дел Российской Федерации С.В.Лаврова.

    Российская делегация внесет проект резолюции «Целостность судебной системы». Эта инициатива направлена на укрепление международных гарантий отправления справедливого и беспристрастного правосудия для всех. Доработанный текст развивает и дополняет положения аналогичной предыдущей резолюции СПЧ. Рассчитываем на принятие резолюции без голосования.

    В повестку дня сессии включен широкий круг страновых и тематических вопросов в области поощрения и защиты прав человека.

    После годового перерыва, обусловленного уставными правилами СПЧ, Россия вновь участвует в его сессиях в качестве полноправного члена. Продолжаем исходить из того, что основополагающим принципом работы СПЧ должно быть равноправное сотрудничество государств, основанное на уважении суверенитета. Все заинтересованные стороны должны соблюдать этот принцип в своей деятельности, отказавшись от двойных стандартов и конъюнктурных политических соображений.

    Сессия продлится до 28 марта с.г.

  12. Any orders to Ukrainian armed forces to intervene in political events are criminal - Yanukovych.....

    Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych warns that any orders on using the Ukrainian armed forces inside the country would constitute a crime. "I, as the incumbent president, have not allowed the armed forces to intervene in the domestic political events. I am ordering this now as well," Yanukovych said in a statement on Thursday.

    "If anyone issues such orders to the armed forces, security and law enforcement agencies, such orders will be illegal and criminal," he said.

    Voice of Russia, Interfax

    1. EIL - Janukowitsch: Bin weiterhin legitimer Präsident – Russlands Behörden um Schutz ersucht.....

      Viktor Janukowitsch betrachtet sich weiterhin als den legitimen Präsidenten der Ukraine, heißt es in seinem Appell an das ukrainische Volk.

      „Ich betrachte mich nach wie vor als das legitime Staatsoberhaupt, das auf der Grundlage einer freien Willensbekundung der ukrainischen Führung gewählt wurde“, heißt es in seinem Appell.

      Janukowtisch bekundete seine Entschlossenheit, bis zum Schluss um die Umsetzung der Kompromiss-Vereinbarungen zur Überwindung der politischen Krise in der Ukraine zu kämpfen. Das am 21. Februar mit der Opposition in Anwesenheit von westlichen Partnern geschlossene Abkommen betrachtet der ukrainische Staatschef als nicht erfüllt.

      Wie er mitteilte, hatte er der ukrainischen Armee nicht befohlen, sich in die innenpolitischen Ereignisse einzumischen. Das tue er auch jetzt nicht.

      Wie er betonte, lehnt das Volk im Südosten der Ukraine und auf der Krim die Willkür ab, bei der Minister von einer Menschenmenge auf einem Platz gewählt werden.

      Er hat nach eigenen Worten die russischen Behörden ersucht, seine Sicherheit vor Aktionen der Extremisten zu schützen, die in der Ukraine die Macht erobert haben.

  13. Events at Verkhovna Rada are illegitimate - Viktor Yanukovych

    Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has described the latest decisions adopted by the country's parliament as illegitimate.

    "Regrettably, the events that are happening in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine today are illegitimate," Yanykovych said in a statement.

    Parliament is currently adopting decisions in the absence of many members of the Party of Regions and other factions who fear for their lives, he said, adding that some of these parliamentarians had been subject to violence and had been forced to flee Ukraine illegally.

    Voice of Russia, Interfax

  14. Russia's Northern, Baltic Fleets leave bases in operability test - Moscow...

    Russia's Northern and Baltic Fleets are beefing up their operational strength in the Barents and Baltic Seas as part of an operability test that was announced in Russia's armed forces on Wednesday, the Defense Ministry reported in a statement on Thursday.

    "About 80 surface vessels, submarines and support ships of the Russian Navy have left their permanent bases and started the deployment phase in the designated areas of the sea ranges in the Barents and Baltic Seas. Several groups of all-arms naval forces have been put together at the moment," it said.

    Baltic, Black Sea landing ships join Russian Navy force in Mediterranean

    The large landing ship Minsk of the Baltic Fleet and the large landing ship Yamal of the Black Sea Fleet passed the Bosporus Strait on Tuesday to join the Russian Navy task force permanently deployed in the Mediterranean, the Navy Staff said.............

    1. Генсек альянса: Россия заверила НАТО, что ее учения не относятся к событиям на Украине...

      Россия заверила НАТО, что внезапная проверка боеготовности частей и соединений ВС РФ "не имеет отношения к событиям на Украине". Об этом заявил 27 февраля по итогам заседания Комиссии НАТО-Украина генеральный секретарь альянса Андерс Фог Расмуссен.

      "Россия проинформировала нас об этих учениях. Российская сторона заверила нас, что не имеет никакого отношения к ситуации на Украине", - сказал он.

      Ранее 27 февраля генсек НАТО призвал РФ избегать любых действий, которые могут привести к "эскалации напряженности и непонимания".

  15. Exercice surprise: la Russie envoie des navires dans le nord du pays....

    La Russie a commencé à déployer environ 80 navires et sous-marins dans les mers de Barents et de la Baltique dans le cadre de l'exercice militaire surprise de grande envergure lancé mercredi par le président Vladimir Poutine, a annoncé jeudi le ministère russe de la Défense.

    "Environ 80 bâtiments de guerre, sous-marins et navires de soutien ont quitté leurs bases pour être déployés dans plusieurs secteurs des mers de Barents et de la Baltique", a indiqué le ministère dans un communiqué.

    Les navires et l'aviation embarquée participent aux exercices de lutte antiaérienne et anti-sous-marine. Les équipages s'entraînent à rechercher et surveiller les sous-marins en utilisant des équipements hydroacoustiques différents, selon le communiqué..................

  16. EU considers Oleksandr Turchynov Ukraine’s president...

    The EU believes that Oleksandr Turchynov is the president of Ukraine. Coordinating spokesperson for European Commission Olivier Bailly stated this on Thursday, commenting on journalists’ request statement by Viktor Yanukovych, who said that he still considers himself Ukraine's legitimate president.

    “Ukraine’s parliament that is guarantor of democratic legitimacy adopted a resolution (on Viktor Yanukovych’s dismissal). Furthermore, by its resolution has also been appointed an interim head of state (Oleksandr Turchynov), whom we consider the president of Ukraine,” Bailly noted.

  17. Greek Communist urges his government to protect Greeks in Ukraine from neo-Nazis....

    A left-wing Greek legislator has urged his country’s government to protect ethnic Greeks in Ukraine from persecution by local neo-Nazis. Yannis Giokas, a member of parliament from the Communist Party, speaking at a meeting of the parliamentary committee for the Greek diaspora relations, said his party had demanded the Cabinet of Ministers should take a firm stance regarding all instances of threats and persecution of ethnic minorities, including Greeks, in Ukraine.

    Giokas said that “neo-Nazi organizations and parties of Ukraine, operating under the umbrella of the new Ukrainian authorities, the United States and the EU, spearhead this campaign.”

    “It is not accidental that the new Ukrainian government, in one of its first steps, restricted the rights to languages and the operation of schools, which have existed for many decades,” he said.

    Giokas described the current state of affairs in Ukraine as “a result of the US and EU intervention in the internal affairs of Ukraine, rivalry with Russia for the control of the markets and spheres of influence.”

    "Peoples that have coexisted peacefully for many years, in particular, during the socialist period, have fallen victim to that policy,” the legislator added.


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