Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ukrainian Protests Split World Leaders at Security Conference

MOSCOW, February 1 (RIA Novosti) – The ongoing protests in Ukraine divided world leaders attending the 50th annual Munich Security Conference on Saturday.
US Secretary of State John Kerry said that demonstrators in the country “are fighting for the right to associate with partners who will help them realize their aspirations.”
“Nowhere is the fight for a democratic, European future more important today than in Ukraine.”
NATO and EU officials echoed those comments in words of support for the demonstrators.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, however, urged world leaders to work with the country's leaders to defuse the situation.
“We need fewer slogans right now and more care about the results of efforts being undertaken by the Ukrainian leadership to return the country to a peaceful course.”
Demonstrations in the Ukrainian capital Kiev began in November following the announcement that the country would drop its bid to seek an association agreement with the EU.
On Saturday, Leonid Kozhara, Ukraine’s foreign minister, voiced concerns that the country was becoming caught between competing interests.
“We do not want to be pawns in a geopolitical game,” he said, adding “we do not want anyone to interfere with our strategic partnership with Russia, but we are also drawn towards the European Union."
Russian officials have alleged that the demonstrations are a result of Western meddling in the country’s internal affairs.
The protests turned violent last month after Ukraine’s parliament hastily passed a set of laws curtailing the right to public assembly.
On Friday, President Viktor Yanukovych signed a bill into law that reversed the earlier legislation and opened the door for amnesty for protestors.
Both Lavrov and Kerry stressed that Ukraine need not choose between Russian and European alliances.
“Their futures do not have to lie with one country alone, and certainly not coerced,” Kerry said in an apparent jab at Moscow.
Lavrov said that suggesting Ukraine must choose sides is “an idea from a bygone era.”


  1. Ukraine : deux journalistes russes enlevés et battus....

    Un blogueur et journaliste russe qui relatait la contestation en Ukraine a affirmé avoir été enlevé avec son cameraman à Kiev.

    Un blogueur et journaliste russe qui relatait la contestation en Ukraine a affirmé avoir été enlevé avec son cameraman à Kiev et passé à tabac par des inconnus parlant le russe, dans un message mis en ligne sur son blog. «Mon cameraman et moi avons été emmenés la nuit à bord d’une voiture aux vitres teintées, sans plaques d’immatriculation», a écrit le journaliste, Nikita Perfilev, dans le message mis en ligne samedi soir. «On nous a battus et on nous a recommandé de revenir en Russie», a-t-il ajouté, sans préciser la date des faits. «Nos ravisseurs parlaient un russe parfait», a-t-il encore écrit, précisant que des photographies, jointes, sont celles du cameraman. Les photos (à voir sur le site montrent un homme dont le visage porte des traces de coups violents. Selon le journal en ligne Ukraïnska Pravda, Nikita Perfilev a de son côté eu les dents cassées.

    Selon les informations disponibles, Nikita Perfilev est un journaliste et blogueur qui a notamment travaillé à Kiev pour le site d’information russe Ridus, proche de l’opposition russe. Il n’était pas possible dans l’immédiat de le joindre pour confirmation. «J’ai pris la décision de rester. J’écris la vérité et c’est pour ça que je paie», a-t-il écrit. Le dernier reportage posté sur son blog a été réalisé parmi les manifestants d’opposition dans la capitale ukrainienne. Le reportage précédent a pour sujet une manifestation pro-pouvoir, dont l’auteur met en doute la motivation et la spontanéité......................

  2. Ukraine: des opposants manifestent devant la Deutsche Bank à Kiev...

    Des opposants ukrainiens ont déposé des faux billets de banque tachés de rouge lundi à Kiev devant les bureaux de la Deutsche Bank, accusant cette dernière d'accueillir des fonds provenant de proches, corrompus selon eux, du président Viktor Ianoukovitch.

    Criant "argent ensanglanté" et agitant une banderole demandant "cessez de travailler avec Ianoukovitch", les militants ont trempé les billets de banque factices dans une baignoire remplie de peinture rouge et portant l'inscription "Ukraine", avant de les disposer dans la neige de manière à former le mot "Ianoukovitch"

    Des groupes d'opposition accusent la banque allemande d'entretenir des relations d'affaires avec une banque ukrainienne appartenant au fils du chef de l'Etat, Oleksandr Ianoukovitch, et de favoriser ainsi la corruption. Le bien-fondé de ces accusations est cependant impossible à vérifier.

    "Deutsche Bank semble être utilisée pour blanchir l'argent ukrainien provenant de la corruption", a affirmé l'un des manifestants, Viktor Androusiv.................

  3. Political crisis in Ukraine is result of western support for opposition - Russian Foreign Ministry...

    Russia on Tuesday blamed the policies of Western countries for the latest clashes between pro-EU protesters and police on the streets of Kiev.

    "What is happening is a direct consequence of the policy of connivance among those Western politicians and European agencies that have been shutting their eyes to the aggressive actions of Ukraine's radical forces since the beginning of the crisis," the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement.

    Pro-gov’t activists vow to fend off Maidan aggressors

    Pro-government activists have gathered outside the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev to stand up against Maidan aggressors after reports suggested that radicals were mounting an attack on police cordons.

    Journalists report sighting helmet-wearing men with sticks that are flocking to the frontline. They are said to be tearing off cobble stones and pulling them on blankets closer to the site of clashes. Radicals allegedly spot red-and-white ribbons that let them identify allies.

    All obstacles are being moved out of the way, including tents. One of the makeshift tents reportedly caught fire after it was hit with an explosive combat pack and burned down to smoldering ashes within an hour.

    A rival rally of pro-government protesters under the Party of Regions banner is under way near the parliament building. Demonstrators call for an “end to fascism and nazism” and vow support to President Viktor Yanukovich.

    Reporters talk about whiffs of smoke in the government compound and smell of burning tires coming from the juncture between the Europe Square and Grushevsky Street, which have seen the most of recent protest action.................

  4. Sale la tensione a Kiev, i manifestanti assaltano sede partito di Ianukovich....

    Non si placano gli scontri tra antigovernativi e polizia. La protesta più forte davanti al parlamento, dove si discute riforma per ridurre i poteri del presidente.

    Sale la tensione a Kiev con i manifestanti che hanno assaltato la sede del partito di Ianukovich con molotov. Lo riferiscono testimoni parlando di 200-300 manifestanti con bottiglie molotov e pietre. Non si placa la protesta con violenti scontri tra polizia e manifestanti antigovernativi, iniziati quando un cordone di agenti ha impedito a un corteo di migliaia di dimostranti di avvicinarsi al parlamento, dove oggi si discute una riforma costituzionale chiesta dall’opposizione per ridurre i poteri del presidente. Alcune decine di deputati dell’opposizione hanno bloccato la tribuna del Parlamento ucraino perché la riforma costituzionale proposta dall’opposizione per ridurre i poteri del capo dello Stato non è stata inserita in agenda. Lo si evince dalle immagini trasmesse in diretta online da Espreso tv.....................


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