Thursday, March 20, 2014

Speech to the European Council by Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament

  European Parliament / The President
"The crisis in the Crimea represents a massive threat to the security system we have developed in Europe in the wake of the Cold War. After last Sunday's illegal referendum in the Crimea, it is not yet clear what the full consequences for Ukraine are. European borders recognised under international law have already been redrawn in response to outside pressure. For the first time in Europe since the end of the Cold War, a State has used force to annex part of another State. Russia has broken international law. That is unacceptable. We must treat the Crimea crisis as a wake-up call, one which prompts us to rethink our European Neighbourhood Policy and our relations with Russia. We must at long last develop a coherent strategy towards Russia.

The message that I, as President of the European Parliament, want to give you today is that the prevailing emotion in Europe is fear. Whilst some businessmen fear a spiral of sanctions, which could leave them with very thin order books, and workers fear for their jobs, in particular in the countries which are Ukraine’s neighbours, in Poland and the Baltic States, people fear the outbreak of a new Cold War.

For the first time since the end of the Cold War people in the EU fear for their security. That fear is justified, and has been fuelled by the ever more aggressive rhetoric of the past few weeks. People are asking themselves questions: will the European family stick together and, if the worst comes to the worst, guarantee our security? Will governments manage to put differing national interests aside, or are those differing interests creating dissension in the European family and thus preventing it from adopting a common stance?

In recent weeks we have witnessed how what was seen as nothing more than a regional conflict is prompting Russia to marshal tanks and troops in the Crimea, how NATO is on the alert, how the USA is moving military equipment to Europe and NATO countries are offering guarantees of support, and how European foreign ministers are dashing from one crisis meeting to the next. And today you will discuss the possibility of more punitive sanctions. Last week the European Parliament adopted its proposals for appropriate measures. It is important that we in the European Union should speak with one voice in sending the following message: what is happening in Ukraine is unacceptable and must never be repeated anywhere.

At the same time we must be careful not to ‘sleepwalk’ into an ever escalating conflict, to repeat the word the Australian historian Christopher Clark used when talking about the outbreak of the First World War. For that reason, the European Parliament urges you to think the about the conflict from the point of view of its outcome and to keep all channels of communication with Russia open.

You held a first Ukraine summit two weeks ago here in Brussels. Today you are discussing the Crimea crisis once again. Next week US President Obama is coming to Brussels, and the week after that China’s President Xi Jinping. This gives us an opportunity to liaise intensively with key actors.

I should specifically like to thank the Foreign Ministers of Poland, France and Germany for their efforts, before the crisis came to a head, to ease the tensions in Ukraine. When the EU stands together, there is much we can achieve.....................................
  • EU Commissioner Füle must take responsibility for export of chaos to EU - leader of Ukrainian public movement....
 EU Commissioner, Štefan Füle, must assume responsibility for export to Europe of the most dangerous trends, which consequences were condemned by the Nuremberg Tribunal. This came today as a statement by leader of the Ukrainian choice public movement, Viktor Medvedchuk.

"As the European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle, announced on behalf of the EU the enlargement of the EU and Ukraine’s possible membership in the EU. But is the European Union ready to grant membership to a country, where the rights and freedoms of citizens are roughly violated, where the right of force prevails, but not the force of law, where acts of vandalism, pogroms, marauding, armed attacks have become everyday routine, and where the government is not only inactive, but often covers criminals? Moreover, it does all this being guided by revolutionary expediency and prominent services of the criminals to the Maidan," the statement says.

Medvedchuk reminded the European Commissioner of facts of rampant lawlessness that has plunged Ukraine into chaos and anarchy. "Squaring of accounts with political opponents is becoming the norm in Ukraine. It’s difficult to imagine how illegal actions of the Ukrainian authorities fit the EU Charter on human rights," the document says.

"Neo-Nazism and radicalism are gaining momentum in the country. Mr. Füle, speaking about Ukraine’s possible membership in the EU, you assume responsibility for "export" of the most dangerous trends to Europe, those, which consequences were condemned by the Nuremberg Tribunal. Are you ready for this and is the United Europe ready?" the leader of the Ukrainian Choice says.

Signing of the political part of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union is scheduled for March 21 in Brussels.

Voice of Russia, RIA


1 comment:

  1. EU-Parlamentspräsident Schulz: Krim-Anschluss an Russland vollendete Tatsache...

    EU-Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz hat den Anschluss der Schwarzmeer-Halbinsel Krim an Russland als eine vollendete Tatsache bezeichnet.

    „Es sei betont, dass die Entwicklung der letzten Tage, dass das, was die Regierung der Russischen Föderation getan hat, eine vollendete Tatsache, eine Realität sind“, sagte Schulz am Donnerstag in Brüssel nach einem Treffen mit den Staats- und Regierungschefs der Europäischen Union.

    Er halte es nicht für möglich, der Ukraine die Perspektive einer EU-Mitgliedschaft in Aussicht zu stellen. „Ich glaube nicht, dass die Ukraine bald der EU beitreten kann… Wir reden von einer langfristigen Perspektive. Ich denke nicht, dass die Ukraine in diesem Moment gerade das braucht. Die Ukraine braucht vielmehr Hilfe in kurzfristiger Perspektive“, betonte der EU-Parlamentspräsident.

    Schulz forderte die EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs auf, Waffenlieferungen an Russland zu stoppen. „Es ist sicher in dieser Situation nicht sinnvoll, weiter Waffen zu liefern“, hatte er kurz vor Beginn des EU-Gipfels am Rande eines Treffens sozialdemokratischer Regierungschefs erklärt. Das Parlament habe sich „seit jeher mit breiter Mehrheit gegen jede Art von Waffenlieferungen ausgesprochen“, wurde Schulz von der Deutschen Presse-Agentur (dpa) zitiert.

    Frankreich und Deutschland gehören zu den wichtigsten Waffenlieferanten Russlands. Frankreich liefert unter anderem in Kürze zwei Kriegsschiffe an Russland sowie Spitzentechnologie für Radaranlagen, Deutschland ist Lieferant von kleineren Schusswaffen, Munition und Geräten für die Schießausbildung.

    „Man muss auch sagen, dass Grenzen erreicht werden können, die wirklich zu harten Sanktionen führen“, fuhr Schulz fort. Allerdings brauche die EU eine „Russlandstrategie“ und müsse gemeinsame Interessen mit Russland ausloten.


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