Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Analista: "EE.UU. busca un mayor enemigo para justificar sus gastos de defensa"

Con los gastos en defensa evaluados en un billón de dólares al año, EE.UU. trata de justificar este dinero mediante la creación de enemigos tangibles en todo el mundo, dijo el analista político Patrick Hennigsen a RT.
"Actualmente Estados Unidos está buscando a un enemigo, un enemigo mayor, que requiere para justificar los gastos de más de un billón de dólares al año en total. Y estos son los contratos que pertenecen a corporaciones que son muy poderosas, porque ejerciendo presión en Washington poseen una influencia increíble sobre el liderazgo político", recuerda Hennigsen.

Hablando sobre las últimas palabras del presidente Barack Obama, quien comparó Crimea con Irak, el experto explicó que según su punto de vista "comentarios como este realmente demuestran que poco respeto tiene el liderazgo de EE.UU. hacia el país de Irak y hacia su población". "Parecen olvidar el enorme precio que el pueblo iraquí pagó con su sangre, su cultura, pagó económicamente para el beneficio de un puñado de empresas transnacionales estadounidenses y del Pentágono", señala Hennigsen.

Asegura que Estados Unidos nunca va a admitir que ha cometido un error o que cualquiera de las políticas que ha implementado produjo un efecto negativo en el mundo.

  • US, allies may buy more than 3,100 F-35 jets

WASHINGTON — The United States and its allies plan to buy more than 3,100 new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter warplanes in the coming years. Lockheed Martin, the prime contractor for the US$392 billion (S$497 billion) weapons programme, is developing three variations for the US military services and eight partner countries that helped fund the plane’s development — Britain, Australia, Italy, Turkey, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Canada.
South Korea this week said it would join the two countries outside the group, Israel and Japan, that have placed orders for the jet. Singapore and Belgium are among other countries that have expressed interest.

The conventional landing A-model will be used by the US Air Force and most allies, revealed data provided by Lockheed Martin and defence officials in the US and other purchasing countries. The B-model, which can take off from shorter runways and land like a helicopter, will be used by the US Marine Corps, Italy and Britain, while the C-model, or carrier variant, will be used by the US Navy and Marine Corps.
The US is buying more than 2,400 F-35s. Outside of the US, the biggest buyer is the United Kingdom, which plans to buy a total of 138 F-35 B-models. Britain has so far committed to buying 48 of the new planes and is expected to announce plans for the next 14 jets soon. It has already received three jets.
Italy initially planned to buy 131 F-35 fighters, but curtailed its order to 90 jets in 2012. It is now slated to buy 60 F-35A models and 30 F-35Bs, but budget pressures may force another reduction of up to half of the remaining jets.
Other major buyers include the Netherlands (37 jets and possibly more later), Turkey (100), Australia (100), Norway (52), Denmark (possibly 30) and Israel (19, with future orders of up to 75)....................http://www.ellanodikhs.net/2014/03/us-allies-may-buy-more-than-3100-f-35.html


  1. NATO to Discuss Stronger Response to Crimean Crisis ...

    NATO foreign ministers meet in Brussels Tuesday to talk about a stronger response to Russia's takeover of Ukraine's Crimea region.

    This is the first senior-level NATO gathering since the crisis in Ukraine began last month.

    So far, NATO has increased air patrols over the Baltics and the United States is planning more intense military exercises with Poland.

    Diplomats say the ministers could decide to step up NATO military exercises or possibly set up permanent bases in Eastern Europe, closer to the Russian border........http://www.voanews.com/content/nato-to-discuss-stronger-response-to-crimean-crisis/1883542.html

  2. Russia could achieve Ukraine incursion in 3-5 days: NATO general...

    (Reuters) - Russia has massed all the forces it needs on Ukraine's border if it were to decide to carry out an "incursion" into the country and it could achieve its objective in three to five days, NATO's top military commander said on Wednesday.

    Calling the situation "incredibly concerning", NATO's supreme allied commander in Europe, U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove, said NATO had spotted signs of movement by a very small part of the Russian force overnight but had no indication that it was returning to barracks..........http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/02/us-ukraine-crisis-breedlove-idUSBREA310PP20140402?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

    1. Nato-General warnt vor russischer Ukraine-Invasion...

      In maximal fünf Tagen, warnt der Nato-Oberbefehlshaber für Europa, kann Russland die Ukraine einnehmen. Die Situation an der Grenze sei "unglaublich beunruhigend". Derweil verspottet Moskau die Nato.

      Mit dramatischen Worten hat der Nato-Oberbefehlshaber für Europa, US Luftwaffen-General Philip Breedlove, die Situation im Ukraine-Konflikt geschildert. "Russland hat an der Grenze zur Ukraine alle notwendigen Truppen, falls es sich für eine Invasion des Landes entscheiden sollte, und könnte dieses Ziel in drei bis fünf Tagen erreichen". Breedlove nannte die Lage "unglaublich beunruhigend". Die Nato hätte Anzeichen für Truppenbewegungen eines sehr kleinen Teils der russischen Streitkräfte entdeckt, aber keinen Hinweis darauf, dass sie in ihre Kasernen zurückkehren.......http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article126474162/Nato-General-warnt-vor-russischer-Ukraine-Invasion.html


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