Thursday, April 3, 2014

Australian PM urges families be patient, more ships join MH370 search. --The best brains in the world are working on this.

PERTH, Australia, April 3 (Xinhua) -- Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot appealed Thursday to families of MH370 passengers to be more patient after more ships joined the extensive scouring of remote southern Indian Ocean waters to find the trace of missing plane.

Following a meeting with his Malaysian counterpart Najib Razak in RAAF Base Pearce near Perth, Abbot told the press that despite the constant refining of the search area and the remoteness of the spot, he was upbeat about unveiling the MH370 mystery as the best brains in the world are working on this.

"We are throwing everything we have at it and we are confident that we have, ourselves the technical capacity, or that we can obtain the technical capacity from our friends and allies to ensure that we get the best possible outcome," Abbot said.

The three-week massive hunt, labeled as "the most difficult search in human history" by the Australian prime minister, has turned out to be futile.

"I say to the family members of the people on that flight, please be patient. I know this is an extraordinarily difficult, indeed devastating, time for you, but we will not let you down," Abbot said.

  • Some eight planes and nine ships scoured an area of about 223, 000 square kilometers, 1680 kilometers northwest of Perth on Thursday.

British submarine HMS Tireless and HMS Echo already arrived in the southern Indian Ocean to assist in the multinational retrieval effort. Malaysian frigate KD Lekiu is departing HMAS Stirling on Thursday to provide surface sweep.

  • Time is running out to find any debris to work out a likely crash zone and recover the aircraft's black boxes before batteries pinging their location die.

"We do owe it to the families of the 239 people on board, we do owe it to our good friend Malaysia, we owe it to the people and the government of China, we owe it to the troubled citizens of a wider world to do everything to we can to solve this extraordinary mystery," said the Australian prime minister.

  • Malaysian airliner MH370 vanished from radar screens less than an hour into its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8. Partial military radar tracking revealed it turning west and recrossing the Malay Peninsula, apparently under the control of a skilled pilot.

Hopes of a breakthrough had been raised after the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) revealed last Friday a new search zone about 1,100 kilometers northeast of the previous one based on analysis that the plane had been travelling faster than previously thought.......[]




  1. Underwater Search for MH370 Black Box Begins ....

    Crews in the remote southern Indian Ocean have begun the underwater hunt for the missing Malaysian jetliner's flight data recorder, which is set to run out of battery power in just a few days.

    Retired Australian Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston said Friday a U.S. Navy towed pinger locator is being dragged across a 240-kilometer track to try to detect a signal from the black box.

    "The towed pinger has been deployed today on Ocean Shield. The search is currently ongoing and of course it's not just Ocean Shield that's doing the search with a towed pinger but HMS Echo, the British oceanographic ship which is coming on a converging course over a 240-kilometer track, and it [also] has good equipment for finding things on the floor of the ocean," said Houston.

    Authorities estimate they have only until around Monday before the batteries run out on the black box's locator beacon, which transmits electronic signals, or pings.

    1. Vol MH370: les boîtes noires n'émettront bientôt plus...

      Une sonde de 35 kilos parcourt la zone de recherche du Boeing 777 et tente de repérer le signal des boîtes noires. Le temps est compté, elles n’émettront plus que quelques jours.


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