Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ukraine calls 'Easter truce' as separatists hold firm

KIEV/DONETSK, Ukraine - The Ukrainian government said it will not attack pro-Russian separatists over the Easter weekend as its US ally threatened Moscow with new sanctions if it fails to persuade the militants to surrender.
The Kremlin denies having control over gunmen who want their eastern regions to follow Crimea in being annexed by Russia.

Moscow scolded Washington for treating Russia like a "guilty schoolboy" following their agreement in Geneva on Thursday that Ukrainian militants should disarm and vacate occupied buildings.
Ukraine's government, short of effective forces, has shown little sign of trying to recapture the dozen or so town halls, police stations and other sites seized over the past two weeks, despite proclaiming the launch of an "anti-terrorist operation".



  1. Krise in der Ukraine: Steinmeier fordert ein Ende der Sanktionsdrohungen...

    19.04.2014 · Der Außenminister stellt sich damit gegen Verteidigungsministerin von der Leyen und die Vereinigten Staaten. Die Genfer Ergebnisse seien eine Chance, von denen es nicht mehr viele geben werde, sagte er. Der Kreml stellte klar, Russland plane keine Invasion - allerdings sei man auf alles vorbereitet........

    1. Steinmeier warnt vor weiteren Sanktionen...

      Genug der Drohungen: Frank-Walter Steinmeier hält nicht viel von weiteren Sanktionsandrohungen gegen Russland. Der Bundesaußenminister fordert zudem eine schnelle Aufstockung der OSZE-Mission in der Ukraine. Steinmeier kündigt dafür deutsche Unterstützung an...............,26429068,26892166.html

  2. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has arrived in Kyiv for talks with Ukraine's acting president and prime minister. His visit comes as the situation in eastern Ukraine remains tense, despite a deal aimed at easing the crisis....

    White House officials say Biden will discuss the international community's efforts to help Ukraine move forward on constitutional reform, and what Obama administration officials say will be a free and fair presidential election on May 25.

    Biden meets Tuesday with the acting leaders of Ukraine's government, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and President Oleksandr Turchynov. He is also expected to meet with Ukrainian lawmakers, sending a high-level message of U.S. support for the current Ukrainian government.

    The United States has also threatened further sanctions on Russia if Moscow continues its support of pro-Russian demonstrators in eastern Ukraine...........


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