Friday, June 6, 2014

Answers to journalists’ questions (Vladimir Putin, 70th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy)

Following the celebrations to mark the 70th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, Vladimir Putin answered questions from journalists.

QUESTION: During this visit, you had three officially planned meetings: with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the President of France and the Chancellor of Germany. This is essentially the European “group of three.” What agreements were reached? And one clarification concerning the first meeting – with [British Prime Minister] David Cameron. How did it begin?

PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA VLADIMIR PUTIN: The same way meetings usually begin: we sat down and began talking about the most acute problems. This concerned several international and bilateral issues, but naturally, we mainly spoke about settling the situation in Ukraine.
As for the meeting with the German Chancellor, it was held today, as you know. The meeting was quite lengthy; we spoke for nearly an hour, about the same topics.
The most substantive conversation, of course, was yesterday, with the French President. We spoke in more detail about our bilateral contacts and international problems, including the Iranian problem, Syria, and several other issues of mutual interest. I think the exchange of views was very helpful.
QUESTION: Mr President, as we know, you had several unplanned meetings today. Who did you speak with? Were you able to overcome any of the differences between you?
VLADIMIR PUTIN: I don’t really understand what differences you are referring to. But today, I had many contacts and meetings, with nearly all the participants. Perhaps not all of them, but with very many participants in today’s events and with the crowned heads.
You saw that I was sitting next to the Queen of Denmark and representative from Luxembourg, spoke with the Prime Minister of Norway and the President of Greece. I cannot even remember everyone because I had so many contacts.
QUESTION: Obama, Poroshenko?
VLADIMIR PUTIN: Of course, I also spoke twice with Mr Poroshenko and the President of the United States, quite substantively in my opinion.
QUESTION: Could you clarify about Mr Poroshenko? Were you able to reach any mutual understanding with him? What issues did you discuss, and in what format? Do you plan to continue contacts at any level? And how soon?
VLADIMIR PUTIN: Regarding the format, I already stated while still in Russia that I am not planning to hide from anyone at this event – that would be impolite, that’s not right. And moreover, the President of France and the Chancellor of Germany asked me to have a meeting with Mr Poroshenko, with their participation.
This meeting took place, as they say in this case, “on the sidelines” of the main event. We sat down at a table and spoke for about fifteen minutes. I cannot say that this was a comprehensive discussion, but nevertheless, we touched on the main issues pertaining to settling the situation and developing economic relations.
As far as settlement is concerned, I fully welcome Mr Poroshenko’s position that the bloodshed in eastern Ukraine must cease immediately, and he has a plan to do this. However, it’s better to ask him what that plan is, not me. He mentioned it briefly, but it is one thing to say this here, in France, and another matter to speak about it in his own nation.
I once again stressed that it’s not Russia and Ukraine who should be the parties involved in talks on this matter – Russia is not a party to the conflict – but rather, the Kiev authorities and representatives from among those who favour federalisation in the East. I cannot say exactly how all this will be implemented, but I thought the general attitude seemed right; I liked it. I hope that is what will happen. If it happens, then we will create the conditions to develop our relations in other areas, including economic relations.
To be continued.

1 comment:

  1. Russie salue l'intention du président élu ukrainien Piotr Porochenko d'arrêter l'effusion de sang dans l'est de l'Ukraine, a déclaré vendredi à Deauville le président russe Vladimir Poutine, au terme d'une rencontre avec M.Porochenko....

    "Je salue la position de M.Porochenko qui entend stopper immédiatement l'effusion de sang dans l'est de l'Ukraine. Il a un plan à ce sujet. Mais c'est à lui qu'il faudrait poser des questions à ce sujet. Il l'a évoqué très brièvement. Le dire ici, en France, est une chose et présenter ce plan dans son propre pays en est une autre", a indiqué M.Poutine devant les journalistes français.

    "Les négociations ne devraient pas se tenir entre la Russie et l'Ukraine, parce que la Russie ne participe pas à ce conflit, mais entre les autorités de Kiev et les partisans de la fédéralisation de l'est de l'Ukraine", a ajouté le président russe.

    Selon lui, le succès de ces projets de M.Porochenko encouragera "le développement des relations" russo-ukrainiennes.

    M.Poutine est arrivé jeudi en France pour assister aux festivités consacrées au 70e anniversaire du débarquement allié en Normandie. Il a eu des rencontres avec le président élu ukrainien Piotr Porochenko, les présidents américain et français, Barack Obama et François Hollande, la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel et le premier ministre britannique Davis Cameron en marge des cérémonies.

    Les autorités de Kiev mènent depuis le 15 avril une opération militaire visant à réprimer la révolte qui a éclaté dans le sud-est de l'Ukraine en réaction au coup d'Etat du 22 février. Les événements ont pris une tournure particulièrement dramatique dans les régions de Donetsk et de Lougansk où il y a déjà des dizaines de morts et de blessés parmi les civils. Les régions russes frontalières de l'Ukraine ont déjà accueilli des milliers d'Ukrainiens fuyant les combats qui se déroulent dans le sud-est du pays.
    Lire la suite:


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