Sunday, June 15, 2014

Manifestantes ante embajada en Kiev "querían que corriera la sangre"(Serguei Lavrov)

El ministro ruso de Relaciones Exteriores, Sergei Lavrov, denunció este domingo que los manifestantes que atacaron el sábado la embajada de Rusia en Kiev "querían apoderarse del edificio y ver correr la sangre".

Citado por agencias de prensa, el diplomático afirmó que "nuestros diplomáticos sintieron que los atacantes se querían apoderar físicamente de la embajada".

"Hay razones para creer que querían ver correr la sangre", añadió.

Manifestantes nacionalistas se subieron el sábado en las rejas de la embajada de Rusia en Kiev, rompiendo ventanas y atacando vehículos diplomáticos.

Rusia protestó por ese ataque y denunció la pasividad de la policía ucraniana frente a estas "acciones provocadoras", mientras que Estados Unidos condenó la agresión e instó a Kiev a respetar la Convención de Viena que obliga a garantizar la seguridad de los edificios diplomáticos.

La manifestación se organizó en protesta por el derribo de un avión ucraniano de transporte de tropas que causó 49 muertos, el ataque más mortífero ocurrido en los últimos meses, en el marco del confñicto político en el que está sumergida Ucrania.
  • Lavrov: attack on Russian embassy in Kiev is food for thought for our Western counterparts
As Interfax reports, the members of the Azov battalion, which has been set up and is financed by tycoon Ihor Kolomoisky, the Dnepropetrovsk governor, spearheaded Saturday's "disgusting" attack on the Russian Embassy in Kiev, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov claimed on Sunday.
  • "The leading role in the attack on the embassy was played by fighters from the Azov battalion, which has been set up and is financed by Kolomoisky, whom the current Kiev authorities have appointed the governor of Dnepropetrovsk," Lavrov told to reporters.
"That's an issue for consideration of our Western counterparts, who give all forms of support to any move of the Ukrainian government, - it's a good opportunity for them to see what that government does with the powers it acquired after Maidan," the minister said.

1 comment:

  1. Seizure, bloodshed could be aims behind Russian embassy attack – Lavrov...

    “From our diplomats' point of view, the aim of the attackers was to physically seize the embassy building. There are also grounds to believe that they wanted bloodshed,” Lavrov said.

    The leading players in the attack on Russia’s embassy were “fighters from Azov Battalion, created and financed by oligarch Igor Kolomoisky," who was appointed by Kiev authorities as governor of Dnepropetrovsk, Lavrov said.

    Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov believes the attack was thoroughly planned.

    “In the conditions in which we (Russia) and Ukraine [have] lived for the last 20 years, of course there was no question that the embassy here should meet the same safety requirements as in Iraq,” Zurabov told NTV channel. “But it looks like now we will have to reconsider our approach.”

    According to Russia’s envoy to Kiev, there were two groups of “well equipped” young people between 25 and 30 years old who took no active part in the violence but were “absolutely ready to storm.”

    “They had baseball bats, metal rods, axes. Had they entered the territory of the embassy, I think we would not have avoided victims,” he said. ................


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