Thursday, June 19, 2014

Possible US action on Iraq requires clearer picture (Pentagon)

The Iraqi government has requested US airstrikes to help it put down the advancement by Sunni insurgents, but senior US defense officials said Wednesday that a clearer picture of the situation on the ground as well as clear objectives is required before any airstrikes or other military intervention.

Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Senate hearing that while he shares alarm over the Iraq situation, he could recommend military force only "once I'm assured we can use it responsibility and effectively," the Pentagon said in a press release.

Dempsey's remarks came five days after President Barack Obama said he had asked his national security team for a range of options for helping the Iraqi government thwart the rapid Sunni insurgent sweep through much of the country's north and west, posing the threat of reprisals from Shiites.

Dempsey said various indistinguishable forces are on the ground in northern Iraq, including the insurgents who threaten Baghdad -- known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL -- as well as former Baathists and other disenfranchised groups.

  • "Until we can actually clarify this intelligence picture, the options will continue to be built and developed and refined and the intelligence picture made more accurate, and then the president can make a decision," Dempsey said.
  • "It's not as easy as looking at an iPhone video of a convoy and then immediately striking," he added.
Meanwhile, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told the hearing that the Pentagon is providing the president with different options, but that any US military intervention in Iraq, including airstrikes, would require clear objectives.
"There has to be a reason for those, there has to be an objective," he added.

A number of US lawmakers, as well as former military officials, have called for airstrikes against the Sunni insurgents, who have taken over Iraq's second-largest city of Mosul and other towns on their rapid push southward toward Baghdad. 

Sources:Xinhua -
  • Readout of the President’s Meeting with Congressional Leaders

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary, June 18, 2014:

"President Obama met today with Senate Majority Leader Reid, Speaker Boehner, Democratic Leader Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader McConnell to discuss the situation in Iraq. The President provided an update on the Administration’s efforts to respond to the threat from ISIL by urging Iraq’s leaders to set aside sectarian agendas and to come together with a sense of national unity. He also reviewed our efforts to strengthen the capacity of Iraq’s security forces to confront the threat from ISIL, including options for increased security assistance. He asked each of the leaders for their view of the current situation and pledged to continue consulting closely with Congress going forward."


  1. American F-18 fighter from the aircraft carrier "George Herbert Walker Bush" in the Persian Gulf began to fly reconnaissance missions over Iraq. This was reported on Wednesday TV "Fox News." According to its sources in the Pentagon, one of the goals of these flights is to demonstrate US commitment to decisive action on the situation in Iraq.....

    "It is not that important to see something, but to be seen," said the representative of the US military. He stressed that the F-18 are exactly fighter planes.

    Broadcaster said that US President Barack Obama is currently considering various options regarding "extending assistance in the sphere of security" to Iraq. As the representative of the Obama administration explained, one of the main options, in particular, is the ability to send 100 special units soldiers to the region. It is assumed that they can help the Iraqi authorities in intelligence activities, as well as the training of troops.

    The situation in Iraq deteriorated sharply early last week after Sunni militants groups "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" ISIL and loyal to them local radical formations began an offensive on a number of towns in the north of the country, fully capturing the province of Nineveh. Receding from positions was contributed to inaction of security forces and the army, which left the city, leaving locals and warehouses with arms for radical Islamists.

    Earlier Wednesday, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs Armed Forces, General Martin Dempsey said the US received a request of the Iraqi government for air strikes on militant positions of groups of ISIL. According to him, Washington has not yet taken on this account any decision.
    Read more:

  2. Kurden im Irak....Aus der Asche ein Kurdenstaat...

    Die Kurden im Nordirak sind überfordert mit Hunderttausenden neuen Flüchtlingen. Aber sie nutzen das von Isis ausgelöste Chaos, um ihren Einfluss.

    Die Planen gegen die brennende Sonne waren noch nicht fertig aufgespannt, da zogen schon die ersten Flüchtlinge ein in das neue Camp. 1.000 große Zelte haben das Flüchtlingshilfswerk UNHCR und andere Hilfsorganisationen in diesen Tagen in der Nähe der Stadt Duhok im Nordirak errichtet für diejenigen, die sich vor den islamistischen Kämpfern der Isis in Sicherheit bringen wollen.

    Der Isis-Vormarsch hat innerhalb von wenigen Tagen Hunderttausende vertrieben. Allein in der vergangenen Woche sind nach Angaben des UNHCR 300.000 Menschen in den kurdischen Nordirak geflohen. Hinzu kommen diejenigen aus Syrien. Salah Ahmed arbeitet für die Menschenrechtsstiftung Jiyan und war bis einen Tag nach der Eroberung Mossuls selbst in der Region unterwegs. Er sagt: "Wenn das so weitergeht, gibt es einen Kollaps." Die kurdische Regierung allein sei mit der Situation überfordert, mahnt Ahmed.......................


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