Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ukraine’s Poroshenko promises to make public peace settlement plan on Friday

The peaceful plan begins with presiden't order for a unilateral ceasefire, Petro Poroshenko said...
Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko has promised to make public his plan of peace settlement of the conflict in the country’s southeastern regions on Friday, June 20.

The president’s peace plan will be officially presented tomorrow,” he said on Thursday. Earlier the president offered to cease fire unilaterally in the east of the country.

“The peaceful plan begins with my order for a unilateral ceasefire. Immediately after this, we should gain support of a presidential peaceful plan from all participants in the events in Donbass (the main Ukrainian coalmining region). For a very brief period of time,” Poroshenko said.

“The time of ceasefire will be very short, and illegal armed units should lay down arms, and order should be established in the region for this period of time,” the president added. He also noted the strength of the Ukrainian army had been undermined systematically for many years. “We faced the war with naked, barefoot and unarmed soldiers,” the president said, assuring military officials present at the meeting that Ukraine would win in this war........



  1. President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he hopes Moscow will manage to bring its concerns to Ukraine and the EU over Kiev’s plans to sign the economic section of an Association Agreement with the EU when the negotiating parties hold consultations....

    “We agreed on the start of consultations at the level of experts,” he recalled, voicing the hope that they would be held at the level of department chiefs and would raise to a ministerial level somewhat later.

    “I hope these contacts will begin and we’ll be able to show in detail what the subject of our concerns is,” Putin said as he addressed a conference on agriculture.

    He repeated once again what kind of a threat the AA between the EU and Ukraine was posing for Russia. “If specific economic problems arise we won’t be able to keep the zero rate for import customs fees,” Putin said.

    He clarified that he had in mind agricultural produce, in the first place, adding: “This doesn’t have anything to do with politics or with the options one or another state selects because each sovereign state has the right to choose its original pathway.”

    Along with it, Putin stressed Russia’s right to defend its own economic interests.

    This does not concern agriculture alone, Putin said. The manufacturing sector will also be involved.

    “The problem requires a systemic approach and that’s what we’ll be doing,” Putin said.
    Read more:

  2. Ukraine : Porochenko propose un plan de paix en 14 points...

    Le nouveau président ukrainien Petro Porochenko a dévoilé vendredi un plan de paix pour mettre fin à l'insurrection séparatiste prorusse dans l'est du pays. Il en a parlé dans la nuit avec Vladimir Poutine.

    Présenté ce vendredi, le plan de paix concocté par le nouveau président ukrainien Petro Porochenko comporte 14 points. Et est destiné à mettre fin à l'insurrection séparatiste prorusse qui agite depuis des semaines l'est du pays. Selon le site internet de la télévision privée Inter TV, ce plan contient notamment un point sur le "désarmement", "la garantie d'un couloir pour les mercenaires russes et ukrainiens pour partir" et "la décentralisation du pouvoir et la protection de la langue russe par le biais d'amendements à la Constitution."

    Parmi les autres points figurent la libération des otages, "la création d'une zone tampon de 10 km à la frontière entre l'Ukraine et la Russie", l'amnistie "pour ceux qui ont déposé les armes et n'ont pas commis de crime grave", et la fin de "l'occupation illégale" des bâtiments de l'administration régionale de Donetsk et Lougansk contrôlés par les rebelles...................En savoir plus sur

  3. Details of Poroshenko's peace plan emerge...

    Details have emerged of a 14-point peace plan to be unveiled by Ukraine's President Poroshenko later.

    The document, calling for disarmament in eastern Ukraine, appeared in Ukrainian media overnight.

    It comes after Mr Poroshenko held his second phone conversation this week with Russia's President Vladimir Putin.

    Heavy fighting is continuing between government forces and pro-Russia rebels, with new reports of military hardware entering Ukraine from Russia.

    Ukrainian Defence Minister Mykhaylo Koval told parliament on Friday that Ukraine had closed its border to military vehicles in the past week, but that three tanks and 10 Grad rocket launchers had already crossed over.

    "We are keeping an eye on these vehicles, watching them," he said. "As soon as they appear within artillery range, we open fire immediately."

    Meanwhile Dmitriy Peskov, a spokesman for Mr Putin, said the president had ordered measures to be taken to "strengthen the protection of Russian borders"...........


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