Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ukrainian border guards claim to be abandoned by Kiev

This is not the first time that Ukrainian border guards have to wait for help from Kiev, and after not having received it, to surrender to the militia or leave their quarters.

Thus, on June 5, border guards of the Dolzhansky and Krasny Partizan checkpoints voluntarily disarmed and left their duty stations. For security reasons, they decided to move to the territory of Russia.

The day before this, border guards of the Lugansk border guard detachment surrendered after a two-day siege. The unit was holding the line for two days, but despite the assurances of Kiev generals, they did not receive any help.

The same day, servicemen of another frontier outpost, located in the town of Sverdlovsk, Lugansk region, left their quarters. They collected all their belongings, put them in ten cars, and the motorcade moved towards Kharkov.

And the most sensational case, when Kiev refused to help its soldiers, occurred in late March. Back then, Deputy Commander of the Kerch naval infantry battalion, Alexey Nikiforov, managed to reach acting Minister of Defence, Admiral Igor Tenyukh, during a live phone-in show of a Ukrainian TV channel. He asked the Minister, why there were no orders from Kiev, and how Ukrainian servicemen in Crimea should act in the current situation. In response, instead of specific orders, the Minister accused the officer of incompetence and literally hauled him up: "It's a pity you have such a bad moral atmosphere in the troops. When you recruited your contract servicemen, you should have thought about it responsibly. You did not recruit them for a toy army, so that to show off in peacetime. Everything is decided in the face of the enemy."

As the result, the vast majority of the Kerch naval infantry battalion servicemen reported their joining the armed forces of Russia.

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