Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Kiev forces fire ballistic missiles into E. Ukraine (CNN)

In the past two days Kiev’s forces have launched several short-range ballistic missiles into areas in east Ukraine controlled by self-defense forces, CNN reports, citing US government sources.
The move “marks a major escalation” in the Ukrainian crisis, CNN said.
Three US officials confirmed to me a short time ago that US intelligence over the last 48 hours has monitored the firing of several short-range ballistic missiles from territory controlled by Ukraine government forces into areas controlled by the pro-Russian separatists,” Barbara Starr, CNN’s Pentagon correspondent, said in a live report. 

Short-range ballistic missiles can carry warheads of up to 1,000 pounds (450 kg) and are capable of killing dozens of people at a time, Starr said. 

A Moscow correspondent for another American television network, ABC, tweeted Tuesday that the Kiev forces fired three ballistic missiles at self-defense forces near the town of Snezhnoe (Snizhne in Ukrainian) in the Donetsk Region. According to Kirit Radia, this is what a US official told ABC’s Pentagon digital journalist Luis Martinez. 

The CNN gave no details regarding the exact missiles’ launch and impact point.
“In fact, the US is holding this information right now fairly tightly, officials say, because they are in an awkward position: these are, you know, the so-called ‘good guys’ firing ballistic missiles, Ukraine government forces,” Starr said on air..................http://rt.com/news/176484-cnn-ballistic-missiles-ukraine/


  1. Kiev est prêt à une trêve dans l'est de l'Ukraine, a déclaré mardi à Washington le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry....

    "Les Ukrainiens sont prêts à accepter une trêve, dès maintenant", a indiqué M.Kerry au terme d'une rencontre avec le ministre ukrainien des Affaires étrangères Pavel Klimkine.

    Selon M.Kerry, la trêve doit reposer sur le plan de paix proposé par le président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko.

    Les autorités de Kiev mènent depuis le 15 avril une opération spéciale d'envergure visant à réprimer la révolte qui a éclaté dans le sud-est de l'Ukraine suite au renversement du régime du président Ianoukovitch le 22 février dernier. La Russie appelle l'Ukraine à mettre fin à cette opération punitive qui fait de nombreux morts parmi la population civile.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_07_29/Kiev-pret-a-une-treve-dans-lest-de-lUkraine-Kerry-7371/

  2. Ukraine’s government troops have used short-range ballistic missiles against independence supporters in the country’s east, CNN reported Tuesday citing US officials....

    “The weapons have a range of about 50 miles (80 kilometers) and pack up to 1,000-pound (454-kilogram) warheads,” the TV channel reports.

    If the reports are accurate, these are “the most deadly missiles to date used in the conflict,” CNN said.

    The US officials have not specified where exactly the missiles hit or what damage they caused.

    One of the sources said that so far “there has been no reaction from Russia.” Another source said it is unclear if Washington shows satellite imagery of the Ukrainian firings "because these are the good guys."

    Another US official said the firings are "an escalation, but Ukraine has a right to defend itself."................http://en.ria.ru/world/20140729/191450309/Ukrainian-Troops-Using-Ballistic-Missiles-Against-Independence.html

  3. Ukraine says it has seized a key town near the rebel stronghold of Donetsk, as fighting intensifies in the east.

    Pro-Russia separatists were driven out of Avdiivka on Wednesday, the army says. The strategic town is near the airport and train station in Donetsk.

    Heavy fighting around Donetsk has prevented international experts from reaching the crash site of flight MH17.

    Details of fresh EU sanctions against Russia for its support to the Ukrainian rebels will be revealed on Wednesday...................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-28559482

    1. Pro-Russian separatists downed a Ukrainian military plane in the eastern region of Donetsk, Ukrainian media said on Wednesday....

      The plane was reportedly shot down above the town of Kharchizska in Donetsk. Eight soldiers managed to parachute out of the plane, witnesses were quoted as saying.

      Officials from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic have yet to confirm the incident.

      The downing of the plane came days after pro-Russian separatists shot down two Ukrainian military planes, both Sukhoi Su-25 attack aircrafts, in the eastern region on July 23................http://www.aa.com.tr/en/rss/366370--seperatists-down-military-plane


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