Friday, July 18, 2014

Obama condemns Russia after airliner downed in Ukraine (missile he said was fired from rebel territory)

(Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama demanded Russia stop supporting separatists in eastern Ukraine after the downing of a Malaysian airline by a surface-to-air missile he said was fired from rebel territory raised the prospect of more sanctions on Moscow.

At least one American was among the almost 300 killed, he said, a revelation that raises the stakes in a pivotal incident in deteriorating relations between Russia and the West.

Calling it "an outrage of unspeakable proportions", Obama stopped short of directly blaming Russia for the incident but warned that he was prepared to tighten economic sanctions. He echoed international calls for a rapid and credible investigation and ruling out U.S. military intervention.

But, noting the global impact of the crash, with victims from 11 countries across four continents, he said the stakes were high for Europe, a clear call for it to follow the more robust sanctions on Russia already imposed by Washington.

Russia, whom Obama said was letting the rebels bring in weapons, has expressed anger at implications it was to blame, saying people should not prejudge the outcome of the inquiry.........


  1. ???A spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry said that neither the Buk (Beech) anti-aircraft missile systems nor other weaponry in service with the Russian Armed Forces had crossed the border into Ukraine???.....

    “It cannot be done secretly,” he said.

    “Speaking about another allegation by official Kiev about detention of two Buk ‘fire controllers’ who are allegedly citizens of the Russian Federation, we would like to explain that fire controllers are needed only for those weapons whose targets are located on the ground.”

  2. Obama apunta a la complicidad rusa en el derribo del avión en Ucrania...

    El presidente Barack Obama aumentó ayer la presión sobre su homólogo ruso, Vladímir Putin, por su papel en la crisis de Ucrania. EE UU apuntó a Rusia como cómplice necesario del derribo, el jueves, de un avión comercial de Malaysia Airlines si se confirma que, como sospecha la Casa Blanca, los responsables fueron los rebeldes prorrusos.

    Obama pidió tiempo para determinar el culpable del ataque, en el que murieron 298 personas, y avisó de que será necesaria una investigación internacional para identificar a los responsables. No culpó a Putin en ningún momento. Pero enumeró una serie de indicios que señalan a los grupos que buscan la secesión del Este de Ucrania e, indirectamente, implican a la Rusia de Putin.

    El misil, dijo el presidente de EE UU, partió de una zona controlada por los prorrusos armados con material ruso. Rusia entrena y arma a estos rebeldes, continuó. Y en los últimos meses estos han derribado otros aviones. La responsabilidad de Putin es por haber alentado o, como mínimo, no haber frenado la violencia en la región que ha llevado a la matanza.................


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