Monday, August 18, 2014

Four Foreign ministers' talks in Berlin are over

BERLIN, August 18, /ITAR-TASS/. The talks among the Foreign ministers of Russia, Ukraine, the Federal Republic of Germany, and France here are over. German Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is expected to make a statement shortly.

Discussion in Berlin was intricate. Not just five hours but many five-hour spells are needed to make headway, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin stated on Monday in his microblog in Twitter.

"Five hours of the most intricate discussion," he wrote. "However, many five-hour spells are probably needed for making headway".
He also wrote that Kiev did not cross the "red line" at the talks.

"There is no room for a compromise where a state should cross its 'red line'. Ukraine did not cross it (at the talks)," he wrote in his microblog in Twitter. "I felt support from our partners".
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told that progress on some points has been made at the Berlin meeting on Ukraine; the Ministers will report results to their Heads of State
"The discussion was essential," he said. "I thank the Ministers of Russia, Ukraine, and France for accepting the invitation. The discussion was lengthy and frank".
"We discussed how we can find ways towards a suspension of military actions," Steinmeier added.
"Besides, humanitarian support to the civilian population was also a subject of discussion," the Minister said.
"It was a difficult discussion. However, I think, we have achieved progress on some points," he said.
The Ministers will now report results in their capitals, Steinmeier emphasized.
"In the course of Monday and Tuesday, a decision is to be made as to form in which today's discussion can be carried on," the German Minister said.
"We are aiming to achieve a cessation of fire and avoid new casualties," he added.


  1. Das Krisentreffen zum Ukraine-Konflikt in Berlin hat keine konkreten Ergebnisse gebracht. Bundesaußenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier sprach nach den fünfstündigen Beratungen der Außenminister Russlands, der Ukraine, Deutschlands und Frankreichs am Sonntagabend in Berlin aber von Fortschritten in einzelnen Punkten.....

    Der ukrainische Außenminister Pawlo Klimkin widersprach: "Um Fortschritte zu erzielen, muss man sich wohl noch viele Male für fünf Stunden treffen", teilte er über Twitter mit. Es seien "schwierigste Gespräche" gewesen.

    Die Außenminister wollen nun ihren Staats- und Regierungschefs berichten und dann am Montag oder Dienstag entscheiden, ob die Gespräche fortsetzt werden.

    Es fielen "offene Worte"

    Steinmeier hatte zu dem Treffen eingeladen, um Wege zu einem Waffenstillstand auszuloten und zu einer wirksamen Grenzkontrolle zu kommen. "Es war ein notwendiges Gespräch in einer schwierigen Zeit", sagte Steinmeier. Er sprach von "Begegnungen, bei denen auch einmal offenes Wort" falle. "Aber ich glaube und ich hoffe, dass wir in einzelnen Punkten Fortschritte erreicht haben."

    Es gehe darum zurück in einen politischen Prozess zu kommen, mit dem sich die Krise nach und nach überwinden lässt.........................

  2. West has more influence than Kiev on oligarchs’ armies in Ukraine – Lavrov...

    Moscow believes the West has more influence on various paramilitary forces in Ukraine - sponsored by local oligarchs - than Kiev does, Russian FM said citing the latest bickering between Right Sector and the Interior Ministry.

    “The authorities in Kiev are not in control of the numerous paramilitary forces, including Right Sector, which, we estimate, comprises a large portion of the National Guard. The demarche of Right Sector towards the Ukrainian Interior Minister speaks for itself,” Sergey Lavrov said, adding that existence of armed groups sponsored by Ukrainian oligarchs, such as the Azov and Dnepr battalions, poses a great security threat.

    “We work with our Western partners in Europe and the United States who can really influence those paramilitary units that don’t answer to the central government in Kiev. We know the West has such influence,” he added.

    Lavrov was referring to the weekend ultimatum of the far-right group, which threatened to pull out its troops from eastern Ukraine and march on Kiev unless President Petro Poroshenko fires several police officials, including a deputy interior minister. The group later reduced its demands, saying that the release of its activists previously arrested by the police was sufficient.....................

  3. Kiev doit renoncer à l'usage de la force pour résoudre la crise (Lavrov)...

    Le ministre des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov a déclaré que les efforts internationaux visant à résoudre la situation dans le Sud-est de l'Ukraine étaient inutiles tant que Kiev utiliserait la force.

    Cette déclaration a été faite après la réunion de ministres des Affaires étrangères de la Russie, de l'Allemagne, de la France et de l'Ukraine.

    Le chef du ministère des Affaires étrangères a également déclaré que son attitude négative aux demandes de l'Ukraine à l'OTAN et à l'Union européenne concernant la fourniture d'une assistance militaire à Kiev s’expliquait par le fait que ces demandes étaient « contraires à tous les accords qui ont été conclus sur la nécessité d'un cessez-le-feu et afin d’entamer des négociations ».
    Lire la suite:


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