Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Flight MH17 pierced by 'high-speed objects', says Dutch report

Flight MH17 that crashed over rebel-held eastern Ukraine split into pieces during flight after it was hit by “a large number of high-energy objects”, said a report released by the Netherlands on Tuesday.

"Flight MH17... operated by Malaysia Airlines broke up in the air probably as the result of structural damage caused by a large number of high-energy objects that penetrated the aircraft from outside," said the preliminary report into the disaster that claimed 298 lives, most of them Dutch citizens.

The report, which comes almost two months after MH17 was went down, also said the Boeing 777-200 was airworthy when it took off from Amsterdam and was staffed by a "qualified and experienced crew."

"There were no technical problems," the 34-page report stated.

The report said the fact that the plane was hit by high-speed objects "explains the abrupt end to data registration on the recorders, the simultaneous loss of contact with air traffic control and the aircraft's disappearance from radar."

The Boeing was blown out of the sky over eastern Ukraine as it was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on July 17, killing all on board including 193 Dutch citizens...............AFP..............http://www.france24.com/en/20140909-flight-mh17-split-pieces-mid-air-dutch-report-says/



  1. Flug MH17: Boeing "von zahlreichen Objekten durchsiebt"...

    Das im Juli in der Ostukraine abgestürzte Passagierflugzeug ist "in mehrere Teile zerborsten", nachdem es von schnell fliegenden Objekten durchsiebt wurde....

    Das Mitte Juli über der umkämpften Ostukraine abgestürzte Passagierflugzeug der Malaysia Airlines (Flug MH17) ist einem vorläufigen Ermittlungsbericht zufolge von schnell fliegenden "Objekten" durchsiebt worden und in Folge "während des Fluges in mehrere Teile zerborsten". Das stützt die These, dass die Maschine abgeschossen wurde. Das gab die niederländische Flugsicherheitsbehörde am Dienstag in Den Haag bekannt. Hinweise auf technische Probleme oder auf ein Fehlverhalten der MH17-Besatzung gebe es nicht.

    Aus dem Bericht der niederländischen Ermittler geht allerdings nicht hervor, ob die Maschine durch Raketenbeschuss abgeschossen wurde. Um genau zu bestimmen, was den Absturz verursachte, müssten weitere Details erforscht werden, berichtete die niederländische Zeitung "De Volkskrant".
    Im Flug zerbrochen

    Die Boeing 777-200 sei im Flug zerbrochen, heißt es in dem ersten Zwischenbericht zu der Tragödie. Dies sei "wahrscheinlich auf strukturelle Schäden zurückzuführen, die von einer großen Zahl an Objekten verursacht wurden, die das Flugzeug mit hoher Geschwindigkeit von außen durchdrangen".

    Jedenfalls sei der Absturz von Flug MH17 durch Einwirkung von außen verursacht worden. Eine große Zahl energiereicher Objekte habe den Rumpf der Boeing 777 von außen durchdrungen. Die Maschine der Malaysia Airlines sei daraufhin auseinandergebrochen.
    Kein Hinweis auf technischen Defekt

    Es gebe jedenfalls keine Hinweise, dass technisches Versagen oder Fehler der Besatzung der Grund für den Absturz im Juli gewesen seien, heißt es in dem Bericht weiter.................http://diepresse.com/home/panorama/welt/3867265/Flug-MH17_Boeing-von-zahlreichen-Objekten-durchsiebt?from=rss

  2. MH17 likely downed by 'high-energy objects from outside the aircraft'....

    THE HAGUE (Netherlands) — A Dutch report has said that the Malaysia Airways flight 17 was likely downed by “high-energy objects from outside the aircraft”.

    Earlier this year in July, MH17 was believed to have been shot down over a conflict zone in eastern Ukraine. It had been en route to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur...............http://www.todayonline.com/world/europe/mh17-likely-downed-high-energy-objects-outside-aircraft

  3. Journalist: MH17 Preliminary Report Says Nothing, Leaves Questions Unanswered...

    Lyudmila Chernova -
    A preliminary report issued by the Dutch Safety Board on the MH17 crash tells absolutely nothing, and just leaves the unanswered questions open for another year, Frederick William Engdahl, an American German freelance journalist told RIA Novosti on Tuesday.

    "The report tells us absolutely nothing, as there is no data, that would indicate anything to anybody," Engdahl said.

    "It seems it was released just to tell us that the real report will be released in one year from now. It is worthless and silly that they even went through this big drama to bring it out at this point. It is worth nothing to any party in the dispute, nor to the families of the people that were in the plane," he added.

    Engdahl emphasized that the observers of the Dutch Safety board were blocked from going to the site of the wreckage because of continuous shelling in the area, which the Kiev government could not stop.

    “They couldn’t go near. However, had the Kiev government been genuinely interested in a truthful analysis, they would have called a ceasefire and allowed the investigators to go in,” he said.

    Engdahl noted that independence supporters willingly gave the black box recorder to the Malaysian authorities, and didn’t handle any investigations. Engdahl also underlined that Washington has released absolutely no definitive evidence that indicates independence supporters could be responsible for the crash.

    “They have released no forensic evidence that indicates that it was done by either Russia or by the independence supporters in Eastern Ukraine,” he asserted.

    “The idea that the EU and the US impose sanctions against Russia based on the charge by the US without the evidence that they have shot down the MH17 is absurd and the extreme, just like the new sanctions of the EU pressured by Washington to adopt them just in case the ceasefire, actually proposed by Putin, doesn’t work,” Engdahl added.

    Engdahl also stated that further transparent and independent investigation needs to be carried out in order to determine real causes of the catastrophe.

    “I think the essential forensic evidence needs to be taken out of the hands of bias parties, and genuine independent experts committee should be called on to examine the full evidence, including the onsite wreckage and everything around that. Besides, all of the information that air traffic control inside Ukraine has on the particular airline has to be released. And until that is done I think there is nothing to be set,” Engdahl concluded.............http://en.ria.ru/analysis/20140909/192783966/Journalist-MH17-Preliminary-Report-Says-Nothing-Leaves-Questions.html


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