Sunday, September 14, 2014

Turkey urges UN to act over chlorine gas use in Syria

 ANKARA. --Turkey has called on the United Nations to take action over the "systematic and repeated" use of chlorine gas in Syria.

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said in its latest report that its team had collected “compelling evidence” that the toxic chemical was used “systematically and repeatedly” in Talmanes, Al Tamanah and Kafr Zet, three villages in northern Syria.

Urging the UN Security Council to take action, Turkey's foreign ministry said in statement on Sunday: "The use of chlorine gas by the Syrian regime once again(???***) reveals the threat it poses to regional and international peace and stability."


  • No: 294, 14 Eylül 2014, Suriye'de Rejimin Kimyasal Silah Kullanımı Hk.

Suriye’de rejimin halka uyguladığı insanlık dışı zulmün boyutları klor gazı kullanımına ilişkin tespitlerle yeni bir boyut daha kazanmıştır.
KSYÖ bünyesindeki Veri Toplama Misyonu tarafından açıklanan son raporda, Suriye'de klor gazının "sistematik biçimde ve müteaddit defalar" kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Klor gazının rejim tarafından kullanıldığı açıktır. Nitekim, Birleşmiş Milletler Uluslararası Bağımsız Suriye Araştırma Komisyonu’nun raporunda da rejimin saldırılarında klor gazına başvurulduğu kayda geçirilmiştir.

Rejimin klor gazı kullanımı, 2118 sayılı Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi Kararı’nın açık bir ihlalidir. Sözkonusu ihlal, rejimin bölgesel ve uluslararası barış ve istikrar için teşkil ettiği tehdidin boyutlarını bir kez daha ortaya koymaktadır.

Rejimin insanlığa karşı suç teşkil eden ve doğrudan sivil halkı hedef alan bu saldırıları karşısında, BM Güvenlik Konseyi’nin gerekli adımları atmasını bekliyoruz.


  1. Die Türkei ist das Drehkreuz des globalen Dschihad...

    Der Islamische Staat wirbt in der Türkei ganze Familien für seinen bestialischen Krieg an, doch die türkische Regierung reagiert nur verhalten. Lange Zeit lieferte Erdogan syrischen Islamisten Waffen.

    Als Fadil Dag vom Tod seines jüngsten Sohnes Orhan erfuhr, schluckte er die Tränen herunter. Dag wollte seinem neunjährigen Enkel die Geburtstagsfeier nicht verderben. Seiner Frau ging es sowieso nicht gut, sie litt an Diabetes. Und seine Tochter, die Lehrerin werden wollte, hatte in zwei Tagen eine wichtige Prüfung vor sich. Also schnitt der 52-jährige Bauarbeiter in seinem Haus in Adana den Familienkuchen an und tat so, als sei nichts geschehen. Doch wer genau hinsah, bemerkte, dass seine Hände zitterten.

    Dags Sohn Orhan war mit 28 Jahren in Syrien gefallen. Er hatte sich von seiner Familie losgesagt und den Kämpfern des Islamischen Staates (IS) angeschlossen. "Wir haben uns immer um ihn gekümmert", sagt Fadil Dag. "Und dann haben sie ihn von uns gestohlen."

    Mit "sie" meint Dag nicht nur die Dschihadisten, die überall in der Türkei junge Männer in die Reihen des IS locken. Dag ist auch enttäuscht vom türkischen Staat. Denn das politische Klima, das nach Ausbruch des Bürgerkriegs in Syrien in der Türkei entstanden ist, habe geholfen, seinen jüngsten Sohn in die Arme der Terroristen zu treiben.

    Waffen für Islamisten mit "Hilfskonvois" geliefert

    Tatsächlich ist die Haltung der von der konservativen islamischen AKP geführten Regierung in Ankara gegenüber dem Islamischen dubios. Lange Zeit unterstützte Erdogan die militante Opposition gegen Syriens Präsidenten Baschar al-Assad. Trotz Bedenken der Amerikaner sah die Türkei kein Problem darin, die islamistischen Kämpfer der al-Nusra-Front üppig mit Waffen auszustatten. Heute arbeitet al-Nusra in Syrien mit dem Islamischen Staat zusammen..................

  2. “ISIL, Turkey: Dream of Restoring the Glories of Sublime Ottoman State”...

    “We have witnessed the severity of the ISIL organization in demolishing all the shrines, temples and tombs, even those that are attributed to the prophets and the companions, as being a manifestation of shirk (polytheism), as said by them. However, when it comes to the shrine of the grandfather of the Turkish Ottomans “Suleiman Pasha” inside Syria and in the areas under the ISIL control, not only did ISIL refrain from destroying it, but facilitated the entry of Turkish troops to such shrines and protected them. The ISIL forces are to date protecting it and did not destroy it”.

    The writer Nawaf Qadimi passed these words unnoticed, and in a two-part article published in the “Al-Arabi Al-Jadeeed” newspaper, funded by Qatar, the Saudi Muslim Brotherhood writer answered a question title: “A big question ... how was the ISIL created?”, then another annex followed under the title “Back to the question ... who stands behind the ISIL?”. The answer came sequentially: the government of Nouri al-Maliki in Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran, all the way to Syria ... they are all clearly naïve about what is meant by Qadimi’s above mentioned turn of phrase.

    Recep Tayyeb Erdogan stood on July/2012 before his Party’s audience to justify the intervention of his government in the crisis in Syria, saying: It is that we are the descendants of the Seljuks, and the remnants of the Sublime Ottoman State... “The Justice and Development Party (AKP) is a party in which the spirit of the Seljuks* and the Ottomans is deeply rooted”. Putting emphasis on his position, he repeated it while addressing another speech on September in the same year, saying: “We are walking in our conqueror ancestors’ footsteps starting from Sultan Alp Arslan* reaching to Fatih Sultan Mehmet “the Conquer”*. Having assumed power in 1046 AD, Alp Arslan, the second ruler of the Seljuk state, has been able to expand the boundaries of his state inciting sectarianism in his wars against the Fatimids, particularly. During his reign, Nezamiyeh schools, which were toughening up a certain doctrine and which considered other Islamic doctrines as infidels, have been established. He also lavished funds on advocates being brought by him to Baghdad to accuse the Fatimids as infidels and to call for fighting them. Perhaps Alp Arslan’s inheritance, which Erdogan is glorifying, help us understand Turkey’s policy not only in terms of its interference in the Syrian crisis, but even regarding its support for the Takfiri organizations, the foremost the ISIL.....................


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