Monday, October 6, 2014

Catalans to press ahead with referendum plans

Catalan political parties in favor of holding an Independence Referendum on November 9 have agreed to continue with preparations for the vote despite its suspension by the Spanish Constitutional Court on Monday...

The three-hour meeting, between Catalan President Artur Mas and members of his Convergence and Union party (CiU), as well as Republican Left (ERC), ICV-EUiA and CUP ended with the spokesperson for the Catalan Parliament Frances Homs explaining that the Catalans were going to continue with their plans for the Referendum.

"We have decided to continue convoking the referendum with the hope that the citizens can participate and carry out their right to vote on November 9," said Homs, who asked the Constitutional Court to "lift" the suspension of the vote and carry out an "exhaustive analysis," in order to provide the "best possible conditions," for the vote to be held.

Meanwhile in Madrid, the Spanish cabinet held its weekly meeting in the shadow of the decision taken by Mas on Thursday to sign a decree to appoint an Electoral Board for the Referendum which is scheduled for November 9.

Mas' move comes despite the fact that on Monday the Spanish Constitutional Court suspended the Referendum and any preparations to hold the vote after the Spanish government launched a legal appeal insisting that the planned vote was unconstitutional and can be viewed as a clear challenge to Madrid.

Spanish Vice President Soraya Saenz de Santamaria announced after cabinet meeting that the government will now appeal against the appointment of the Electoral Board confirmed by Mas.

"Nobody can decide when they will fulfill or when they will not fulfill the resolutions of the courts," said Saenz de Santamaria, adding "nobody can design their own made to measure democracy," and that state lawyers will be making the appeal next week.

This all happened on the day when the publication of a new poll (Inquest into the Debate over General Policy) showed that Republican Left and not Mas' CiU would win a hypothetical election should one be held in Catalonia right now.

This is a move to the left from the socially conservative CiU and implies attitudes towards Madrid are hardening in Catalonia with 70 percent of Catalans now in favor of holding an independence referendum.

Xinhua -


  1. Catalan majority supports independence referendum within legal framework....

    The majority of the Catalonia population thinks that a referendum on independence should be held on the legal basis, the poll conducted by the Metroscopia institute said.

    According to the poll results cited by the El Pais newspaper, only 23 percent of Catalans agree with Catalan authorities' decision to go ahead with the referendum despite the fact that the decree to hold an independence referendum in November has been suspended by the Spanish Constitutional Court.

    The majority of Catalans, 45 percent, believe that the local administration should acknowledge the court's decision and enter negotiations concerning a new referendum that would be in accordance with the constitution.

    A quarter of those polled, 25 percent, believe the referendum should not be held at all, but a different way out needs to be found.

    The poll was took place from September 30 to October 2, with 1,000 people polled.............Read more:

  2. El Gobierno pide al Constitucional que anule la junta electoral del 9-N...

    El alto tribunal pedirá a la Generalitat y al Parlamento catalán que presente alegaciones

    El Gobierno ha reclamado al Tribunal Constitucional, a través de la Abogacía del Estado, que anule la junta electoral puesta en marcha por el presidente catalán, Artur Mas, el pasado 3 de octubre. El Ejecutivo ha enviado al alto tribunal un "incidente de ejecución" por el incumplimiento de la providencia dictada el pasado día 29, en la que el tribunal dejaba claro que, con la admisión de los recursos, quedaban suspendidos tanto la ley como el decreto de la consulta y sus anexos, "así como las restantes actuaciones de preparación para la convocatoria de dicha consulta o vinculadas a ella".

    El incidente de ejecución se plantea sobre las cuestiones que, siendo distintas del objeto principal de la causa, guarden relación con la ejecución de la sentencia. El Gobierno lo ha añadido a su recurso contra la ley de consultas, por el incumplimiento de la providencia que sobre esa ley dictó el Constitucional.

    A partir de ahora, el tribunal tendrá que dar traslado a las partes personadas en el procedimiento, entre las que están la Generalitat y el Parlamento catalán, para que presenten alegaciones sobre esta nueva acción del Ejecutivo que se incorporará a los recursos ya presentados...............

    1. La Abogacía del Estado pide al TC que anule la 'junta electoral' de la consulta soberanista

      Plantea un incidente de ejecución de la suspensión de la Ley de Consultas catalana
      En el pleno del Constitucional de mañana partes podrá debatir dicho incidente

      El Tribunal Constitucional acaba de recibir un escrito en el que la Abogacía del Estado, en nombre del Gobierno, plantea un incidente de ejecución de la suspensión de la Ley de Consultas catalana acordada por el TC el pasado lunes. En virtud de este incidente, se pretende que el Constitucional declare nulo el decreto de creación de la comisión de control de consultas firmado por el presidente de la Generalitat, Artur Mas, el pasado día 2.

      En cambio, y pese a los anuncios realizados desde el Parlament, en el Tribunal Constitucional no se ha recibido ninguna recusación, que afectaría al presidente, Francisco Pérez de los Cobos, y al magistrado Pedro González-Trevijano. Esto impide que en el pleno del Constitucional previsto para mañana se aborden estas pretendidas recusaciones, aunque sí se podrá debatir el incidente de nulidad.

  3. Catalonia government to decide by October 15 whether to hold referendum...

    The government of the northeastern Spanish region of Catalonia will decide by October 15 whether to push ahead with a contested referendum on separation from the rest of Spain, a spokesman said on Monday.

    Catalonia, with a population of 7.5 million people, its own language and accounting for a fifth of Spain's economy, has long sought independence and was buoyed by the close result of last month's referendum in Scotland.

    But Spain's central government says the referendum called for November 9 is illegal and the country's Constitutional Court has suspended it while it deliberates on its legality, a process that could take months or years.

    "We can't decide on this... on November 7 or 8," said Francesc Homs, spokesman for the Catalan government, in a radio interview.

    Artur Mas, the leader of Catalonia, is under pressure from more radical pro-independence supporters to defy Madrid and the Constitutional Court and push ahead with the referendum.

    Although his administration initially temporarily suspended campaigning for the referendum after the court ruling, it later changed its tone and said it would push on.

    In a television advertisement on Saturday it said it had agreed "to take the legal, political and institutional initiative to guarantee the right to decide the political future of Catalonia". REUTERS

  4. Catalan govt cancels plans for independence referendum...

    The Catalan government has given up plans to hold a November 9 referendum on independence from Spain, a regional party leader told AFP.

    Catalan President Artur Mas announced the cancellation of the November 9 referendum at a meeting between the parties seeking Catalonia’s independence and the regional government. The cancellation is because of a lack of legal guarantees, El Pais newspaper reported. Instead, the government will hold a public participation process ‒ a series of town hall meetings and debates ‒ on the political future of the province.

    "The (regional) government has determined that the consultation can't take place," Joan Herrera of the Initiative for Catalonia, a political party in the province, told reporters following the meeting.

    In the meantime, while the participatory process is finalized, the pro-independence groups will seek to get the most out of the provincial laws on consulting the Catalan people, which the Constitutional Court failed to suspend when it originally blocked the non-binding vote at the end of September.

    The Catalan leaders temporarily suspended its promotion of the independence referendum on September 30, one day after the court’s decision. The regional government halted the campaign to avoid subjecting public servants to possible legal liability for defying the court, the Wall Street Journal reported at the time.

    According to the Catalan government and Minister for the Presidency, Francesc Homs, the provincial leaders were to consider some preparations for the vote from October 13-15. He added that "there is no deadline” to decide if the vote will take place.................

  5. Catalonia to seek alternatives to independence vote...

    The leader of Spain's Catalonia region will call off a referendum on independence from Spain planned for November 9 and look for alternative ways to consult Catalans, a key regional political party said today.

    Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, a pro-independence party that backs the regional government of Artur Mas said the Catalan leader had told it and other political forces during talks that he would not organise the referendum as planned.

    Mas will instead offer to hold a "consultation of citizens," an ERC spokesman told Reuters.

    The referendum was suspended last month by Spain's constitutional court, but the regional government of Catalonia had not announced a decision to abandon the planned vote.

    A spokesman for Mas declined to comment on the news. The spokesman said Mas would hold a press conference tomorrow at 0800 GMT...............


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