Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ukraine's allies urged to help pay its debt. ("Everyone must contribute, including Slovakia")

BRATISLAVA -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called on Ukraine's allies to help the country pay its natural gas debt to Russia....

"Everyone must contribute, including Slovakia," Merkel said after meeting with Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico in Bratislava. She noted that the solution was still being sought, "and winter is already coming," reported the French AFP agency.
Russia's TASS news agency is at the same time reporting that the German chancellor said funds need to be found to provide loans and guarantee gas supplies to Ukraine.

During her one-day working visit to Slovakia, Merkel said there were efforts to provide loans in order to overcome the situation, and that the EU wished to, "while it's still possible, find concrete solutions" - but that "further negotiations were needed."

Fico, whose country heavily relies on Russian gas and has been sending some to Ukraine on EU's orders, said that the Slovak part of the responsibilities was to provide reverse supplies to Ukraine - but that "nothing will work if Ukraine is waiting for everyone, except itself, to solve its problems."

A trilateral meeting on the gas issue between Russia, Ukraine and the EU will be held on Wednesday in Brussels.

Participants in the negotiations should determine conditions of an interim agreement for Russian natural gas supplies to Ukraine, the PRIME agency said.

A lack of agreement would put into question the stability of Russian gas supplies to EU countries, transported in transit through Ukraine, due to the high probability that the country would "take" gas during the winter season in order to meet its own needs, according to the Russian news agency.

The report recalls that the gas dispute with Ukraine was one of the main topics in Milan on October 17.

After that meeting Russian and Ukrainian delegations pointed out that "elements of a compromise had emerged," with confirmation expected at tomorrow's talks - namely, that Ukraine will pay USD 1.45 billion to settle its debt through October and USD 1.65 billion more by the end of 2014.

In addition, the agency said, a provisional price of USD 385 dollars per 1,000 cubic meters of gas was agreed on, which should be paid in advance during the winter.



  1. Продан: Украина готова перейти на предоплату российского газа по временному соглашению ...

    Украина согласилась перейти на предоплату за поставку российского газа по временному соглашению. Об этом заявил на пресс-конференции министр энергетики и угольной промышленности Украины Юрий Продан.

    "Готовы делать предоплату, но механизм предоплаты еще не урегулирован", - сказал он.

    Украина рассчитывает получить в ноябре по реверсу 1-2 млрд кубометров газа и еще 2 млрд кубометров от "Газпрома", сообщил Продан.

    Он заявил также, что Украина будет изыскивать финансовые ресурсы для оплаты газа совместно с Еврокомиссией.

  2. L'Ucraina è pronta a firmare un accordo provvisorio sul gas...

    Le autorità ucraine sono pronte a firmare un accordo temporaneo sulle forniture di gas dalla Russia. Il prezzo finale e le condizioni della consegna in tal caso devono essere definite in tribunale, ha dichiarato il Primo ministro Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

    Secondo il Premier ucraino, il governo ucraino ha stanziato 3,1 miliardi di dollari per i pagamenti per il gas russo sia per il debito che per le nuove forniture............Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_21/LUcraina-e-pronta-a-firmare-un-accordo-provvisorio-sul-gas-9083/

  3. Russia Ready to Guarantee $100 Gas Discount for Ukraine in Intergovernmental Agreement ...

    Russia is still offering Ukraine a $100 gas discount and is suggesting to secure this commitment in an intergovernmental agreement, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Tuesday.

    “As for the price, this issue has been discussed in detail today in relation to guarantees for preserving this price as long as a six-month winter temporary agreement is in place," Novak said following another round of trilateral gas talks between Russia, Ukraine and the European Union in Brussels.

    "The Russian side is acting in full compliance with the contract, which remains in force to date. This contract envisages a possibility for a discount. The Russian side is ready to adopt a decree by the Russian government that allows for a $100 discount,” the minister said.

    "To further guarantee that this decree will not be annulled, we offer to sign an intergovernmental agreement between Russia and Ukraine, which would reflect the corresponding commitments to keep the price during this period [six months] at $385,” Novak added.

  4. Russia doubts the legality of reverse gas supplies to Ukraine, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Tuesday....

    “We think that the gas delivered directly to consumers, cannot legally be reversed, because the contract on gas supplies does not envisage [reverse supplies], this is why we draw our attention to the fact that in our opinion, there is no valid legal basis for this. This situation requires careful study from the legal side,” Novak said following the trilateral gas talks between Russia, Ukraine and the European Union.

  5. No Russia-Ukraine gas deal at EU talks; Moscow queries finances ...

    Russia and Ukraine failed to reach an accord on gas supplies for the coming winter in EU-brokered talks on Tuesday but agreed to meet again in Brussels in a week in the hope of ironing out problems over Kiev's ability to pay.

    After a day of talks widely expected to be the final word, European Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger told a news conference the three parties agreed the price Ukraine would pay Russia's Gazprom (GAZP.MM) - $385 per thousand cubic meters - as long as it paid in advance for the deliveries.

    But Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Moscow was still seeking assurances on how Kiev, which earlier in the day asked the EU for a further 2 billion euros ($2.55 billion) in credit, would find the money to pay Moscow for its energy...............http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/21/us-ukraine-crisis-gas-idUSKCN0IA17920141021?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  6. Russia Expects EU to Help Kiev Prepay Winter Gas Deliveries: Energy Minister Novak ...

    Foreign assistance to Ukraine, which will help the country pre-pay $1.6 billion for November-December gas deliveries, remains one of the key issues, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Tuesday.

    “We hope that the European Commission, the European Union, the EU countries will also pay attention and shoulder part of the necessary assistance. Since the consultations were launched in May, we have not noticed any significant financial assistance to the Ukrainian side so that it could pay for the already delivered gas,” the minister said following the trilateral gas talks between Russia, Ukraine and the European Union.

  7. В большинстве областей Украины начался отопительный сезон ...

    В большинстве областей Украины начался отопительный сезон. В первую очередь теплом обеспечивают школы, детские сады и больницы. К концу недели планируется подача тепла и жилищному фонду, сообщил вице-премьер-министр регионального развития, строительства и ЖКХ Владимир Гройсман.

    "Мы планируем, что до конца недели в домах жителей Украины будет тепло", - сказал он. Гройсман отметил, что коммунальные службы уже начали соответствующую работу, и поручения президента страны Петра Порошенко по обеспечению отопления в жилых домах и объектах соцсферы не позднее чем в пятницу будут выполнены в срок..............http://itar-tass.com/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/1523941

  8. L'Ukraine pourrait connaître une pénurie de gaz (Miller) ...

    Les livraisons prépayées du gaz créent des risques pendant la période d'hiver en Ukraine, a communiqué le chef de Gazprom Alekseï Miller dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi à l'issue des négociations gazières trilatérales (UE-Ukraine-Russie) à Bruxelles.

    « Les risques pourraient avoir lieu pendant les froids anormaux si l'Ukraine commandait des quantités de gaz réduites », a dit M. Miller.

    Il a cependant noté que le « plan d'hiver » pouvait être signé avec Kiev dès la semaine prochaine si la question des sources de financement des nouvelles fournitures est réglée par l'Ukraine............Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_22/LUkraine-pourrait-connaitre-une-penurie-de-gaz-Miller-2373/

  9. Merkel will Ukraine bei Gasschulden helfen ...

    Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel kündigt eine Brückenfinanzierung für die ukrainischen Gasschulden bei Russland an. Es soll eine rasche Lösung geben. Dahinter steckt auch Eigeninteresse.

    Die EU bietet der Ukraine weitere rasche finanzielle Hilfe an, um sie vor einer Gaskrise im kommenden Winter zu bewahren. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat sich auf dem EU-Gipfel in Brüssel dafür ausgesprochen, dem Land bei der Bezahlung seiner Gasschulden an Russland zu helfen. "Es gibt eine Notwendigkeit einer gewissen Brückenfinanzierung", sagte Merkel in Brüssel.

    Die Notwendigkeit ergibt sich, weil Russland zum einen die Begleichung offener Rechnungen aus dem vergangenen Winter fordert, was die Ukraine inzwischen zugestanden hat. Zweitens will Russland nur gegen Vorkasse die Lieferungen wieder aufnehmen – aber der Ukraine fehlt das nötige Geld dafür...........http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article133631304/Merkel-will-Ukraine-bei-Gasschulden-helfen.html

    1. La Commission européenne (CE) peut donner à l'Ukraine un autre milliard de dollars (soit 790 M €). Selon le chef de la Commission européenne, José Manuel Barroso, telle somme peut être allouée assez rapidement pour que Kiev paye sa dette pour le gaz russe.

      Toutefois, ces fonds de la CE seront probablement peu suffisants, ce qui pourrait exercer la pression sur les pays membres de l'UE. Car ces pays seront obligés d’intervenir dans la situation et rembourser la somme manquante.

      La chancelière allemande Angela Merkel a déclaré que l'Ukraine aurait besoin d'un prêt à court terme pour payer ses factures de gaz, mais la question n'a pas été résolue.

      Le ministre ukrainien de l'Energie, Iouri Prodan a indiqué qu'il espérait parvenir à un compromis sur la question concernant la livraison de gaz lors d'une réunion Russie-UE-Ukraine à Bruxelles le 29 octobre.
      Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_24/La-Commission-europeenne-peut-donner-a-lUkraine-1-Md-7852/

  10. Le chancelier autrichien Werner Faymann a déclaré que l'Autriche pourrait fournir un financement provisoire des livraisons de gaz russe à l'Ukraine....

    Werner Faymann a noté la nécessité de se mettre d'accord sur la quantité de cette assistance. Il a également précisé que la stabilité de l'approvisionnement en gaz de l'UE représentait une importance primordiale.

    « Une confiance dans l'approvisionnement en gaz devrait prévaloir en hiver », a dit M. Faymann.

    En septembre, il a été signalé que la société autrichienne E-Control avait enregistré une réduction de l'approvisionnement en gaz russe de 15%.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_26/L-Autriche-fournira-un-financement-provisoire-des-livraisons-de-gaz-russe-a-lUkraine-3796/


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