Tuesday, November 18, 2014

4 Israelis killed in deadly synagogue attack in west Jerusalem

Four Israelis were killed and eight injured in a militant attack at a synagogue in west Jerusalem on Tuesday, police said.

"Two suspects entered a synagogue in the Har Nof neighborhood in Jerusalem with knives and axes at about 7:00 am ... Four Israelis were killed and the two terrorists were shot and killed by police," police spokesperson Mickey Rosenfeld said, adding that the attackers went from room to room and attacked the Jewish worshippers with guns, knives and axes.

Security forces are canvassing the area for a third possible suspect who may have been involved in the attack and managed to escape. According to the Channel 2 news, the two terrorists were Palestinians living in east Jerusalem's Jabel Mukabar neighborhoods.

A spokesperson for the Magen David Adom Emergency Services said that four of the eight injured were in critical condition.

  • A Hamas spokesperson said the attack was in response to the death of a Palestinian bus driver on Sunday night, the Channel 2 news reported. Although the Israeli police concluded that the death of Yusuf Hassan al-Ramouni, who was found hanged in a bus Sunday night, was an apparent suicide, Palestinians charged that he was killed by Jewish extremists.

Tuesday's attack is another incident in a chain that have taken place in Jerusalem, as tensions between Jews and Arabs are mounting. On Sunday evening, a 32-year-old Jewish man was stabbed and moderately injured by an apparent Palestinian perpetrator.

Last week, two Israelis were killed in separate attacks in Tel Aviv and the West Bank, amid several other sporadic run-over attacks in Jerusalem as clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces continued there.

The tensions largely stem from the expansion of Jewish settlements in east Jerusalem, territories which were annexed by Israel in the 1967 Mideast War but were home to more than 300,000 Palestinians. Violence was also triggered during clashes over the status quo of al-Aqsa Mosque, or Temple Mount complex referred to by Jews, a holy site to both Jews and Muslims.

Source:Xinhua -  globaltimes.cn


  1. John Kerry, Philip Hammond condemn Jerusalem attack ...

    U.S and U.K. Foreign Secretaries John Kerry and Philip Hammond have condemned an attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem by two Palestinian men which has left at least four Israelis dead and eight injured.

    The pair, armed with a pistol, knife and axe, attacked the West Jerusalem synagogue earlier on Tuesday.

    Speaking in London, Kerry said: "People who had come to worship God in the sanctuary of a synagogue were hatcheted and hacked and murdered in that holy place in an act of pure terror and senseless brutality and murder.

    "I call on the Palestinian leadership at every single level to condemn this in the most powerful terms."

    Tensions have been high since Israel’s "Operation Protective Edge" attack on Gaza in the summer which left more than 2,000 Palestinians dead and more than 10,000 injured.

    Israel has also restricted access to the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.............http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/422421--john-kerry-philip-hammond-condemn-jerusalem-attack

  2. МИД РФ осуждает теракт в Иерусалиме ...

    Бесчеловечным преступлением назвали в МИД России убийство мирных граждан в Иерусалиме в ходе вооруженного нападения на синагогу.

    "Решительно и безоговорочно осуждаем этот террористический акт, - говорится в комментарии российского внешнеполитического ведомства.

    В документе указано, что "убийство мирных граждан, какими бы причинами оно не мотивировалось, является бесчеловечным преступлением. Выражаем искренние соболезнования родственникам погибших и пожелания скорейшего выздоровления пострадавшим".

    "Это далеко не первое за последние дни проявление насилия против гражданского израильского и палестинского населения на фоне опасной эскалации напряженности, складывающейся в Восточном Иерусалиме и распространившейся также на другие палестинские территории и некоторые районы Израиля, - отметили в министерстве. - Особую обеспокоенность вызывают попытки придать конфликту чрезвычайно опасное конфессиональное измерение".

    МИД России призывает палестинцев и израильтян "предпринять неотложные меры к обузданию экстремистов, действия которых грозят окончательно взорвать ситуацию"................http://itar-tass.com/politika/1580803

  3. Synagogen-Attentat: Israel will eine schnelle Bewaffnung seiner Bürger ...

    Als Reaktion auf den Anschlag in einer Synagoge lockert Netanjahu die Beschränkungen für bewaffnete Selbstverteidigung. Die Ausgabe von Waffen soll erweitert werden. Der Plan birgt große Risiken.

    Israel steht noch unter dem Schock des mörderischen Angriffs auf eine Synagoge in Jerusalem, zeigt aber dennoch oder gerade deshalb demonstrativ Handlungsfähigkeit: Der israelische Polizeiminister Jizchak Aharonovich plant, die Ausgabe von Waffenscheinen an israelische Bürger zu erleichtern. Das Tragen von Waffen "zur Selbstverteidigung" soll mehr Israelis erlaubt werden, vor allem solchen, die in irgendeiner Weise im Sicherheitsbereich tätig sind.

    Einen entsprechenden Erlass werde er noch in den kommenden Stunden verabschieden, sagte der Minister dem Armeesender IDF Radio. Die neuen Regeln sollten etwa für private Sicherheitsleute oder Armeeoffiziere außer Dienst gelten. Aharonovich kündigte weitere Maßnahmen gegen neue Anschläge an. An den Eingängen von Synagogen in Jerusalem solle die Sicherheit verstärkt werden. Die Grenzpolizei werde zudem Reservisten einberufen..............http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article134470870/Israel-will-eine-schnelle-Bewaffnung-seiner-Buerger.html

    1. Israel to Ease on Carrying Self-Defense Weapons After Synagogue Attack...

      Easier rules may be applied to Israelis who obtain a license for carrying a gun, following the deadly attack at a synagogue in Jerusalem.

      MOSCOW, November 18 (Sputnik) — Israel will ease control on carrying self-defense weapons following the deadly attack at a synagogue in Jerusalem, Israel's Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich said on Tuesday.

      "In the coming hours, I will ease restrictions on carrying weapons," Aharonovich said in a broadcast on the Israeli army's official radio station, as quoted by Israeli Arutz Sheva..................http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20141118/1014878172.html

  4. Netanyahu orders demolition of terrorists' homes after synagogue attack ...

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the first operational steps Israel will be taking as a result of Tuesday's Jerusalem terror attack.

    In response to the attack that killed four Israelis at a synagogue in Har Nof, Netanyahu ordered the demolition of the east Jerusalem homes of the two terrorists who carried out the attack.

  5. Jérusalem-Est: destruction de la maison d'un Palestinien auteur d'un attentat à la voiture bélier...

    L'armée et la police israélienne ont détruit dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi à Jérusalem-est la maison d'un Palestinien auteur d'un attentat à la voiture bélier en octobre qui avait fait deux morts, a indiqué l'armée.

    "La maison de ce terroriste, qui avait fauché avec une voiture des civils israéliens tuant un bébé et une jeune femme le 22 octobre dans une station de tramway à Jérusalem, a été détruite à Silwan", un quartier de Jérusalem-est, a précisé un communiqué de l'armée.

    Cette mesure punitive a été prise alors qu'une très vive tension règne à Jérusalem depuis des semaines, qui a été avivée mardi par une attaque contre une synagogue à Jérusalem-ouest, coûtant la vie à quatre fidèles en train de prier et un policier, tandis que les deux agresseurs palestiniens étaient abattus....................http://www.rtl.be/info/monde/international/1143038/jerusalem-est-destruction-de-la-maison-d-un-palestinien-auteur-d-un-attentat-a-la-voiture-belier


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