Saturday, November 1, 2014

Egyptian helicopters fire on Sinai villages. (Assault launched overnight, residents say)

Egyptian helicopters have bombarded several villages in the northern Sinai Peninsula region, witnesses reported, after a rise in attacks against soldiers in the unstable and often violent region.

Residents told Al Jazeera that the assault was launched on the villages of al-Tuma al-Mukataa and al-Mahdiya. The army this week vowed to stamp out armed groups operating in the region.

No casualties were been reported in Friday night's shelling.
On Saturday, Egyptian security officials said a roadside bomb had struck an army vehicle, also on Friday, injuring seven soldiers.

The blast near the city of el-Arish, near the Gaza border, came a week after an attack in the same area killed 31 soldiers.
It was the deadliest attack targeting security forces since the army toppled former president, Mohamed Morsi, in July.

Authorities declared a state of emergency, imposed a curfew, and launched a plan to demolish homes and create a buffer zone in response.
  • The army forcibly evacuated hundreds of families living along the border with the Gaza Strip in order to create the buffer zone, designed to stop the smuggling of fighters and weapons through underground tunnels.
Armed groups have been battling security forces in Sinai for a decade, but the violence soared after Morsi was overthrown, spreading to other parts of the country.

The armed groups have said the attacks are in retaliation to a sweeping crackdown by security forces, in which hundreds of Morsi supporters have been killed and about 20,000 people have been arrested.
The government has blamed much of the violence on Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood group, which it blacklisted as a "terrorist group" last year.
The Brotherhood, which officially renounced violence decades ago, has condemned the attacks and denied any involvement.
Source: Al Jazeera and agencies 

1 comment:

  1. Attaques contre l'armée dans le Sinaï : l’EI déclare la guerre au pouvoir égyptien...

    L’organisation de l’État islamique (EI) a infligé un coup dur au pouvoir égyptien, mercredi, en lançant une série d'attaques meurtrières sans précédent contre l'armée dans le Sinaï.

    L’organisation de l’État islamique (EI) a déclaré la guerre au pouvoir du président Abdel Fattah al-Sissi en lançant, mercredi 1er juillet, une série d'attaques sans précédent contre l'armée égyptienne dans le Sinaï, faisant des dizaines de morts.

    Au moins 70 soldats et civils ont été tués dans les violences, selon des responsables de la santé et de la sécurité. Mais dans un communiqué, l'armée a fait état de 17 soldats tués et de 100 jihadistes abattus, sans qu'il soit possible dans l'immédiat d'expliquer l'écart entre les bilans. Il s’agit des pertes parmi les plus lourdes subies par l'armée dans le Sinaï, bastion du groupe Ansar Beït al-Maqdess, la branche de l'EI dans cette région.

    “Le nord du Sinaï a été le théâtre de l'attaque la plus importante de ces neuf derniers mois de la part des jihadistes de l'EI contre des forces de sécurité égyptienne”, précise le journal égyptien "Al Ahram"


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