Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Massive power outage hits Detroit

A power outage forced the closings of several municipal buildings in downtown Detroit today, ranging from city hall to a criminal courthouse, dozens of public schools and more than three dozen buildings at Wayne State University, shortly after 10 am, officials said.

Power had been restored to some of the buildings by the afternoon and most of the affected customers were expected to have electricity by night, DTE Energy Co spokesman Scott Simons said.

"The city's public lighting grid suffered a major cable failure that caused the entire grid to lose power at approximately 10:30 this morning," the Detroit Public Lighting Department said in a statement.

He added the cause of the cable failure had not been determined.

Street lights were out for several blocks and major buildings affected include the Joe Louis Arena and all the city's firehouses, WWJ-TV reported.

A courthouse in downtown Detroit and the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, which includes city hall, were also closed because of the power outage, the 3rd Judicial Circuit said on its website.

Detroit Institute of Arts was hit by the outage and employees were escorting visitors out of the building, a spokesperson said.

The Detroit Public Schools dismissed students for all schools at midday and Wayne State University canceled classes in the afternoon and evening for its Detroit campus.

The fire department's dispatch radio confirmed that several firehouses are operating on generator power, according to the WWJ-TV report.

Power was restored to the criminal courthouse about midday, but the building remained closed and court workers were instructed to return to work on Wednesday.

Many of the same buildings were struck by an outage in September 2013 after temperatures soared into the 90s Fahrenheit (mid-30s Celsius), overtaxing the aging electrical system.



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