Tuesday, January 13, 2015

EU anti-terror chief says new attacks can't be prevented

European Union counter-terrorism chief Gilles de Kerchove told AFP on Tuesday that there was no absolute way to prevent new terror attacks like those in Paris.

"We can't prevent (such attacks) 100 percent," Kerchove said in an interview.

He said the answer was not to jail jihadists returning to Europe from Syria and Iraq, as prisons had become "massive incubators" of radicalisation.

"The threat remains serious," said de Kerchove, who met with European, US and Canadian security ministers in Paris on Sunday after the Islamist attacks in the French capital last week in which 17 people were killed.

He said the Islamic State group, which is being attacked by US-led forces in Iraq and Syria, has said it wants to attack western targets while a "strongly degraded" Al-Qaeda wants to remain a force to be reckoned with.

He warned that the Al-Nusra Front, the Al-Qaeda branch in Syria, is also looking for "clean skins," Europeans with no record of radical activity, to mount attacks in Europe.



  1. Up to 5,000 European Union citizens have joined jihadist militant ranks, the head of European police agency Europol told British lawmakers on Tuesday...

    "We're talking about 3,000, 5,000 EU nationals," Rob Wainwright told a parliamentary committee when asked how many foreign fighters had left from Europe.

  2. Charlie Hebdo Massacre Becomes a Result of EU Policies: UKIP Leader...

    The West bears the responsibility for the Charlie Hebdo massacre, claimed Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP).

    "We have pursued policies of immigration at a rate that has made it frankly impossible for many new communities to integrate and for that I think we have to hold our hands up. Perhaps worst of all we have been guilty of weakness – lack of courage – of lack of assertion of who we are as people," Nigel Farage said during a debate in the European Parliament, as quoted by the Independent.

    The UKIP leader insisted that "actually our [Western] political decisions have led to much of what has happened" recently in Paris. The politician pointed to the fact that the EU foreign policy in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria have resulted in "very deep resentments" among Muslims living in European states.

    "We've turned a blind eye within many of our minority communities to practices that would not be tolerated in the rest of the population. Indeed, we've allowed preachers of hate to go around saying things that are totally unacceptable," he said as quoted by the Independent....................http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150113/1016854215.html

  3. L’Europe : les valeurs duales ...

    La France éprouve ces jours la douleur des événements tragiques du 7 janvier dernier. Les islamistes radicaux ont fusillé 12 collaborateurs de la revue satirique «Charlie Hebdo» ayant tué cinq personnes.

    La cérémonie d’adieux aux victimes des attentats sanglants se déroule le 13 janvier à Paris. Les participants aux défilés de masse en mémoire des victimes ont exprimé l’unité et le soutien des valeurs européennes : démocratie, tolérance et liberté de la parole.

    Il convient de rappeler qu’au total 3,7 millions de personnes sont sortis dans les rues des villes françaises pour participer aux marchés de l’unité et de la mémoire. 50 chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement ainsi que de politiciens en vue des pays européens et autres ont été parmi 1,5 millions de manifestants à Paris.

    Ceux qui allaient en arrière n’ont pas sans doute aperçu le président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko qui marchait, selon certains journalistes, en souriant et en saluant de temps en temps les Parisiens. Selon les médias russes, il a écrit sur Twitter, que la marche de l’unité « avait uni tous les pays civilisées du monde » et l’Ukraine ressentait tout particulièrement la « douleur de la France ». Le chef du Comité international de la Douma d’Etat russe Alexei Pouchkov a remarqué à ce sujet dans son microblog : « L’Ukraine a bombardé d’une manière « civilisée » le Donbass pendant toute la journée : cinq tués dont deux enfants »...................Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/2015_01_13/L-Europe-les-valeurs-duales-9982/

  4. Up to 5,000 European fighters in Syria pose risk: Europol ...

    (Reuters) - The head of Europe's police organization Europol said on Tuesday the continent was facing its greatest security threat in more than a decade, with as many as 5,000 Europeans who have joined fighting in Syria posing a risk to their homelands.

    Europol Director Rob Wainwright also echoed warnings from spy chiefs and some political leaders in the wake of last week's deadly attacks by Islamist militants in Paris that European security agencies faced a "capability gap" which could leave their countries at risk.

    "It is certainly the most serious terrorist threat Europe has faced since 9/11," Wainwright told a British parliamentary committee, referring to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.................http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/01/13/us-france-shooting-europol-idUSKBN0KM1YC20150113?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews


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