Sunday, January 18, 2015

Moscow Concerned Over Resumption of Populated Areas Shelling in Donetsk (Dmitry Peskov)

Moscow is concerned over the recent shelling of populated areas in Donetsk and the resumption of military actions in eastern Ukrainian Donbas region, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Sunday.

“Of course, Russian point of view will be expressed. We are of course concerned with the fact that full-scale military actions resumed in Donetsk, and shelling of populated areas of the city takes place. And, no doubt, this state of things does not contribute to the implementation of the Minsk agreements and to the search of ways to reach settlement,” Peskov told Govorit Moskva (“Moscow Speaks”) radio station.

Earlier in the day, Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) representatives told RIA Novosti that Kiev forces continued shelling of populated areas in the center of Donetsk, several civilians were injured. Shelling took place on Saturday as well.

DPR head Alexander Zakharchenko said Sunday that shelling carried out using Grad and Uragan missiles was a Kiev’s attempt to “unleash a war” once again.
The internal conflict in eastern Ukraine erupted in April, when Kiev forces launched a military operation against independence supporters in the country's eastern regions, who refused to recognize the legitimacy of a new government that came to power following a February coup........................


  1. The ongoing shelling in east Ukraine's Donetsk Region shows Kiev's inability to negotiate, Deputy Speaker of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) People's Council Denis Pushilin said Sunday...

    "I have to admit that [the shelling] we have been hearing since the nighttime - since yesterday - echo the Ukrainian side's non-negotiability," Pushilin said at a press conference. The deputy speaker also claimed Ukraine's "lack of unity" and inability to "arrive at independent decisions" lead to the latest escalation in the conflict. "We are seeing the stranglehold of rival camps: the Verkhovna Rada [Ukraine's parliament], the president, the head of NSDC [Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council]. In other words, there are too many overlapping factors that do not lead to peace," the envoy added..............

    1. Il fuoco nel Donbass testimonia l'avversione di Kiev al dialogo ...

      Quanto sta accadendo al momento a Donetsk dimostra l'incoerenza della parte ucraina. Lo ha detto domenica il rappresentante dell' autoproclamatasi Repubblica popolare di Donetsk Denis Pushilin.

      Pushilin ha sottolineato che le forze speciali ucraine continuano a sparare su Donetsk dalla giornata di sabato: "questo testimonia che Kiev non è in grado di adottare delle decisioni in piena indipendenza e che in Ucraina sono assenti unità e comprensione".

      L'incontro del gruppo di contatto sull'Ucraina a Minsk era stato pianificato per il 16 gennaio, ma non ha avuto luogo. I rappresentanti delle Repubbliche Popolari di Donetsk e Lugansk hanno addossato ai rappresentanti di Kiev la colpa dell'interruzione delle trattative.
      Per saperne di più:

  2. Kremlin Says Kiev Rejected Artillery Withdrawal Plan, Resumed Shelling ...

    Russian President Vladimir Putin's plan for the withdrawal of heavy weaponry from eastern Ukraine sent in a written message to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko late Thursday was rejected by Kiev without offering an alternative, Kremlin spokesperson said Sunday.

    "Russia has consistently made efforts to mediate the conflict in recent days. In particular, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a written message to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, in which both sides of the conflict were offered a specific heavy weaponry withdrawal plan. The Ukrainian president received the letter on Friday morning," Dmitry Peskov said...............

  3. Putin calls on Ukrainian military, Donbass militias to take measures to stop shelling ...

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested that the Ukrainian military and militias take urgent measures to stop shelling each other’s positions, Russia’s television Channel One cited a message to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

    “I suggest that both parties - the Ukrainian military and Donbass, DPR and LPR (Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, respectively) take urgent measures to stop shelling each other’s positions and pull out weapons of over 100 mm caliber,” the message says.

    Vladimir Putin also said that Russia, along with OSCE, ready to organize control over pullout of heavy weaponry in Ukraine. Putin calls on Ukrainian military and militias to pull out weapons of over 100mm caliber to distance fixed in Minsk memorandum................

  4. Schwere Gefechte... Ukraine startet Großangriff am Flughafen Donezk..

    Nach gescheiterten Schlichtungsversuchen eskalieren in der Ukraine wieder Gefechte und Kriegsrhetorik. Man werde die Kontrolle über abtrünnige Gebiete zurückgewinnen, sagte Präsident Poroschenko.

    Im Konfliktgebiet Ostukraine kämpfen Regierungstruppen und Separatisten erbittert um die Kontrolle über den strategisch wichtigen Flughafen Donezk. Das Militär beklagte mehrere Tote und Verletzte am Sonntag.

    Am Rande einer Trauerzeremonie in der ukrainischen Hauptstadt Kiew mit Tausenden Menschen lobte Präsident Petro Poroschenko den Mut der Soldaten beim Kampf um den Airport. "Wir geben keinen Fußbreit vom ukrainischen Boden her", sagte der prowestliche Staatschef. Er kündigte auf dem Unabhängigkeitsplatz – dem Maidan – an, "die ukrainische Staatlichkeit im Donbass" wiederherzustellen..................

  5. Kiev should immediately start weapons removal in Ukraine’s south-east — Russian ForMin...

    Moscow has urged Kiev and militias of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) to use the opportunity to withdraw weaponry from the conflict zone, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday.

    “In connection with the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry’s statement of January 18, we draw attention to the following. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s letter addressed to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was sent in response to the Ukrainian side’s request made during telephone contacts between the leaders of Russia and Ukraine,” the ministry said. “The letter proposes to urgently start the withdrawal of heavy weaponry of the sides — both of the Ukrainian security structures and militias of Donbas (DPR and LPR) from the contact line in accordance with the Minsk agreements and the positions on which the Ukrainian side insists. The table containing the sides’ actions under the schedule of withdrawal of each type of cannonry and missile artillery has also been sent.”..............


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