Saturday, January 10, 2015

Ukrainian Official Ridicules Yatsenyuk's 'Soviet Invasion of Germany'

Ukrainian Defense Ministry adviser Oleksandr Danylyuk mocked Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk's recent statements about the Soviet invasion of Ukraine and Germany on Saturday, stating that he is glad the minister is not involved in the country's foreign policy matters.
“After the ‘historic’ statements of Arseniy Petrovych [Yatsenyuk] in Berlin, all that is left is to be happy that foreign policy is not within the competence of the Prime Minister according to the constitution,” Danylyuk wrote on his Facebook page, adding sarcastically that Yatsenyuk's comparison between Ukraine and Nazi Germany was a “top grade” remark.

During his Thursday visit to Berlin, the Ukrainian prime minister stated that Kiev "remembers the Soviet invasion of Ukraine and Germany”, causing strong reactions from a number of Russian officials.

Spokeswoman for the Ukrainian minister Olga Lappo later explained that Yatsenyuk was referring to the division of Germany following World War II.


  1. Ukrainian Foreign Ministry: Moscow requested Berlin's official position on statements made by Yatsenyuk ...

    Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Yevhen Perebyinis has commented on Moscow's request for Berlin's official position on statements made by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk regarding "the Soviet invasion of Germany and Ukraine."

    "We were surprised to learn about the intention by the Russian Foreign Ministry to receive a response to an interview by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk in the German Foreign Office," he wrote on his page on Facebook late on Jan. 9.

    According to Perebyinis, "in such a case Russia should ask the opinion of many other European countries, to which the Soviet Union, after World War II, exported the totalitarian regime and suppressed any attempt of democratic changes."................

  2. Die Weigerung Berlins, zur Erklärung des ukrainischen Premiers Arseni Jazenjuk über eine „Invasion der UdSSR in Deutschland und die Ukraine“ Stellung zu nehmen, lässt nach Ansicht des russischen Außenpolitikers Alexej Puschkow den Verdacht zu, dass Deutschland seine offizielle Haltung zum Zweiten Weltkrieg zu revidieren bereit ist...

    Zuvor hatte Moskau eine offizielle Stellungnahme Berlins zu Jazenjuks Worten erfragt, der während seines jüngsten Deutschland-Besuchs sagte: „Wir erinnern uns alle sehr gut an die sowjetische Invasion in die Ukraine und in Deutschland.“

    „Diese Äußerung hätte meines Erachtens eine Reaktion der deutschen Behörden hervorrufen müssen“, so Puschkow in einem am Montag in der Zeitung „Iswestija“ veröffentlichten Interview. „Sie hätten zu verstehen geben müssen, dass sie mit einer solchen Äußerung nicht einverstanden sind. Die Weigerung, das zu tun, lässt den Verdacht zu, dass Deutschland bereit ist, seine offizielle Position zum Zweiten Weltkrieg zu revidieren.“ .................


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